Showing posts with label classes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classes. Show all posts

Step Up with Fame

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I look fat and inconceivably athletic these days that people don't know that I have a passion for dance. Funny you never asked. I used to be a member of my elementary and high school dance troupes and pretty much competed in different parts of the country doing Philippine dance, jazz, and pretty much about any genre I could get my hands on. Dance takes you to a different high, much of what endorphins do when you move and sway to the music, it's addicting and is a good confidence booster after doing shows on stage. You also get to entertain people and make them watch you, not to mention learning a skill that can get you places, and the health benefits too. 

Now I have long put this on the shelves because of other priorities (like life happens). Though a couple of weeks ago, I got invited to a summer dance recital by the owners of FAME Artists Studio based in Makati. They call it Step Up with FAME, to showcase what they have learned these past few months. This is their second year and they did this because the first one was successful. This also happened at the RCBC Tower's Auditorium. I did arrive a bit late so I don't know if I missed anything, so forgive me if I didn't get to see some parts. I sat amongst teenagers, their parents, grandparents (in full wheelchair garb so as to not miss their loving apo's first recital) and their friends. I could see how happy they were once the performers shot out from the back of the stage and began their performance. Let me tell you about what I observed.

Creative/Beginners Ballet

It's great to see toddlers, preschool abled kids take their interests into a higher form by enrolling in beginner ballet. Their confidence just exhudes on that stage. They were like little butterflies flipping their wings for the first time. Even though their routine was easy, it was long and they need to memorize a lot even at a young age. They all wanted to be in front for some reason, and the audience loved it!

Adult Jazz Classes

During the Jazz routine, I could feel a lot of them were first timers. Their faces had that look of nervousness, but they enjoyed it a lot. Physically they were not in their perfect form but imagine if they didn't train for this, they'd be less healthy and prolly wouldn't move a muscle when they were just stuck at home. In the middle part, the nerves were gone, you could see them smile every now and then, it's not easy to perform in front of a crowd, they did wonderful.

Hip hop for teens and adults

They had a little more to give. They all looked hungry to learn, I guess just like the rest of them, they are fueled by passion. They looked great out there despite the pretty complicated steps especially the part where they played dark music reminiscent of the underground french thing, I forgot the term lol (vogueing I think?). They were in different age groups mind you, but they didn't mind at all. It just felt fun!

Belly Dancing for Kids

They were just too cute for show! If I had a daughter I would have her enroll in this. A bit complicated to learn but achievable. 

Belly Dancing for Adults

Yes they can, yes they did. I would mistake them to be professionals already. They didn't mind their shape or form, they love dance and that takes a lot. Now why don't guys try this thing LOL.


They did a number inspired by those chinese zombies, they must be the studio's in house professional dancers. (I learned they were guests later on)

Vogue Adults

They did a number from Chicago, Cher's Burlesque. They sectioned off prople to fit the physical fitness and did their individual choreography. Worked well, and it's a good thing they're not forced or anything. 

Pole Fit for Kids

I can't believe there are kids doing pole dances, like below 12. And they can whip it out like adults, crazy.

Pole Mix for Adults

When you thought first timers would just do mediocre moves, and they do complicated stuff instead. These ladies deserve the applause they got from us. 

Pole Intermidiate Class

Then they up the ante with ladies getting a more advanced class. I could feel they endured a lot of pain doing this, like literal blood sweat and tears. 

Nique Manza

Judging from the looks of it, he's probably an instructor or international pole champion. (And I was right!)

Pole Flow

It's got a different feel, it's like pole mixed with boudoir and fashion. (Ladies would love doing this).

Johnny Sustantivo Villanueva

He showed reasons why men should do pole. He's an international champion, and it shows. I beckon it felt like I was watching Magic Mike in Las Vegas, right in Makati.

LDT Manila

They did a really good number, interpretative, lyrical, ballet and jazz. In house professionals? Yep! Some mishaps in the music didn't stop them from dancing, and they were good. I only heard in the awarding that they were from Lyceum (hence the dance troupe). 

Hoops for Adults

This one was a bit hard, and they were not backing off from a challenge. They weren't that type. Oh let me get that straight, it's quite dangerous too, but they did it.


I guess it's inspired by the same dance of Yannis Marshall - of AGT fame. They were good. 

Silk Beginners

It didn't feel like they were beginners. They did some pretty complicated stuff climbing and maneouvering with the cloth, splits and stuff, and this one is pretty dangerous too.

Silk Intermidiate

And they did even more complicated stuff, one of them (platinum blonde lady) pretty much took a ton of classes.

The Fame Teachers

This whole thing won't work without these guys. Individually, they are all superbly skilled. Some of them have already won awards internationally, thank you Step Up with Fame! You guys should stage a third one, definitely.

If I had a chance to do this all over again, I would. If I had the time, I'd arrange to do the pole and jazz classes, it would fit me real well. I'm sitting here reminiscing of the past, don't feel sorry for me becasue there will come a time that I'd do this again. If you would like to join them and their classes, check out their Facebook page as they are very responsive to messages. They are based in Makati so if you live nearby or work in this area, give them a call. Tell your friends too. It's not too late to start worthwhile activities, you CAN dance!

Here's snippets of it on video:

Congratulations to everyone who made Step Up with FAME a success! You did not do good, you did GREAT!

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