I've been contemplating on writing about this but I just had the time to do so during my trip to General Santos and Davao. It's almost Christmas in a few days and we probably have one or more things in mind that we want to have during this season. I already bought stuff for Mum and Dad. It's something simple but not that expensive. Even though you can say that I'm a little brandish and a heavy shopper, they always taught me that it's not the price that matters... it's the thought that comes with it.
I didn't have anything specific to wish for this year but I have quite a long list of "things to do" and I wanted to accomplish some items on my bucket list as well. This trip was part of it but I had a habit of forgetting one thing while on vacation, that's my diet LOL. Traveling to remote places like this require you to also try their cuisine. I've tried so many dishes even if I've stayed only a week in this place but I always remember what I promised my folks when I left home. To always keep it healthy, to make sure my diet keeps in check because the last time I had a checkup, the doctor already told me I've gone past (or maybe still is) borderline high blood pressure and diabetes. I should always check on my self and watch what I eat so I won't have these things to worry about. The problem is, even if I only stayed a couple of days in Davao and General Santos City... I got these on the shelves of the restaurants for lunch and dinner!

Now how can I say no to that? Well, aside from getting the needed exercise and the cut on calorie intake which I have done successfully in the last few weeks... I felt I needed a break from all of that and live a normal life. It is after all my promise and I wouldn't want to see my folks see my demise at a very young age. It's not as good as I want things to end obviously; and I think I haven't achieved much professionally. I took the initiative to eat healthy, go back to the gym and have a few things up my sleeves that can get me have greater health. This 4 in 1 pill that's got Hawthorn Berry, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic Oil, and Lemon Balm named Circulan promises good health. If you have seen it on TV or read about it on news papers, you're probably a skeptic like me. Though I've seen a relative that got great results from this and gave it a go. If I'm breathing better and won't have the chance of getting heart ailments because of dietary supplements like these... I will take it because I deserve to live longer. This is my promise to my loved ones and I'm sure they won't get disappointed when the time comes. How about you? Have you made the choice of living well and never breaking promises in the coming year? Tell me about it. Let's see if it does wonders for you too!
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