Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

BEKO Initiatives for Climate Change

Thursday, June 24, 2021

In a product showcase done this evening, European brand BEKO told us how it is possible to use recycled materials, bio composites and detergent saving technologies on appliances. It is their company's contribution in order to rid of climate crisis, something we all can start at home.

Present during the occasion was Arcelik's CEO Hakan Bulgurlu and their CMO Zeynep Yalim Uzun. They also had their CCo Ragip Balcioglu discuss how it became their mission to do sustainability efforts in manufacturing their line of products in order to have a positive impact on the world we live in.

Arcelik's CEO Hakan Bulgurlu says "COVID has changed our lives in the past two years, but with science, we have been able to see the end of the tunnel. We have been doing a lot of work with our product range. By coming together, we are defeating COVID by science. The climate crisis also is a concern, so with this, we are also addressing it with science as well. The climate crisis is man made, we can overcome this too. We have reduced emissions, but we have to do more. Unless we do the necessary, we are not going to be in the right track. Respecting the world, respecting worldwide is our slogan. We want to reduce emissions by 30%. Products that consumers buy as it goes into homes also are included. Today, Arcelik will work tirelessly and stretch our goals over the coming months. Hopefully we can do this in all our value chain. We commit to have fuel, plastic, waste, water, become reduced as part of our goals. The green wave is coming, it's here and here to stay. It makes good business sense that you can do the right thing without costing much. We are doing this because we believe it brings us an opportunity for our business to create a new brand, especially when you want to be different compared to your competitors. I believe when we do this, we'll get ahead. It makes business sustainable. Appliances should use less energy, and be built with quality recycled materials. We have products that reflect this principle. We will apply this across the board including packaging, in almost all areas of our business, it's a long journey but we have to lead by example. We need to continue, so others will follow, so we can fight this challenge in climate crisis. The urgency is real, we need to act together. Every decision we make, this will be in our attention."

Brendan Edgerton the Director of World Business Council for Sustainable Development adds "Everything is connected, COVID is seen as a restart for all of us."

Ragip Balcioglu the CCO of Arcelik says "Regardless of how business starts, there is one thing consumers want. They want CHANGE. Everyone changed shopping habits during the pandemic. Arcelik has always been doing sustainability efforts for a number of years now. We are a leader in our industry, working with a vision to an entire ecosystem."

Zeynep Yalim Uzun the CMO of Arcelik says "We are aligned with our consumers sustainability goals. We have been developing products that make healthy living possible. We are commited in recycling, have energy efficient products that support sustainable living. This is what the consumer wants. It's great to see we are in the same page as this. Working towards a healthier planet, we need technologies that  lower carbon footprint. It's a great push for us, but we encourage other manufacturers to follow suit as well. We utilize AI, did videos that reached millions of people so more people can join our journey."

From washing machines, dryers, these things can use recyclable materials in order to create these appliances. They also do fishnets on plastic parts, including industrial threads waste and integrate it to plastic parts in the last two years. The company also use environmentally friendly materials in their Bio Cycle Refrigerators. They use bio plastics, with egg trays made from soybean oil, egg shells and other materials.

They have several campaigns that address obesity in the past like "Eat Like a Pro", and now evolved it to something that is more shifted to the attention to the community, and the world. They do "Healthy Living on a Healthy Planet". And I think that's a good thing to address.



Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Just saw Changing Partners today and boy was I impressed. The hit cinemaone originals entry that talks about LOVE got it's needed commercial run tomorrow and a premiere night with the four artists Jojit Lorenzo, Agot Isidro, Sandino Martin and Anna Luna.

Now the good thing is I'm looking at this movie like a regular spectator, as I havent watched the PETA production or when they showed this at the CinemaOne originals festival last year. The reason I said this needed a commercial run is because this is one spectacular representation of a world class production. Albeit casting lesser commercial appeal stars, it has greatly been able to tell the story of 4 relationships. All along I thought the narrative might have been given away at the trailer already but no, you need to see it on screen how they meticulously tied these gay, lesbian and May December affairs. The obvious message they would want to send is that love knows no gender, but really I think it's more than that. They treated each persona differently, and each individual may or may not ne affected by what the partner is doing. I am most impressed on how the material basically has said bluntly what a person should say in a situation, like if it does happen in real life it would have meant relationships would all go to shambles.

As writer Vincent De Jesus puts it, “Love can be overrated, the story is about my personality with humor, I am weird that way. It’s about relationships, friendships, how complete strangers become complete. We try to tell the story with truths and see how it plays there. We hope people would watch this film for just the mere goodness of the material, we are nervous but excited for everyone to see it!”

Here’s a video of our interview with the writer and some of the stars of the movie.

CHANGING PARTNERS will be shown to the public tomorrow at leading cinemas including SM. Check out and see why it’s the most talked about film and why it won awards at the CinemaOne Originals festival last year. It definitely is worth every minute. If there would be some improvements I'd like to happen, it's those dizzying camera shots during the first few miniutes of the movie, aside from that I loved it. I'd give it 4/5 cows.

Hurry and watch it before you get old like a banana.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

AstraZeneca and Recent Developments on Diabetes Treatments

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

We're at the AstraZeneca event today to know a little more about diabetes treatments and how you can save your future. Living with a family where it's loke a normal thing to have diabetes, I am absolutely scared about it but since bith my Mom and Dad has them I figured I probably don't have a choice but to live with it. Dr. Bobby Mirasol the former president of Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (PSEDM) says "It's not an easy disease and you need early intervention, plus a deeper understanding of the need for lifestyle adjustments and pharma treatment". That means you need to have treatments and factors that should help in diabetes treatment so you can lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure and weight loss. It's not easy because you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and people would always have issues sticking to a plan. There are revolutionary drugs that you can take in order to make the goal easy to achieve.

AstraZeneca has introduced diabetes medicine and new drug entities to battle the disease. Their company is science driven and they've been trying to address how to manage weight issues, fatty liver disease, and other matters so they can bring potential medicines to the forefront and deliver life changing medicine for patients. They also want to push the boundaries of this science and pursue experimental treatment too. Dapagliflozin for example, it treats type 2 diabetes by preventing the kidneys to absorb sugar and release the glucose through the urine instead. It complements what you can say the normal prescription together with insulin therapy (if you are taking it). It did good in clinical trials and even beat leading diabetes medications too. 

In the Philippines, Dapagliflozin has been used to treat 20,000 Filipinos with Type 2 diabetes. It has been lauded for reducing blood levels and additional health benefits. It helps in making the patient gradually go to a good lifestyle change. They call it Diabesity, as these two things are intertwined and more overweight people develop type 2 diabetes and they hopefully want to address that. I am cringing right now because I feel they are talking about me LOL!

AstraZeneca is helping bigtime to fight type 2 diabetes. They want to use holistic diabetes care solutions together with Doctors, Nutritionists and Fitness Experts to do dapagliflozin treatments. If you need information about managing diabetes, please check out their website especially if you're looking for a second line of treatment. You have to ask your doctor of course and have a healthy lifestyle together with it.

Fresh Blogs Fast!


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