Showing posts with label chocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chocolate. Show all posts

Ever Wondered What Working in Snack Corps Look Like?

Thursday, May 11, 2023

I like Oreo dunked in milk or coffee, have Cadbury Dairy Milk after dinner, Toblerone on snacks, and Cheez Whiz on mac and cheese or sandwiches. Did you know that all of these come from Mondelez Philippines? Ever wonder what it feels to work there? Well I do.

Raf Baradas is the Senior Brand Manager for chocolates in this corp. As a marketing pro, he deems it important to be a consumer of the products that they work with. He remembers making those triangle sandwiches with Cheez Whiz and eating tons of Oreo for snacks back in college. He's glad he's growing with the company that makes it. He also likes how it's very high paced and see how his love for the products become the same for consumers around the country. He bids this a very fulfilling position on both a professional and personal level. He knows putting importance to consumers made the brands what it is today, and glad how there's a mix of people inside the corp. 

Gicelle Medina the Senior Marketing Manager for Meals at Mondelez Philippines on the other hand loves how diverse the people are at work. They also have a huge amount of leaders that they get inspired with, to not only work with them, but learn from their brilliant minds. They guide them and have them learn through trials, with some of the best in the industry. Being a part of this she says has nurtured her professional and personal growth, and loves how Mondelez Philippines continues to be an environment best for those who work in Marketing and want to further their careers.

Now that just wants me to work there too. If you want to know more about them, head on to the Mondelez Philippines site and social channels.


Pushing People to Snack Right: Mondelēz International

Thursday, October 13, 2022

From your favorite cookies, your favorite snacks, the good juice you're having, and that sweet bar of chocolate you love, it's all from Mondelēz International. They're very passionate about bringing you the right snack, and make it the right way. The way you live is changing the way you eat, and they are here to make it right.

Aileen Aumentado says "Purpose Day 2022 coincides with the 10th year of Mondelēz International in the Philippines. When made the right way, our snacks would make a movement to spark positive change with ourselves with the use of our snacks. You are the driving force behind our organization. Together, we empower people to snack right, and will make that change."

This is why they are also implementing programs for their employees so that they take care of mental wellness. Ms. Nelia Dela Cruz the My Rewards Advisor for SEA says "We have an Employee Assistance Program that is available 24/7, even during holidays. It's free and you can talk to professionals where your personal information stays confidential powered by Magellan Healthcare. We believe with the right body, right mind, you can have the right purpose. We also have Maxicare to cater to psychiatric help, for consultations or therapy sessions, teleconsultations, for you and your dependents. This is all for Mondelez International employees in the Philippines if you need mental health support."

PJ Lanot who does talks for different organizations says "Everyone gets a dopamine rush especially when you complete tasks, and when you tell yourself you deserve this. It's celebrating small wins, you get to cherish these moments and it doesn't have to be big.You should also get a dose of serotonin, a mood stabilizer from doing sunbathing, meditation, spending time in nature, exercising and being active. Endorphins is also a good pain killer, you can get it form watching a good TV show, listening to music, watching a movie, donating and giving back, exercising and being active, and laughing."

Mondelēz International has done this with their employees, if you're a business contemplating on making a movement like theirs, don't second guess and make your own move!


Harry Chocolates and Wackie Corn Chips Launch

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Went to this launch this morning with the owners of YanYan International Philippines Inc. who manufacture food products in the Philippines and export some of them in the Southeast Asian region. They are the same people who produced that favorite "Lumpia" and "Karaoke" snack you used to buy in sari sari stores when you were a kid. This is in some way their more premium line and we've come to bear good news. They are launching two more called Wackie Corn Chips and Harry Chocolate which we got to taste today.

They have these corn chips in different flavors, their Harry Chocolates also come in plain Milk Chocolate or ones with rice crispies, a variety you'll surely love.

Owner Mr. Lito Chua says "We love food and I have traveled to different countries and found how common it is for every person. YanYan prides itself in having state of the art machines so we could only produce the best for a good price. We have more than 150 products in the market and there is no secret in success, we just started and I think we are just doing our best since 2003. We think this is the foundation we have built for our kids and this is for their future. They will be the ones who will build on this. My wife is so good in what she does, she sleeps late and wakes up early just so she could supervise operations. I also did packaging and distribution in the past while my wife does the financial stuff, it is just in the efforts and dedication that you put in it. I am not successful yet, but we will get there." 

All these Harry Chocolate bars and variety of Wackie Corn Chips are available in leading supermarkets and grocery stores nationwide. Try it out today, especially the Wackie Corn Chips with Salted Egg on it because it's so good!