Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts

Hearty Filipino Comfort Food for Everyone: GoodAh!!!

Monday, February 01, 2021

I am so hungry I could eat a bear (quoting from Goku of Dagonball Z) and I know what would satisfy my craving. I've always had my Mom cook me a bowl or two of Arroz Caldo but these days, Mom spends so much time working at home that she needs hours of sleep everyday to recoup. I can cook but it's a chore to do that every day. I eat lugaw/goto/arroz caldo quite regularly and we have that for lunch or dinner because I request for it. Yes, you can say I'm a monster for that because it's very comforting. When it's raining, or just a little nippy because of the cold front, I would rather have it than eat things with rice. It hits the spot.

 I write and work in the wee hours of the morning, I am what you can say a nocturnal. If I don't have the strength to go down and work in the kitchen, I order through Grab Food. I'd say the convenience kinda outweighs the cost and really, I don't want to wake up people just for that. If it was a bit early I could order and have it picked up in the GoodAh! Timog Branch, but since GoodAh! is open 25 hours, you can order via Grab Food or Food Panda instead. What's good is that almost all the items on their menu is cheap and the variety of things you can order are plenty so you don't grow tired of what you eat which is a plus in my books.

 So I did the next best thing... I ordered (almost) everything!

Beef Nilaga, this was quite tasty. I love the broth, like they spent hours making this in the kitchen.

Sizzling Sisig, now all I want is a cold bottle or two no?

Fried Bangus, now where did I put that spicy vinegar... it's here somewhere.

Crispy Tokwa... I thought this was Tokwa't Baboy, but I guess my sister ate it all LOL

Lumpiang Shanghai, crunchy, needs ketchup so I'll have to open the cupboard

Now for a healthier alternative, get the Lumpiang Gulay, the perfect pair for my Goto.

Crispy Pata, for the whole family.

My personal favorite in the menu is this, they call this the GOTO SPECIAL. It's got beef tripe, crunchy pork bits, crunchy garlic, hard boiled egg, very hearty serving.
Arroz Caldo, wherein their version is very gingery. A few chicken bits, fried garlic, how can you not love something like this?

 So for those who are looking for a hearty and comforting bowl of Filipino GOTO, it's easy to get one from an institution. Since I've been working in Eastwood, or just lounging around in my home in Quezon City, GoodAh! has saved me from hungry nights all the time. You don't even have to spend too much for a meal that could satisfy even your classy office-mates or family members, because they serve things that are closer to home. That I think is the value of this place, it doesn't have to be too fancy shmancy, just real food that's good, affordable, which can be appreciated by everyone.

 If you would want to have it delivered, call their branches at Sucat 88299009/7357844, Bicutan 779431210/88243166, Metrowalk 82345870/84707070, Market!Market! 85192472, Eastwood City 86617558/83533888, Timog Avenue 83729002 or Granada QC via 88758124/82473188. Check out their menu also on their website coz it's all there!



How To Make Quaker Oats Cream Pie

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

It was a long night and I decided to not just stay in my room and be awake til 6am the next day. I started tinkering around the kitchen and I remembered that I have a bunch of Quaker Oats on the cupboard which arrived yesterday. Chef Miko Aspiras and Quaker Oats partnered up to make this recipe called Quaker Oats Cream Pie so I took out the old cookie sheets and steel bowls and started this show.

Recipe calls for:


1 and 1/4 cup Unsalted Butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 Large Egg
2 Teaspoons Vanilla
1 Tablespoon Molasses
1 and 1/2 cup All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
3/4 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg
3 Cups Quaker Rolled Oats


3/4 Cup Unsalted Butter
3 Tablespoons Heavy Cream
1 and 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla
3 cups Confectioners Sugar

Just combine the dry ingredients, use a bowl and slowly put in the whisked wet ingredients. Fold in the oats then form them into cookie sizes. I used a heart shaped cookie cutter to do that and baked it for around 10 minutes. Make sure you watch it carefully, I left one batch a few minutes late and it got burnt. While that is cooking, combine the wet ingredients for the filling, then whisk in the Confectioners Sugar. I didn't use any mixer and just did it by hand and it turned out okay. My first batch was actually superb! I sandwiched it in two heart shaped cookies and that photo above came out. You would be proud to have that for dessert, snacks or even breakfast!

The batch I made during this time was absolutely loved at home. I stored the rest in the fridge and cooked another batch the day after, unfortunately I made the mistake of wanting it to be super crispy and burned 4 of them haha. Chef messaged me and said, "As long as you had fun doing it, that's okay! That's what is important."

Quaker Oats is a good source of protein and fiber, things that can improve your immunity and make your body strong so you wouldn't get sick. I made use of the Whole Grain Rolled Oats during the baking session because it keeps its shape even when baked and you can feel the chunky bits in it. Aside from that, it actually tastes good too after a few minutes in the oven.

Keep your family safe during these times. You need to make food that nourish available for them at home and oats are made of good stuff. I also love the Honey Banana variety because it only takes a few minutes to prepare. You're getting nutritious food on the table and protecting your family. 

Oats doesn't have to taste like cardboard, you can make it into a good meal. 

That's a good thing!


Your Coffee Habit Is About to Change: Try MASKAPE

Saturday, September 02, 2017

As a coffee drinking country, we've been more attuned to what's available. Some of which are just things that our parents got used to, or consume because of name recall, or things that are imported, thinking they are superior because they're well advertised using different famous personalities. There's nothing wrong with that, but I think there's good ones out there that doesn't have to cost that much. I couldn't put my finger on why they sometimes have to be priced high for instant coffees. I'm glad they're opening up the market for local companies and this one's nice. Have you heard of Maskape?

It's a new instant coffee brand from Mighty And Strong Foods Corporation, so this is manufactured locally. They use imported robusta beans, ground them up and get them blended with the right amount of sugar and cream to fit the taste of Filipino coffee drinkers. I like the fact that they have different variants to fit the different moods I had all week and yes, I like what I had even for less. I saved me a bit of money because it kept me from going out of coffee shops that serve good coffee for a hefty price. Yes you pay for the ambiance and all, but for practicality this is a good thing especially when it's raining like cats and dogs outside!

The Brown and Creamy variant had that light caramel taste you get when using brown sugar in coffee. This is what I'd like to have during breakfast, even just with bread alone. I am like most of you, I dip it into the hot coffee and eat it like a treat. This is pretty good but only costs Php 5 would you believe? 

For a little more strong caffeine kick, try the Maskape Strong and Rich variety. This would help those who need a little boost during long meetings, to at least keep you awake while everyone else is reporting. I know some who sleep when other people talk too much so I'm suggesting this to him!

Mom and Dad likes this White and Creamy one. I guess they want a more roasted smell and something that's extra creamy. I was already getting a bit nervous from tasting it all in one breakfast so I skipped this on this day and tried it the next day haha.. I guess that's how addicted I am to coffee.

For those who want it a little less creamy, the Maskape Original would be best. I think this is closer to the taste of that popular brand. I think it would be nice if you try this out in lieu of that because this costs less without disappointing you on flavor and aroma.

For purists like me, sometimes I don't want a lot of things in my coffee. For a more local flair, they've got this Maskape Barako Gold variety. Sure to wake you up in the morning and keep you awake during those crucial times, this has less sugar and no cream content. Perfect for those who want to keep it simple in the morning or night.

Now here's a brand that can get you all the coffee you need without breaking the bank. If you plan to stay at home and just make a cup or two while at work, try Maskape for a change because honestly, it doesn't need to be super expensive. Right?