Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts

About the Shoe Thrown at Bush

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am now formally dipping my hand again in US politics and reacting to the shoe throwing incident in the unannounced visit of outgoing US President George W. Bush.

My reactions:

  • This is a clear lapse of security on the part of US Secret Service.. these guys are paid and given all the tools in the world to protect the President but this is just clearly an incident where they did not act fast enough.
  • People from all radio, TV stations mention that it's the most disrespectful thing to be done in Iraqi culture... to be thrown a shoe on the face... REAALLY NOW!... I mean what do you think other cultures would treat that?! Does it mean otherwise in the Philippines or elsewhere in the world? Talk about smart people reporting! (Batuhin kaya kita ng sapatos sa mukha!)
  • The shoe was size 10... only an inch smaller than my shoes... anybody want to send me one for Christmas? Lolz...
  • The guy shouted "Here is your goodbye kiss, dog!"... so its either he's gay or he's an animal lover.
  • Bush said he didn't care because it's like any other protester... he's not afraid just because of a shoe. If it was a size 14-17 and was being thrown by Shaq then most probably he'll be Very Very Afraid!
  • The journalist who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush was handed over to the Iraqi judiciary which signals the start of criminal proceedings. If this happened in the Philippines, police would normally say he was beaten up by the masses. (Binugbog ng taong bayan) Black and blue and no one will admit they touched him LOLZ.
  • His employer, Al-Baghdadia television, reported that al-Zeidi had been "seriously injured" — presumably beaten by guards — and called on the government to allow lawyers and the Iraqi Red Crescent to visit him. Later, one of his brothers said on Al-Baghdadia that he had spoken by telephone with al-Zeidi and that he told him "thank God, I am in good health.".... like in the Philippines, this is what you call SENSATIONAL REPORTING! (you can call it DAGDAG BAWAS!)
  • Until now, even if this all happened... nobody could help me coz I still couldn't breathe in the elevator when a middle eastern/bumbay/intsek fellow from Gym or the offices in the building uses it. I'm not racist but please let's try to at least take a bath correctly before we go out okay?! My asthma is getting worse!
  • Bush was great... he can dodge shoes... *bow*


9/11: Done in Silence

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Horrific image of the aftermath of 9/11. Still no sign of Bin Laden. (-_-)"

Tragedies that affected the most powerful nation in the world is a real headline today. Thousands of people affected by these terror and terrorists alike mark the 7th anniversary of September 11 in the US and around the world. President Bush led a White House gathering Thursday in observing a moment of silence. Wife Laura, and Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne stand side by side while a moment of silence was dedicated to the victims and their families. Church bells peeled and was observed at 8:46 a.m. EDT, precisely the moment on that fateful day when terrorists crashed a hijacked airplane into the World Trade Center in New York. A second plane struck the trade center moments later. Another was flown into the Pentagon and still another crashed in a field at Shanksville, Pa. A chorus sang "God Bless America." The assembled crowd numbered in the hundreds and included leaders of Congress, members of the Cabinet, diplomats, men and women in military uniform and chefs, plumbers, ushers and others who work at the White House. A new memorial at the Pentagon was dedicated as the names of the victims were read aloud to mourners there. They all cried. T_T

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called on Americans to renew "that spirit of service and that sense of common purpose".
With 54 days left in the heated presidential campaign, Thursday was unusual — a sort of political cease-fire in honor of the day terrorists forced four airplanes into the World Trade Center towers in New York City, a field in Shanksville, Pa., and the Pentagon in Washington. Obama and his rival for the presidency, Republican John McCain, were to appear together twice, although briefly each time and mostly without public words. They also agreed to suspend all TV ads critical of each other. In the afternoon, in New York, Obama and McCain were to visit ground zero together for a somber, silent wreath-laying in the pit that marks the largest loss of life in the attacks. How nice of them to do that! ^_^

In the Philippines, short moments of silence were done in the embassy with Ambassador Christy Kenny. I on the other hand just blogged about it because I of all people would never want this to be forgotten. I hope you won't too...