Showing posts with label creamsilk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creamsilk. Show all posts

CREAM SILK Hair Fall Defense Blog Giveaway Winners!

Monday, September 16, 2013

It's already Monday so here are the winners of the Creamsilk giveaway! I don't want to make this very long so here you go!

The first one's a lady and we picked number 39 (through on Twitter. I checked and she followed the requirements.


The next one's from Facebook

We got number 4 and he's!


Checked his likes as well and we were there.

Let's watch how they made it into strings!

So congratulations to Twitter user @theresa_03 and Mr. Jay Ramones. Thank you also to Creamsilk for letting us see hair so strong you can even make music out of it! So guys and gals, start using Creamsilk, who knows... we might have a full orchestra in a few years all made of hair! Tenenenenen! =))

Thanks for joining guys! Hope you join the next one soon!

PS: I will follow and DM you on how to claim your gift packs courtesy of Creamsilk. It will be picked up by you in a place in Makati. I'll give you more details through PM and DM! =) 

For more information about Creamsilk

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Cream Silk Hair Reborn


Here's A Blog Giveaway from CREAM SILK Hair Fall Defense!

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Hey guys and gals! It's time to give away something again on the eve of the 10th year of KUMAGCOW.COM. Yeah I know I feel so old. But don't fret, I'm here to make your hair beautiful because Cream Silk has got another revolutionary product out in the market. This one however has the power to strengthen your hair up to 10x more and it's called CREAM SILK'S HAIR FALL DEFENSE. It's the only one that can give you the best protection against harmful products that can damage your hair. It also makes your hair so smooth by making your crowning glory shine and nourished by its own patented Vita Boost Complex. 

If you haven't watched Sam Pinto's TV commercial yet, you should! You'll see why it's the best there is out in the market plus the fact that you'll get to see a beautiful lady! See why you and I should believe the power to go beyond beautiful!

For the giveaway, here are the mechanics!

Get a chance to win a Cream Silk Hair Fall Defense gift pack! Just follow these 5 easy steps:

1. Like Cream Silk on Facebook ( and on Twitter (
2. Follow me on Twitter (@KUMAGCOW) and Like me on Facebook (
3. Share this link on your social media sites. MAKE SURE ITS PUBLIC so I can see it! :)
4. Don't forget to tag me on twitter or Facebook (and make the post PUBLIC) then use the hashtags #hairviolin and #BeyondBeautiful. Share the link with the following:


“Not only can strong hair be seen; now, it can be heard.  #hairviolin #BeyondBeautiful”

5. On September 15, wait for my post as I announce the two lucky winners of the CREAMSILK HAIR FALL DEFENSE gift pack.

It's that easy! Just make sure you follow instructions and you'll get the chance to win this in a week's time!



Beyond Beautiful

Sunday, February 24, 2013

This just HOT HOT HOT off the press!

You must have been seeing quite a lot of rumors about who's going to be the latest endorser for Creamsilk. Well, you're going to see this earlier than usual because we have the POWERS THAT BE! LOL!

One thing that I can say is that, she's gorgeous, she's smart and her hair is just full of life! Who am I talking about? Press to play!

How does Heart Evangelista achieve it? She's got her hair reborn with Creamsilk. It's PERFECTION in a bottle that can make those strands softer, smoother and healthier. It's the latest from the one and only Creamsilk. How can you resist someone this gorgeous? How can you even say no to her angelic face, lovely body and hair that's just BEYOND BEAUTIFUL!

There's nothing else in the market that can get you real results that has been proven by women in the Philippines for years now. It's just not enough to use plain shampoo or combinations that fall quite short of what you need to get your own hair just like Heart Evangelista's beyond beautiful hair! Get Creamsilk Hair Reborn!

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Unilever Philippines

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