Showing posts with label bedroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bedroom. Show all posts

The Best: Bed Rest

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's that time of the day where the strong winds and rain pour down heavily on the metro. I cuddled up a bit with my big mug of chocolate and settle down on my bed. Bedroom Furniture like these is really comfortable and I'm sure to get more of them soon. I'm also planning to design another room and I need something affordable without compromising quality.

This is really a place of refuge for me. I think we all spent a quarter of our life in it. I have 8 pillows and want more. I'm pretty tall and I'm glad the bed I have now is as big as it should be. I'm not quite so sure about some of my blankets though because some of them are really short. This is still the place I go to when I need to read a book or press keys on my lap top. It's a great place to escape even in the midst of your own home. I can even do it curling up like a ball with just a t shirt on!

Imagine life without a place to rest after a hard day's work. That would really get your stress levels up and may give you a heart attack in no time. If I were you I would think about the things I buy and consider the ones on line. They would not be popular in the first place if they did not have that many people getting them right? They would be the ones to attest to the quality and help you make that choice if you start renovating rooms like me. I'm going to have fun doing this I'm sure!


Thinking About Your Kids Furniture

Thursday, January 22, 2009

When I was a kid, there were only a few things I needed at home to get me taken cared of. I did not have the luxury of having my own room at that time because nurseries were never thought of in the Philippines at that time. Most babies stay at their parent's room so neither dad or mom would actually wake up in the middle of the night and pat the baby to sleep. That was just really not the norm in this side of the world. I was not aware of the culture then in the US where almost every baby would get their own prepared room and own set of furniture as most interior design shows now dictates. There are also themes for every kid to enjoy so it would not be that boring room in the house nobody wants to stay in. They make an effort to make it appealing to the eyes of the kid as much as possible because it stimulates brain growth. Although, I did not turn out that bad anyway ha-ha!

There were some that used designer furniture and some that used inexpensive ones. It was harder to get those things shipped over every state possible then because the logistics are just too expensive. Now in the age of online shopping, getting that dresser, bookcase, day beds or nightstands became easier as communication became cheaper and faster. This kids furniture became easier to procure even now that more stores are offering bigger discounts to choose from. You should check out what you need online and I'm sure you'll get what you need. Christmas just ended anyway and it's possible your godfather and godmother would probably get you what you want right?


Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Don't let the bed bugs bite!
Photo by Argonaut

When I was in college, there are times where I had to go to other houses and sleep over because I had a thesis or project I need to finish in a week. I hate doing that because first, I can't sleep because it's not my bed. Aside from that, you'll sometimes get disappointed when you wake up; because something just bit you. For the years that you have been taking care of your skin, it'll just get a big bump that'll get surely infected in a couple of hours. No cream, no medicine would be able to make that subside. I know someone who'll get ugly after that.

You often wonder how people get it. I don't even know but that just made my day when I slept over a friend’s house. Is it because they didn't clean the mattresses too often? Is it because they are not that keen on getting their house fogged? I know for a fact that this friend of mine was a cleaning freak. If I wasn't aware of it, I'm sure I could've thought that he had a disorder of some sort. No matter how clean he was with everything in his house, the fact is; I got bitten.

I actually told them about it too. This friend of mine just got out of bed; and learning about the ordeal I went, he immediately rushed to the room to look at it. Actually, he did not just look at it but he was lifting things and preparing to burn it to the stake. I was surprised about what he wanted to even do at that time; I had to stop him from his impulsive ways. I just can't let him do that to a 12,000 peso bed; throwing it away was not even part of my wildest dreams. It is just too expensive and his mom would probably be the second person to freak out in that same day. I'm not a psychology graduate so it would be difficult to handle really.

If you've got bed bugs in your bed, I read about a simple solution that can take these annoying things away from you. There's a mattress cover made of plastic, which are 100% bug proof that can zip around the outside of it and eliminate the bugs in about 6 months. This has been proven to work in a lot of homes, so why shouldn't we try this one ourselves right? You’ll surely get thanked for saving that expensive major part of the bed, I know I was. Make sure you know this so you’ll get to be the hero too.
