Showing posts with label brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain. Show all posts

Brain Health

Monday, September 26, 2011

When you play video games as much as I do you know if you will win a fight right from the start. You watch how your opponent fights carefully because most often than not he's got a pattern. If you don't get what his strategies early on; chances are... you'll likely lose big time! You won't even get to finish anything on story mode if your eye hand coordination is slow. It actually pays to practice but if you don't have that innate skill to cope with how fast everything is; then it is futile to even start and fight in a competition. These all show signs of something called brain plasticity. Although some say it is natural, there are remarkable achievements in neuroscience telling otherwise and say these cells can actually make new ones.

There are also some therapy systems that would be able to determine how fit our brain is. With a couple of tests designed for the individual they would make an initial assessment to see what you prefer to be your goal. Some offer it for free so there really is no harm in trying. I mean having your brain tested if it was normal is just but right isn't it?! Would you do something differently to see your brain's health?! This is already easy; if you have time try institutions that know what they are doing scientifically please do so. You are doing yourself a favor.


NITSLOT: Not In The Same Level Of Thinking

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I got into a fight today. Some people really don't have breeding. You know what that is?! If you do then go ahead and read this post. If not, I suggest you go to other blog sites and see if they have something for you. This would be scary.

I am pissed at people who can't understand simple things. I don't have the patience on understanding why these mongrels get out of school and don't learn a single thing. Their English skills? HORRIBLE. What's worst is they don't even admit their faults. They don't know how to understand what breeding means. They even admittedly tell people they don't have that.

What I don't really know is how in the world would I be able to have them understand what I mean when they are not even capable of thinking in the first place. Haaaa stress is coming to me. I wouldn't want to do this but hey, sometimes I just gotta point out that not everyone has the same level of thinking. =(

Rant off.


Think About It!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have been a witness to various hardships of special people. Since I was a kid I was brought up by my folks with an entirely different outlook in life. I have a cousin I always tag along with that had special needs. He had irreversible brain injury because of an accident and his parents had to resort letting him undergo rehabilitation and therapy. It was all they can do because at that time there was not much information about his condition. There are currently no organizations even today in the Philippines that could help explain things. Heck there was no Internet connection then when this all started. I wanted to help them too but I can only do much. Today I can only say that only the organization for CEREBRAL PALSY and AUTISM has gone main stream; the rest probably had no funding and capability to organize.

I feel terrible that this had to happen to one of my own family member and if you think about it, no one should suffer this way. I am glad and happy though that even in the midst of adversity there has never been any less love for him. I really felt that things are better now; and if it was easy to deal with this condition it was because everyone helped a lot. The acceptance was secondary to watching how his family worked to make things bearable. I am proud of what they have accomplished and this for me has been a learning experience in one way or another. Do you have family members who are in the same condition as my cousin is?! How do you deal with it?! Let me know what you think!
