Showing posts with label black friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black friday. Show all posts

When saving Euros REALLY matter…

Friday, May 30, 2008

My brother (bragging aside) is a famous executive chef in Dublin, Ireland. He often calls home and talks to everyone about what he’s doing. He keeps us updated on his latest successes in Europe and who what when where and how he deals with people on that side of the globe.

Just this past year, he had remarkable things done with the hotel he works for. He’s one of the reasons why they won some of the country’s premier awards. He eventually became Employee of the Year obviously! He’s going back home to the Philippines in July and probably travel to New York afterwards. But of course he whispered something to me about planning to buy his own laptop computer.

Since he had big news, he tried calling home. Then again his eagerness to buy one in the UK was getting bigger. He tried numerous local stores in Ireland but that was really too expensive compared to the rates in the Philippines, Canada and the United States. There were local computer stores in Ireland but the rates were too high for my watch list. So after a few convincing words from his handy dandy personal Computer Engineer (that’s me!), he never bothered to buy there at all. Until I recommended that when he goes to New York, he should take advantage of black friday… Asians that we are, we were a little unnerved about this event in the US. Nobody hears about it at all until you receive the details in your Thanksgiving Day paper. The webby that I was, I read on the Internet where he can purchase all gadgets online. The prices were way cheaper compared to European rates (taxes and all) and priced lower than in the normal US stores. Now he tried this site out since they promised black friday ads before anyone else. From Asia to Middle East and Europe, he can use the web site to search for best deals in the United States from virtually anywhere in the world. Bought a Dell Laptop Computer from Circuit City and I tell yah the deal was so sweet! It even matched the European counterpart at almost half the price. This was one big convenience for him of course! Saved a lot of money too since Christmas time was a big deal in the Philippines! I’d probably try this out when I would need a present from him on holidays. Hahah! Aren’t you glad I told you about this? ^_^ Tell your relatives in the US or elsewhere in the world about the site and they probably won’t get hassled that much too! xoxo