Showing posts with label boyfriend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boyfriend. Show all posts

Ashley Ortega and Khalil Ramos Talk About Professionalism On Screen and Real Relationships

Thursday, July 27, 2023


It's been a while since we talked to Khalil Ramos and Ashley Ortega. I interviewed them in different projects and yes, it's high time they get together in a project, and in this instance, it's Cinemalaya. Their entry this year is called "As If It's True", directed by John Rogers under the great folks of The IdeaFirst Company.

It's much of a Gen Z story where social media, content creation, influencer marketing is the name of the game. A relationship brews between Gemma Watson and James (a struggling musician). As Khalil mentions, it discusses relationships  and those that can be shown as real, or happening just for clout and exploitation.

This is certainly exciting for Ashley Ortega's career as she just came off the highly successful series "Hearts on Ice" which she did with Xian Lim. Though she feels a lot of pressure to do better, she's optimistic to do a project with Khalil since Gabbi and Ashley pretty much started in showbiz at the same time. They've been friends for a while which she feels would be advantageous for the things they would need to do in the film. There will be some sort of a romantic flick ingredient here ala "American Pie" but it'll be different, a little depressing at situations; quite different and will be in a Filipino setting. Here's our mediacon earlier on video, please, enjoy!

Khalil will also be starring in "Tick Tick Boom" under 9 Works Theatrical Production. This is his debut in theatre, and has been a learning experience for him because things are being done differently. He was matched with the role of Jon because of his very artistic vibe. Show happens August 5-27 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium - RCBC Theater. 

These are just some of the awesome achievements of Sparkle artists Khalil and Ashley, but I'm sure there will be more. If you already enjoyed their previous shows, movies and projects, it'll be a good thing to consume this new movie and theatre project from the two. I'm quite optimistic about what's happening with Ashley since this is pretty much, her second serving of a lead role. Khalil on the other hand has also been very busy with projects (and really thankful for it). When I asked about getting some negative opinions online, he also hopes his situation with Gabbi would be a good measure of what should happen when an actor has a real relationship while being paired with other actors on screen. Strictly professional.


MAYMAY ENTRATA Spends Quality Time with Fans at MEGANdang Buhay Event

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

A hopeful woman with a keen, positive outlook in life... we saw Maymay Entrata during an event hosted by MEGAN Beauty Products. I remember when she was tapped as the brand's endorser and how she was so happy to have been able to share how it has been a beautiful addition to the brands that believe in her and today, was a testimony of that.

This is a virtual meet and greet dedicated Maymay's stern supporters, her most loyal fans and the media. During the event, her whole Megan Beauty family came and supported her as they prepared activities and games to break the ice. The brand was certainly there to support Maymay's career and MEGAN knows a lot of people have been inspired by her story. Albeit facing a lot of issues this past, she has been able to accomplish a lot despite the challenges thrown to her, and the brand sees it as something to celebrate with. This is Maymay's MEGANdang Buhay and they hope we could learn a thing or two during various segments of the event, the jokes in between and the much awaited question and answer portion where Maymay shared a lot of things to her supporters. Here's a part of that talk where they got to ask her tough questions.  

Maymay also shares "I've been planning to study abroad for the longest time even when I wasn't working in the industry. It happened already, which is why I am so happy. This whole February has been so amazing. I am overjoyed that I got to be with the one I love, and also, a lot of people in my family are celebrating their birthdays and I got to celebrate with them. I am also ecstatic that we have an addition to the family when my cousin gave birth a few days ago, this month is full of blessings and I can't thank the one above for that!" 

Being with MEGAN has also given her a needed boost of confidence, they believed in her, she says "It hasn't been easy to become confident about myself. MEGAN has become my family, a reason why I believe in my own true beauty. They believe in me, they were the first ones to do that when I was just starting. Thank you MEGAN for that!"

Maymay started endorsing MEGAN Beauty products in 2018 and has been really using popular MEGAN Peel-Off Masks, MEGAN Face Sheet (which I personally use too after putting in the fridge for an hour or two), MEGAN Nose Pore Strips (to remove unwanted skin impurities in the nose area), MEGAN Facial and Body Wax Kits (for keeping it tidy, clean and hair free), MEGAN Eye Gel Patch (for those puffy moments) and the MEGAN Clay Masks.

The President of MEGAN Beauty Lawrence Lee quips "We cannot express how thankful we are for the support we're getting and our products. Having Maymay Entrata as our endorser was just natural, she's a proud Filipina. Like our brand, we want you to embrace who you are because we're here to take care of your skin." Maymay also reiterates "I hope you enjoy the few hours we've spent here together, although we're not doing this in a physical event, I hope you feel the need to follow your heart and find your happiness. Don't be afraid to take risks because at the end of the day, it'll be all worth it!"

As of this writing, her recently released single AMAKABOGERA has amassed 12.6 Million views which she didn't really expect. When she saw the lyrics for the first time, heard the track and saw the story board for it, she was overwhelmed that it exploded like this in just a few days. 
Cheers to more success of Maymay and the brand MEGAN as she continues her journey with them!


Enchong Dee, Erich Gonzales and JC De Vera for "Once A Princess"

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Drama. This film stars Enchong Dee, Erich Gonzales and JC De Vera.

Now I don't know how to start this post without sounding like a fan, because I am. I love Erich Gonzales and Enchong Dee. Their pair has been a formidable formula of success in countless movies and TV program on Star Cinema and ABSCBN. It's about time that they'll have another one, but this will be under Skylight Films and Regal Films. As you may know the past movies of  Skylight Films have been very successful on the box office but it has only tackled romcoms, comedy, horror but not drama yet. So that's what they did according to Enrico Santos, this is a gamble but he's sure the tandem will still work like clockwork.

Erich Gonzales still looking absolutely gorgeous during the Grand Presscon of "Once A Princess"
One of the few celebrities that I know that still is so kind and down to earth is Erich Gonzales. It's no wonder that she's been so blessed these past few years while still looking absolutely beautiful. She's also running restaurants and enjoying a very successful non showbiz relationship with his current boyfriend. Still, if you would see Erich and Enchong together... you'll feel how much they should have been meant for each other. Not that I'm insinuating anything but just like much of the fans of these two, I would have loved to have seen them having a relationship.