I was late this evening because our mighty van broke down again and discharged its batter while on my way to work. Funny because that keeps on happening these past few weeks and I am literally fed up with it. Maybe it is time to sell the darn thing. I don't really know what to do with that. Anyway, this article is about a cab driver. I took a cab obviously to work, and what is funny is that we managed to squeeze in his life story in 20 minutes. Weird right? Lemme tell you about it then...
I was planning to just keep mum and think about the time I have wasted because of the van incident but this cab driver suddenly uttered a word, I could not understand it because I was busy looking for change in my bag so I asked about what he said since he probably did not know where I was asking him to drive to. He knows Eastwood but it is just the way I asked him to pass through that might be the question. But surprisingly he said, "yung kaibigan kong babae kasi tinawagan yung operator ko" (My girl friend called my operator) so I said to my self "oh! this is one of those cab driver stories again" so he won't fall asleep while driving since cab drivers here in the Philippines usually do it for 24 hours straight. I asked him why and so he went on telling me about this woman she slept with, she was calling his operator so as to force him to show up everytime she needs him. He told me that he's got a wife and kids too but they were already old enough that they do not meddle with his affairs anymore. His wife was menopause already too so if he philanders or not it was okay with them too. I somehow got that idea from him but I might be mistaken. Anyway, in the 3 years they were doing these things and that girl friend of his was doing other men too, she decided to name the kid she just gave birth to after him. He even asked her about who was the real father of the kid but she begged off, in the end she still got him declared as the father in the birth certificate. Might be because he was the one who showed up in the hospital and helped her get out of it too. I was really wondering why of all people this cab driver was opening up to me that much when in fact I was only there for 20 minutes, he was a little old and we kinda drifted off to other stories aside from that. Imagine I was just sitting there and he told me his life story in a couple of minutes... that was a treat...
Well at least he is doing his job of getting me to where I needed to go... alive! That is what's important... do you have your share of cab driver stories? Let me know!