Showing posts with label cinemalaya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cinemalaya. Show all posts

A Journey of Grief, Acceptance and Relationships with Cinemalaya's KONO BASHO

Thursday, August 08, 2024


When I first looked at the entries for Cinemalaya this year, I took interest in this one. It was just fate when we had to take the trip down south to watch KONO BASHO, produced by Project8 and Mentorque Productions, written and Directed by Jaime Pacena II. One that talks about grief, acceptance, building or re-building relationships.

Kono Basho literally means "This Place". The story is about two sisters who met during their biological father's funeral in Rikuzentakata, a city in Northern Japan. For those who don't know, this city has been ravaged by the huge earthquake and tsunami that hit the Iwate prefecture in 2011. In a sense, they really haven't fully built things like how they were, but are now experiencing something even more tragic... plus the feeling of awkwardness because the sisters really didn't know much about each other.

Ella is Filipino via her Mom with her Japanese Father, whilst Reina is born to a Japanese mother (one that was kind and understanding). Friction between them was quite a lot, young women that were both damaged by their past, circumstances and distance. Rikuzentakata might have symbolized what they went through in the story, they both lost their Dad, with unequal memories of him because Ella never experienced life with him.

This starts their journey together, in a partly civil, kind, but definitely torn in a lot of ways. It's great how the director never forced the conversation in Filipino or Japanese. It felt natural, and fitting. You could feel their pain, their longing for love, and how much they wanted to find it from other people, and hopefully, with each other.

This has depression and all the things related to it. They also gave a glimpse of kintsugi, an art form of pottery where they use gold to put broken pieces together. It symbolized how fragile they were. They will take you in on that story, where you continue to hope if they'd be able to fix it. It shows their spirit, their community, and how you could move on from heartbreaking parts of your life. 

Gabby Padilla isn't new to the business, and she showed how one could carry intellectual and emotional conversations like a light switch. You could say much of the conversation revolved and evolved around her, but it was done with intricacy, understandable diction, as she played an educator in the film. We asked her about her experience shooting the film especially since there's a language difference the actors had to endure. Her previous films actually helped!

As for the level of distraught you'll get from the film, Director Jaime Pacena said that they actually had a different treatment. You'll learn more about it as you watch the film. Even if the topic was so serious, it still felt quite refreshing to the eyes because the views there, were all just amazing! This is also the comeback film of Dan Villegas, one of the finest cinematographers in the country. 

While the Japanese cast (especially the Mother and Reina) performed quite remarkably in this film (I've seen their previous projects and even shows on NHK), Gabby was up there with them. If you've got the opportunity to catch this film while Cinemalaya is still there, you should. I think they're planning to have this released internationally, and by the looks of it... they're certainly qualified. Those wide indoor and outdoor shots, photography alone, is crazy good.

Congratulations to the men and women who made this film, you should definitely have this be exhibited in festivals elsewhere!


MIKOY MORALES Lands 2 Movies in Cinemalaya

Thursday, August 03, 2023

It's been a while since we've had the chance to talk to Mikoy Morales. The accomplished actor, singer and comedian has gone leaps and bounds since he started his career in Protege. There has been a huge change in his persona, as he admits it has kept him a bit angry over the years. Now he's initiated to take a look at things with a perspective, to rather take a pause when talking, think over what he should say instead of the usual defensive reply and even gaslighting. He admits to being conscious about it, and the changes he's done made this year a fruitful one. In Cinemalaya alone, he's got 2 movie entries namely "Tether" and "Rookie". 

"Rookie" is about women's sports. Mikoy joins actors Pat Tingjuy, Aya Fernandez and Ms. Agot Isidro in this Volleyball-GL (Girl's Love Story) film. "Tether" on the other hand is a lot troubling, a sci-fi film where love, relationships and pain take wild turns, all with them in it. It's a bit of a stretch compared to his previous work that they had to undergo sensuality workshops to accomplish several scenes in the movie. Aside from that, Mikoy has been doing several shows on GMA including a new series (to be announced soon). His music career also has been good, as he's making scores, tracks and music for several films (some to be sent abroad for film festivals). He also has a few singles coming out soon so stay tuned for that as well.

Here's the mediacon for Mikoy yesterday, please watch and listen in about his new films!

Here's a few more about his relationships, and his realizations too.


Mikoy thanks his friends, family, his girlfriend about the blessings he's receiving these past few months. He attributes the nice things he has accomplished because of their trust in him. He also thanks his directors, which he feels was much serendipitous, being at the right place and right time, that in this world of second options, they chose him for the specific roles he's doing in the two projects. His artistry has no more angst and bitterness, no more they/them in the industry, and has proved effective in making him that viable actor he deserves to be. He now knows his priorities, setting it straight, and I hope more people love him for his craft. 

He's a good chap, so cheers to that!


Ashley Ortega and Khalil Ramos Talk About Professionalism On Screen and Real Relationships

Thursday, July 27, 2023


It's been a while since we talked to Khalil Ramos and Ashley Ortega. I interviewed them in different projects and yes, it's high time they get together in a project, and in this instance, it's Cinemalaya. Their entry this year is called "As If It's True", directed by John Rogers under the great folks of The IdeaFirst Company.

It's much of a Gen Z story where social media, content creation, influencer marketing is the name of the game. A relationship brews between Gemma Watson and James (a struggling musician). As Khalil mentions, it discusses relationships  and those that can be shown as real, or happening just for clout and exploitation.

This is certainly exciting for Ashley Ortega's career as she just came off the highly successful series "Hearts on Ice" which she did with Xian Lim. Though she feels a lot of pressure to do better, she's optimistic to do a project with Khalil since Gabbi and Ashley pretty much started in showbiz at the same time. They've been friends for a while which she feels would be advantageous for the things they would need to do in the film. There will be some sort of a romantic flick ingredient here ala "American Pie" but it'll be different, a little depressing at situations; quite different and will be in a Filipino setting. Here's our mediacon earlier on video, please, enjoy!

Khalil will also be starring in "Tick Tick Boom" under 9 Works Theatrical Production. This is his debut in theatre, and has been a learning experience for him because things are being done differently. He was matched with the role of Jon because of his very artistic vibe. Show happens August 5-27 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium - RCBC Theater. 

These are just some of the awesome achievements of Sparkle artists Khalil and Ashley, but I'm sure there will be more. If you already enjoyed their previous shows, movies and projects, it'll be a good thing to consume this new movie and theatre project from the two. I'm quite optimistic about what's happening with Ashley since this is pretty much, her second serving of a lead role. Khalil on the other hand has also been very busy with projects (and really thankful for it). When I asked about getting some negative opinions online, he also hopes his situation with Gabbi would be a good measure of what should happen when an actor has a real relationship while being paired with other actors on screen. Strictly professional.