Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

NICO BOLZICO Releases "Bullied Husbands Club - The Manual" on Lazada

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

 One of the most good looking guys on the internet Nico Bolzico aka the "The Bullied Husband" of Solenn Heussaff just released his own book called "Bullied Husbands Club - The Manual" in popular online shopping platform Lazada. 

His humor is different. Either with culture or upbringing, one could tell how it would always be fun in the Bolzico household as he narrates small anecdotes in this printed work. Marrying one of the most beautiful women in show business must have come with a lot of things, and one of them is dealing with an equally crazy life with a "Wifezilla". Nico's book details a few procedures how to deal with the everyday battles. One must not forget where one stands in the relationship, that men are only slaves and don't have anything to say other than YES on a normal day (I kid). He also goes the mile and gives good advice on small things so you don't have to suffer the consequences. 


Nico's celebrity friends, Lazada executives put their stamp on the book.

Congratulations Nico!

I read it in a span of 2 days, and I thought I wouldn't get his humor, but I did. Got my copy signed in a Lazada event a few weeks ago. I must say, the fine man is quite nice to talk to.

 To tell you honestly, I liked every bit of it. It's sort of a preparation if you're in the process of getting married. It's not all clownery, because at the heart of these conversations in his head is his way of telling you how it is done, how one should respect women in general. It's not just giving her what she wants, but thinking about what she needs and her freedom. Being married doesn't mean you would need to just stay at home and take care of kids (and dogs), women in this era can do so many things and being a husband means you need to support her among other things. You'll learn that and more in Nico's book. Although delivered humorously, it makes a lot of sense.

 This is also very affordable and perfect to have as a Christmas gift for men, if you haven't had the chance to get your spouse, boyfriend or male friend a gift... go to LAZADA today and take that leap to understand why the Argentinian man survived the Filipina wife. You can get the book HERE. Thanks to Lazada for having us!


Marites Allen: Letting it Be, Letting it Go in the Year of Wood Dragon

Saturday, December 02, 2023

It's almost 2024, and yes, we're raring to know what would happen to us in the Year of the Wood Dragon. In Chinese Zodiac, Dragons have the innate ability to lead, yes they are born leadeers. If you're raring to get a kid these days, this is the opportune time to do it. Dragons are also diplomatic, but they can be very funny if needed too. They have the ability to do good in business, they also don't hold back giving, the generous ones get the perks.The Queen of Feng Shui Ms. Marites Allen gave us a few things to look forward to in the Year of the Wood Dragon.

The essentials of course are all in the Almanac and Planner that they have available for 2024. It's a collectible, hopefully will have value in the near future. They also announced the Feng Shui Conference on January 14, 2024. There will also be a Chinese New Year Bazaar on February 7-9 plus more activities on February 9 as we countdown to the Year of the Wood Dragon. Here's our video coverage of the event last month, this is the media conference and launch of the books!

Dogs need to be careful especially in relationships, while Monkey Dragon and Roosters need Communication for the year but before that, make sure you do something for yourself. Risk taking and technology based businesses will be better for you. Rats on the other hand need to enhance their wealth, go get charms that would be able to help you with that. Tigers have to be open to receive abundance and miracles for the same year. For the Rabbits, this is a year of transformation so go change up when you desire it. Snakes need to be careful as illness might come. Monkeys have vibrant energy to spend, so does the Roosters. Dogs need to also change up, like jobs, looks and even your bedrooms. Horses might have a great year of wealth last year, but this year you need to enhance it. Other details will be on the books they will release for this year.


 Her son Kirk Allen also introduced us to an AR feature on these books. You can scan it with the Marites Allen app and an egg will appear. It's like Pokemon, and will crack on Chinese New Year, so I'm looking forward to what it'll look like on February. There are tons more to look forward to, so make sure you get tickets to the event especially on the Feng Shui conference where things will be explained in detail. Charms and books will also be available in those events, make sure you're there!

 I'd like to take this bit and thank Ms. Marites Allen and their team for having us that afternoon. It's a nice way to see peers in the industry, and friends too. Can't wait to see what's going to happen in the Feng Shui Convention come 2024! 

Yes, it's going to be a year of letting it be, and letting it go, what or who do you have in mind that need to do this?


To Celebrate Your Life: Marissa Sanchez Releases "Farewell Slam Book"

Wednesday, September 06, 2023


It was a fun afternoon, over lunch, seated with blogger friends and writers at the launch of Ms. Marissa Sanchez's book called "Farewell Slam Book". Yes, it's unconventional, and talks about something that people may think is taboo. Though at this day and age, what's a topic that can't be talked about?

Ms. Marissa Sanchez is a really well rounded actress, a really good comedienne, so I'm sure naysayers would probably ask what is she doing writing a book?

She says "I think this is timely, it's fleeting, and I've seen people who have death in the family who don't know where to go to, who cry and stress over it. People find it morbid talking about it, and the subject is being oppressed, but we really have to talk about it. I've said this to a lot of friends, when I shared it with Ogie he was squeamish. It was Tita Aster Amoyo who thought I should start it, and I've had friends who supported me in this book. I've always wanted to be a journalist, to write, and it's something that I wanted to do but didn't have the guts to do so.  She said I shouldn't procrastinate, I should go ahead and do it."

She adds "Happiness is a choice, I'd be a hypocrite when  I say I'm not. Writing this made me realize there's a lot that needs to be said, but you kinda don't because you don't want to hurt their feelings. There's also some parts where you need to think, the whole pandemic gave me time to really think about what to include here."

Asked about who this book is intended for, she says "It'll be good for Cancer patients, old people, almost everyone, young and old should have this." 

When I flipped the pages and saw much of the literature, it wasn't something that I'd think Ms. Marissa Sanchez would write. She's different on TV, and on the book it was more of her sharing her views. 

I could say those bible verses she shared was something unexpected, because you don't see her preaching on TV for most of the days she's spreading "funny" on it. Though in hindsight, it's something she didn't want to do. It didn't come off as that, her Christian views was easy to digest and really relatable. The book also had a lot of things that needed much of your input in preparing for the inevitable. The gist of it lies on you (in some way or form) measure your relationships, to say things you need say to people, talk about those whom you might have not talked to in years but actually matter to you. It also presents a place to become organized, from the things you prefer like flowers, location, insurance, which would be good to know when the time comes.


I also asked about being single, and we kinda connected on that a LOT.

She says "Being single is not something you need to be sad about, you can find happiness from a lot of things, it's just that we are partly to be blamed about it because we see them as someone to fix, someone we can change but that is just not realistic, and in a way, yes, our standards are high."

If you're ready to take that step to make sure everything is organized, and you care about the people you leave behind, maybe try it first, see how it will impact your life. And I quote from Lt. General Baden Powell (founder of Scouting) who said "Try to leave this world a little better than when you found it, so if your turn comes to die, you will have a happy feeling that you have not wasted your time, but have done your best."

The book is now available at Shopee and Lazada, but to make things easier, here's a link for it HERE. It only costs 950 there, but if you're seriously considering more, you can directly message Ms. Marissa Sanchez' social channels to arrange more copies. Thank you to Sir Ogie Diaz and the men and women who made this media conference possible. One of my favorite authors and host Ms. Julie Yap Daza also graced the occasion and supported Ms. Marissa on her new book. That alone says a lot no?