Showing posts with label bath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bath. Show all posts

Relaxing A Bit...

Monday, May 03, 2010

I took time to stop and do nothing this weekend to do one of the most luxurious things while most people suffer in the sweltering heat of the sun; I took a very long bath in the tub. I got those fancy salts commonly seen in spas and used them to exfoliate because I was turning a little tan even if I haven't seen the beach in a while. It was perfect because no one was at home and the silence was more like therapy in some way. It puts you into a Zen like ambiance and makes you enjoy the refreshing feeling a bath can do. The pretty bathroom vanity my Mom put up inside was perfect since it contained all the soaps or moisturizers I need to perk up a bad mood that day. I woke up in the wrong side of bed I guess but I was feeling a little better after that.

I know there are people already getting sick from the heat and I would not want to be the next casualty. I am so glad I tried it out and I'm planning to make it a regular thing if everything falls into plan soon. I have some products I could use from a contest I won a couple of weeks ago and I know it would make a better regimen if I had this done regularly. I love it!


Hot Tub Chemicals Gets You a Safe Bubble Bath

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do you watch Sesame Street? Do you remember the times EARNIE takes a bubble bath then Bert comes in and a whole commotion starts? Those were the times I enjoyed my bubble baths too, not to mention I had my own version of that Rubber Ducky he had.

I was checking out some bath products in the mall and the one that I had my fancies on was this bottle of bubble soap which I did not normally use when I was a kid. My bubble baths then were just made of a popular brand of shampoo that made that foam I enjoy. I still do now actually; but I don't fit those small basins anymore so I go full throttle with large bath tubs and a Jacuzzi whenever I can. I guess that's a part of water therapy where I get some quiet time to at least have my break and meditate.

The self made spa retreat I made for myself these past few months even got my skin whiter and softer. It is not one of those expensive treatments you normally get in LA but it gets me what I need whenever and wherever I am. I personally know its safe because I get the best hot tub chemicals this side of town to clean it up. I would not want to have those molds and mildew you know because I don't want to get sick. I hope everybody does the same because most of the time, children are the ones affected. Better safe than sorry right?
