Showing posts with label car insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car insurance. Show all posts

CBLIC Celebrates 53rd Year This March

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

If you haven’t heard about Country Bankers Life Insurance Corporation, you better pay attention. They have been in the country for over 53 years spanning generations abd providing simple and affordable insurance for Filipinos in the countryside. From small and medium enterprises, to farmers, fishermen, educators and regular joes, they have reached out to an untapped market giving rural folks insurance service which has not been available to them in the past.
This was founded by Jose Desiderio Sr. in 1965 and now is handled by their third generation under the helm of Geraldine Desiderio Garcia who acts as the SVP and GM for CBIG. According to her “We have simplified insurance and offer products that are relevant in the Philippines. We attribute our success with the families we serve and the value they put in education. We have insurance protection under the Classic Benefit Plans up to 96 years old payable in a 3, 5, 7 or 10 year period. We also have Alay Sa Buhay which only costs Php 365 for a year for natural and accidental death benefits that are renewable for ages 13-70. For families and seniors, we also have ASB Family which covers 3-5 people in your family up to 70 years old, then Php 1,000 for 71-80 years old. We want to be known as a company with a heart, and deliver the services that we need to give. There are a few insurance companies in the Philippines but our clientele are the CDE market. Our vision is to insure the common man, farmers, fisher folks and that’s how we get to reach them. Our edge is we have been paying claims fast, in time of need, of demise, we have always been known to do that fast. When they have death in the family, have their houses burned, that’s when they need it most and that’s where we come in. In Country Bankers we have done it in 5 days.

They also have Ms. Aiai Delas Alas as their endorser and this is her third year. She says “I believe in the products that the CBIG group has and in the past, I even got my fans insured when I was endorsing them on my second year. I had problems before about medical insurance and it was not easy when you are not covered. It’s why I make sure that I have my non life and life related assets to be insured now. The CDE crowd needs insurance when you know they need it most. I love them because it’s easy for them to pay for it. When I had a fan who had a dying mother he didn’t know how much he would get since he got his mother insured years back. They got help for hospitalization, then got the insurance as well. It’s why I am endorsing them until now.

For those who want to avail of their plans, you may visit them at the Country Bankers Centre at 648 TM Kalaw or call them 5238611 for life related insurance or 5240621 for non life insurance. Honestly I haven’t seen any insurance company that offers this low for what premium you can benefit from. Ask them now if you have time. They have helped thousands of Filipinos and this is why they are in the business for 53 years.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

The Importance of Automobile Repair and Education

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cars have been one of the things we always dream of. It's one of those high ticket items that you thought would celebrate your social status and get you where you want to go. Although these days; owning one has become a necessity. When you get it we don't expect the actual cost of logistics and maintenance and think that everything will be perfect. If there was something I learned about the hard way in owning one this would be it. The short drives to and from the office that I do always was smooth until the car broke down in the middle of the road. I didn't know panic until that day boy was it a great big introduction. It got stuck in a main thoroughfare and people were already honking in every direction. I did not know who to call since I was totally clueless about car repair. When I thought that was enough; my cell phone battery also went dead. This was one of those days when you wish it shouldn't have happened. The situation called for an expert and I almost ran out of luck. Good thing a friend saw me there and immediately went out of his way to help me put the car at the side of the road; and eventually get some help.

The car was pulled out and I had to go back to work. I talked to the technicians and they said I need to have the car diagnosed to see why it wouldn't start. I know it was going to be expensive but I had no idea what would be the justifiable price range. It was the first time I was going to do this and I did not want to be charged incorrectly for it. There are several shops within my area but since I had warranty they got my 2003 Toyota PRIUS sent to the actual manufacturer. The repair estimate was done fast after that and it would have cost me a fortune if not for the warranty they employed. I was so glad they covered it otherwise I wouldn't have the funds to spend for that. Finally; luck was able to catch up with me.

That was the time that I knew I had to learn a thing or two about how to fix things. If you go out totally clueless about something that you own there would come a time that you would need a whole car encyclopedia to understand things. Good thing there are reputable sites like REPAIRPAL.COM that you can look at when you need all the help you can get. Check them out if you need help about repair estimates, car terminology that you need to understand or simply get someone to help you within your area. It's a good thing!

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Insurance Lessons Learned

Monday, June 21, 2010

How can I forget the time when I first got into a car accident? I remember it vividly... that comes together with the argument and big fight I had with the other party too. That was a few months ago but now my insurance agent is hounding me of horror stories. He claims some parts are not going to be paid for. I said "this is what I get for getting mediocre institutions as my insurance provider". I would like to look for a better one just like those in Los Angeles Car Insurance. There is no comparison believe me!

I know that the Car Insurance Los Angeles has is better evidently in terms of coverage and benefits. Everyone needs a reputable one so when the time comes you need their help they wouldn't be the first one to give you problems. I experienced this one already and I did not follow my instincts of getting some information on the Internet first before blabbing about policy indicated in fine print. I learned a mighty good lesson and probably next time I'll get Los Angeles Auto Insurance to be a standard on what I need when I get the next set of wheels ha-ha! That's because I want to make it right! I better call them now at 1-800-475-6840 and get that free insurance quote fast!

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