Showing posts with label barbie almalbis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barbie almalbis. Show all posts

The Smart Bro Live and Loud Concert!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy that I got the chance to meet people behind Smart a couple of weeks ago. It's time that I tell you this awesome experience when I covered the Smart Bro Live and Loud Concert. Honestly, I was already startled just by looking at the lineup of bands that was set to perform that evening. This was above and beyond the coolest way to spend an awesome night with friends and music lovers. Big thanks to Smart Bro who made this all possible! Then they started!

Opening the show was Save Me Hollywood. They're composed of some guys from Chicosci and Typecast fronted by Juliann Savard who's a former MYX VJ. They did their singles that are more on the Filipino rock, pop, punk and alternative genre. Pretty good.

While the concert was happening, Smart Bro and Smart Corporation had come out with very special offers and rates to patrons who were there that evening.

They even got booths that showcase the latest Internet connection kits, phone units and fun ones like this Instagram inspired one that prints out everything you hashtag with SmartLiveandLoud that evening.

They even got better speeds on these gizmos. I also had to connect to one of these because my data plan with the OTHER network was like hell. Now it was easy for me to tweet and inform my friends elsewhere where the party was!

Oh and if they couldn't go there, this whole concert was streamed LIVE ON YOUTUBE! This is the country's first LIVE INTERACTIVE CONCERT and judging by the throng of people viewing the concert alone, it was awesome!

Then SLAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM it was time for a band oozing with machismo. It's FRANCO!

I didn't know I'd like this band THIS much. Their tunes Touch the Sky and Better Days was awesome!

Internet Action Star Ramon Bautista provided comic relief and romance as he made his moves with Carla D of Magic 89.9! He was hilarious I tell you!

See what I mean??? Hahaha!

Then the crowd went wild when this guy was introduced. Rico Blanco!

There was no doubt that he was a total concert performer! He even wore his fancy get up - alter ego when he performed his hits that evening like Yugto and some Rivermaya songs. Sweet!

His sound is getting more and more into the classic rock ones. He's got something going on for sure.

Then, pretty Barbie Almalbis went on stage and did some of her acoustic hits. I love the "TABING ILOG" theme. :)

Then my idol came along. Thank the gods of Olympus it's Ely Buendia!

Everybody was eagerly awaiting this part, Ely Buendia gave above and beyond what I expected! He's so good I would have stayed forever there no joke! Grabe! LOL

Things like these do not happen without a reason. It's because Smart Bro knows how to throw a party, a concert and stream it worldwide! I loved every bit of this LIVE AND LOUD concert. It's pretty clear why they are the better network. Make sure you are there the next time they throw something BIGGER BETTER and STRONGER soon!

For more information about Smart and their latest promos

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Smart Communications, Inc.


Bactidol Idol: The Best Performances from the 12 Hour Sing-A-Thon!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Talk about clowning around with your vocal chords Bactidol just concluded their BACTIDOL 12 HOUR SINGATHON at the Red Box Eastwood City. It was a gorgeous way of challenging people to sing for 12 hours straight taking your voice to extremes; but not to worry because simply gargling off at the start took care of them to last this long. Hosting the event was Chico and Delamar from RX 93.1. Being a silent rusher I was so excited to start off this program with media guests and these duo via a warm up to get things started.  People were even singing along with me to the tune of Mc Arthur's Park!

They even showed us how to gargle properly. This would actually make me safe from getting infections or anything that would start a sore throat, it was so cool to see them so game!

Then we immediately went to our rooms and started to check out 21 teams  pitting out to win the coveted 20 thousand pesos up for grabs if you survive the whole 12 hour ordeal. Chico and Delamar also hosted a side event called Bactidol Idol where a lot of guys and gals would get their friends to vote online to see who wins!

Some guys had to sing women's songs and vice versa. It was one of the most memorable things they probably had to endure in order to win too. Aside from that, real deal recording stars were judging you as well. It was hard but they were more than happy to sing for these three!

No you are not dreaming! Imagine Kitchie Nadal, Barbie Almalbis and Ebe Dancel scrutinizing every scream or belt you can imagine coming out of the contestants. There were a few hits and misses for sure but it was more all for clean fun!

We tweeted every hour and got so many people asking to join this contest but the slots were already filled up within 2 days. There were even backup teams but unfortunately the ones who started it are as STRONG as ever! Nobody wanted to give up and nobody wanted to give up their slots to them either. They have tried various tactics in order to last the whole 12 hours. Some of them were jumping up and down, spinning around,  some were drinking, eating and even got them for free just by choosing certain playlists. There is one particular thing though that surely made them  better contestants and that's when they all gargled Bactidol in the beginning!

Who lasted 12 hours? Who made the cut and made it to the top?

Bactidol Idol: The Best Performances from 12-hour Sing-a-thon

 Bactidol Idol

Now it's your chance to win something.

You see, there are 2 categories for Bactidol Idol. Solo and group. The winners for Bactidol Idol will be determined via online voting. This is done via the videos of the performances. Viewers must vote by liking the videos of the finalists posted in the Bactidol YouTube channel which is located at

Everyone who will guess correctly gets a chance to win a Bactidol gift pack!



Just comment on this post.

1.) Indicate your complete name,
2.) Email address and your choices
3.) One for the "Best Solo Performance" and
4.) One for the "Best Group Performance".


John Doe
Bactidol Idol Finalist (Solo): Aina Lucio 
Bactidol Idol Finalist (Group): Team Bac-ti-dolls 

It's that easy!

Just guess who will win in the Bactidol Idol contest correctly. Users who submit the correct answers will get to win the 4 exciting gift packs at stake! (2 for “Best Solo Performance” and 2 for the “Best Group Performance”).

Remember that all the videos of the contestants, are in the Bactidol YouTube page.

No wonder why they have been the Philippines number one solution to sore throat! I've been taken cared of by them for years too! I'm sure you are no different!

Congratulations to everyone who won in Bactidol's 12 hour Singathon! You really deserve it for lasting that long! Thank you also to Bactidol for making sure everyone who faced the challenge be given total oral care no other brand can compare!

For more information:

Like them on Facebook!



Bactidol 12 Hour Singathon: One Great Night!

Sunday, April 01, 2012

We Filipinos love to sing and it was a grand time last Saturday to do just that. Imagine 8 or more of your barkadas singing to the tunes of 60's 70's 80's 90's and today's music in the confines of the posh VIP rooms of RED BOX in Eastwood City. It's time to test out how literally effective Bactidol is so they whipped up this 12 hour Singathon for these challengers. The winner will win 20 thousand pesos in cold cash just by finishing the whole 12 hours... That's from 12pm to 12am. This grueling task isn't easy but they did the best thing to protect them from sore throat and oral infection, they gargled with Bactidol!

It was also the first time that I saw two of the most talkative people in the morning Chico and Delamar. Being the silent rusher that I am I grabbed to opportunity to capture them with my lens whilst hosting the show. They even made me sing before the countdown as a warmup for the whole evening, but it was futile singing "I will survive" when I'm a guy LOL!

Then when the activity started i monitored the teams inside the rooms. Thinking about how many songs they had to sing that evening, they had several strategies on how to accomplish staying up those 12 hours. Some slept while others just kept awake, some just stood up and even danced to keep their energies up but it was one thing that everyone did before they started; they all gargled Bactidol.

Red Box Eastwood was so full of singers, non singers and wannabes but it was all for fun! They all sang to the tunes without hesitation. They were not allowed to semi sing these numbers or make a poem out of it. They needed to sing with all their hearts even if it rntails belting like divas or growling like rockers. Some even sang for food or drinks so they generally kept themselves hydrated and fed throughout the evening.

Aside from the 12 hour singathon, there was a challenge room where you can pit against another competitor. This will also need the help of your friends because the votes will be through online means. Some did good while others miserably failed but they were never worried and did their best for FUN! They will win lots of prizes courtesy of Bactidol of course! 

In the room, they did not only have us as audience but some celebrities went in on the fun! Kitchie Nadal, Ebe Dancel and Barbie Almalbis took everyone by surprise. They laughed and sang along with us to the delight of spectators. They even visited the rooms to check on the contestants, it was a great night indeed!

The night ended with a remarkable achievement because officially NO ONE gave up their spot and endured the whole 12 hours of videoke kingship at Red Box Eastwood. It only meant one thing, they all won 20 Thousand Smuckeroos! Yes it was that easy to win it because they all gargled BACTIDOL right from the start. I'm sure no one had problems singing more after that!

Congratulations to all the winners and for those who would like to continue voting for their peers who also joined the Bactidol Idol contest you still have time to vote on their Facebook page!

For more information

Please Like them on Facebook!

