Showing posts with label cold wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold wave. Show all posts

Temps to 40 below zero in US Cold Wave

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A man walks beside Capitol Building. I wonder if he saw the cheese too LOLZ!

The US got hit with the coldest of cold waves where the Upper Midwest was affected sending hundreds of cars in traffic jams and a few streets literally frozen. Snowstorms were there closing schools and making most people think twice before going outside coz it may eventually freeze their you know what! Ha-ha!

On Wednesday it swept into New York sending temperatures falling from the 30s a day before to single digits or below zero. Rivers were almost dead frozen in and around the city as they fall into the same. I wonder how it is in tunnels and subways these days. They may be frozen too you know, and it may cause accidents. I heard there were even trucks that toppled thousands of kilograms of cheese on the road. Imagine how many macaroni and cheese lovers are probably worried about this. But really, thinking about that makes me hungry all of a sudden. Let me see if I can grab a sandwich before I get serious with work. ^_^
