Showing posts with label bowling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bowling. Show all posts

I Love Pizza and I Love Bowling!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Tony's Pizza. All opinions are 100% mine.

Okay I admit I am a Pizza lover and I think I need a break from all that diet. I love the bubbling sight of cheese smothered with another layer of mozzarella and slices of pepperoni. I am a meat lover too so if there are instances to take a break from my diet I make it a point to have the best of both worlds. The pizza in most fast food establishments here delivers 24/7. It costs around 40 dollars and often comes late. When the delivery guy arrives after being late, he even makes the condescending look to force you to give him a large tip. That is if he does not like taking your change with him too. There was a time when the soda that came with our orders spilled all over the pizza (the same delivery guy) which would not make it a pretty sight to see. I saw some stashed Tony's Pizza in the supermarket one day and thought I would give it a try. That was the best decision I ever made in my entire grocery life!

I could just heat it up in the oven or microwave whenever I get the urge to get that perfect bite. I love the thought of sitting down in the couch having a few bottles of beer and a slice of hot crispy crusted pizza. I could probably have it carried out for the boys on Friday bowling night. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Imagine that hot cheese oozing out of the top and the spicy - sweet pepperoni slices that satisfies the inner carnivore in me. Oh how I wish I could have that now! The LYCOPENE content in the tomato sauce also aids in getting us that smooth fair skin we love. With the various spices and special ingredients added in every slice, it's no wonder TONY'S Pizza has been the favorite of Mom, Dad and everyone in the family! They are even throwing in free bowling games with each purchase. I love pizza, I love bowling and I love TONY'S Pizza what more can I ask for!?

Visit my sponsor: Tony's Pizza