Showing posts with label blue ray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue ray. Show all posts

Toshiba’s “True Image” Technology: Because Seeing is Believing!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Toshiba has been leading innovation on electronic products since time in memorial. I have been witness to that since it's our TV for the past year. More products seem to be released and I got hold of this information a few days ago.

The sets you see behind Director Paul Soriano and top Tech Blogger Abe Olandres is the new CEVO 4K. It got the second generation 4K video processing engine which is made and designed by Toshiba. They have spent years of research and development in bringing you the best “True image” you can possibly have at home. “True image” means the closest image possible that you can have compared to real life. Making it life like is truly an experience that their company promises for every Filipino home... and now, they delivered.

This is now "The Best in its Class" and you can evidently see it on Blu-ray, HD TV and 4K video output on these TV's. Mr. Yuuji Motomura who spearheads product planning for Toshiba’s TV division says “Televisions are being made to create a wow feeling, the bigger the screen, the more excitement. It is not enough that the TV screen is big; it also has to be equipped with the technology that maintains the high picture quality to enhance the viewing experience.”

The company promises that in every TV set of this standard and engine, they will have 90% of the original content, which provides a great sense of reality while watching. I would definitely want this for my own living room. Ours lasted for years too so I'm gearing to have something worthy to replace it. Another Toshiba with this technology would definitely work.

For more information about Toshiba and their new release

Please visit their website


No More Horror Stories!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm not much of a horror movie fan but all my friends have this notion to watch every single one that is out in the market just so I could not get some sleep and get me frightened every time. Not that I was given a fright but I do have this notion that after watching this gory and blood stricken DVD, the next thing to happen is a nightmare for me. I know it sounds foolish but it is becoming automatic. I know you would laugh at me like they did but hey, I guess we just live in different worlds.

In the Philippines, it is very expensive to purchase DVD or Blue Ray Discs. Chances are, if you even had to purchase one it would only consist of old movies and re runs. You would never get to see the latest movies unless you purchase pirated copies of it which is illegal and you can eventually get jailed for. Downloading them off the Internet plays the same music because of copyright infringement laws so the best option is to go ahead and rent these for a minimal fee.

This is how most Filipinos usually spend their weekends with their family and this is how they coined the term DVD Marathon which would mean they watch it the whole day. Funny to see people glued to their TV sets that long but it really does happen in this side of the world. One thing I hate though is the instances where my friends usually watch the DVD movies instead of me. They borrow without asking as usual but I do not mind at all. It's just that if they do borrow it sometimes, they neglect to return it on time. It makes me the original borrower, pay for the corresponding dues which cost a lot in Philippine pesos. If only we had BLOCKBUSTER around the corner. I could take advantage of their Total Access Plans and have them returned by mail. My friends are all from outside the skirts of Metro Manila so if they had this option, it would really be easy to ask them and drop them off. If they also pass by these stores, they can immediately exchange it for the latest movies and take care of those pesky late fees that come with it. This is perfect for those friends who you could not say NO to. Local video stores would just be at envy if they knew it was going to be this easy. There are no more horror stories anymore with BLOCKBUSTER around!

