Showing posts with label call cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label call cards. Show all posts

Meeting Mishaps

Friday, September 17, 2010

Today I went to a special meeting of minds. I met some of my masters in photography and checked a lot of their work. I have to learn and emulate some of their techniques. I try to at least see if we can get some of our businesses to grow since they probably have more connections than me. If you think about it, I will need another day with them to close some deals. I literally had no time for this hobby but I did my best to attend these big ones since almost everyone in the fashion industry is there. That's the ideal place to meet people. One of my biggest mistakes though is not getting enough business cards. I wish I had 123 print make them for me so I wouldn't be problematic. In times like these you need a lot! The office just makes generic ones that are not related to what I'm actually doing. It'll be funny how they'll find out that a geek would actually be their photographer. They'll probably say "It's a weird day!" and I wouldn't tell them otherwise.

I met the best photographers, fashion icons, designers, stylists and make-up artists. I love how the day ended because I definitely learned a lot. I got a couple of people in my phone book and we're doing bigger projects in the next few months. My regret though is not having that much cards to give out to prospective clients. I learned the hard way. It could have been more money for my business. I will have to rethink my strategy next time. Here's hoping for more transactions with the greatest people in the industry! Let's rock!


Proud to have Yellow Cards

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am so humbled to be of service in this government of President NOY and I will do my best to be a great part of this change he wants to inculcate to his countrymen. I also wanted to have my own yellow business cards so everything would jive to the symbolism of hope and change in his regime. I want to be a part of the solution by doing my job well and that requires so little effort since I have been doing that for the last 6 years of my professional life.

I remember the time when I met some of my former colleagues in Social Security and my former boss asked me if I had a business card so we can get together sometime soon. I immediately panicked and checked my wallet for some extras but lo and behold I didn't have any. I was really humiliated and felt very unprofessional that exact moment and wished that I had those unique ones I saw on line. That would have been impressive with the titles and all.

If I had myself inspired with the President's official color and the great attitude towards change in the government then I would be the envy of my peers. Envy in a good way that they will try their best in whatever they do even in the private sector. If I had my way I'd be getting mine customized since I want to represent a generation of people. Yellow is my color of choice, you should do the same!


The Card Incident

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It was a warm Saturday afternoon when I went to the mall with my Mom and Dad. I do food reviews for some of the best restaurants in the country and I must say I get a lot of my friends to see them. I recommend the good ones and ask to try the not so bad ones. I have more readers in Manila than outside the country and I get some surprises every now and then. I went to one restaurant on the top floor of EASTWOOD MALL. These posh establishments are what mostly get rave reviews on my site and I was surprised when we sat in the Manager literally knew me. I haven't met him nor have I ever stepped into the restaurant before so I was really surprised. I think he got to see my photos in the site but that and the DSLR camera probably was a giveaway that I review restaurants. I tried to keep a low profile but on some instances they kind of talk to you even if you don't want to. He asked for my business card but I didn't have one that time. I only have one for work but not for my site. I know I need to get custom business cards so I would be able to identify my self every time I get to review institutions like that. They had a cooking school together with the restaurant and I am impressed about how it looked like. Though the next time I get there, I know I have to identify my self after wards. It was kind of awkward I did not have any cards with me that time. I looked very unprofessional. I want to go back there one day and present my self differently I guess. It's a hard day but I think I'll try and solve it one at a time. The card would have solved it all.
