When you need something from NSO, DFA or POEA in the past you have to brave the throng of people lining up these public offices and suffer under the sweltering heat of them before you can get the document you need. I've been witness to several horror stories because obviously they can't handle the number of people going there and if you talk about the number of people they employ the cost outweighs what they were able to do. Today there's a remarkable improvement on their system because everything can be done online. Have you been to http://www.citizenservices.com.ph ? It's where you can get these same documents or schedule your appointments without going through those long lines you used to go to in the past years. There has been a lot of improvements as far as logistics go but if you compare it to what was happening before IT'S A WHOLE LOT BETTER!
National Statistics OfficeFor your certified true copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and certificates of no marriage (CENOMAR) you don't have to go to your local registrar or the NSO office anymore. Just pick up the phone and call them and you'll get your certificates delivered to your doorstep in just 3-4 days. There are various payment options available like credit card, bancnet or local bank facilities. Pay them and when confirmed you just have to wait at home or the office; and you'll get it sooner than you think.
Philippine Overseas Employment AdministrationFor Overseas Filipino Workers that need the Overseas Exit Clearance (OEC) which you have to secure through POEA this is great news! You can still continue to enjoy your needed vacation rather than do the whole brouhaha at POEA. Just go to the site and apply for one. Fill up the forms and get it delivered right through your doorstep. Fill up the OFW Information Sheet online and place in a signed brown envelope. Drop at any Aboitiz offices and pay the necessary fees then you'll get it after processing. It's way easier right?
Department of Foreign AffairsThe dreadful lines and waiting time just for a passport and a simple digital photo would remind you that you are in the Philippines. Honestly I don't like doing that and you have to spend the whole day just for it. Today, there's an appointment scheduling facility on the site where you can simply fill up information sheets and indicate what time or day you can go. If there are slots available for the specific date you indicated, just go and line up with your forms, get your photo and biometrics captured then pay for the postage fees and wait in the comfort of your home for your passports. You do not need to go back to DFA just for that!
For all these things you can simply call these numbers!
I attended the Fast Five Movie Night Event that the good people from Pilipinas Teleserv Inc. hosted. They are the people behind the http://www.citizenservices.com.ph/ website. Yes, my idol Vin Diesel is back in another great installment of Fast and the Furious called Fast Five. It was the best movie ever! I didn't know it was THIS GOOD! I was in a few words I was so OVERWHELMED! I want to watch that movie again and pay for it a couple of times because it is indeed action packed and the people added up to the cast was by far the greatest thing that you could ever see. I have seen the previous one but they have outdone themselves! It was also a great time to bond with other bloggers. I even won a DVD Player! Hell for what it's worth I never won anything in raffles like these so this is one great thing to break that curse LOL!
Check out these photos from last night!

The good people from Pilipinas Teleserv Inc.

The Raffle Promo Winners!
The DVD Player that I won!
I want to take this bit to thank each and everyone who made this movie night possible! Thank you I had so much fun!
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