Showing posts with label cure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cure. Show all posts

Say #IAmFortified with Poten-Cee Forte

Thursday, October 13, 2022

hese days, diet and exercise ain't enough to provide you the nutrition you need. You also put yourselves out there for work. Even though the pandemic still exists, the people you know, friends or family turn need all the protection they can get from the dreaded COVID-19, boost their immunity in all fronts so they don't wake up one day and catch it. Even if restrictions have been relaxed, we don't need to be complacent. It's important to make our bodies stronger and this is where Poten-Cee can step in.

The Vitamin C makes the body's immune system perform at its peak, and benefit it if you take it for a longer amount of time. Because it's Poten-Cee Forte, it takes bout 8 hours to get released fully, which means you get the protection you need all throughout the day. Poten-Cee Forte makes your body stronger, with their new campaign called #IAmFortified you'll get the extra protection you need so you don't get sickly.

People who have Vitamin C deficiency are prone to skin, gum and teeth problems. If you don't want to be part of the statistic, get Poten-Cee Forte on drugstores and supermarkets where available. 

It's also on sale with 20% OFF as part of "Tulong sa Kalusugan". This discount is applicable til the 30th of this month. Follow Poten Cee on social channels for more details.


Berocca Night on Full Blast - Manila

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's my first time here but I've heard so much about Berocca when they held parties elsewhere in the country. I don't think they did this just for fun but more so they could let us test out the real deal effects of taking Berocca after a night of binging and drinking. In true fashion, I took a lot of the cocktails and hard liquor available in posh HYVE in Fort Bonifacio. I did this out of passion for blogging... I drank a lot for you guys as a sacrifice hahaha

It was pretty cool seeing some of the celebrities I've covered in the past.They were there too to see how Berocca works. Some of them were obviously using it for ages. It's my first time though since I used a different brand.

They gave me one after a few drinks. I was skeptical on how it would work on me. This one's got orange flavor, a pretty dumb mistake on the hand of their competitor who only has one plain jane bubbler that tastes like chalk. Since I have work the next day, I needed this. I used to have problems like hangovers... but looks like they've proven their worth as this dose of Berocca took care of that.

Then I saw more guys and gals who drank some of it too. See anyone you fancy?

Then we had fun and games courtesy of the BOYS NIGHT OUT crew.

It was a Berocca drinking contest and of course, winners get to take home Berocca gift packs that would last them a whole year!

Then they called in some MORE ladies for the next game. They needed to TWERK to win! =)

The boys of course were all so excited! I on the other hand was so behaved. Promise! =))

We had so much time to party, we were all energetic and still raved for more! The day after, I was able to still go back to work. The pretty good news is that I HAD NO HANGOVERS. I didn't even take pain killers this time and that is a LIFE CHANGING moment for me. 

Now you know what to do the next time you go out and PARTY HARD with your friends. It's going to be no worries once you get Berocca in your system plus you'll get Vitamin B, C and essential minerals that would fuel you throughout the day!

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The Scandalous Sy Family Dinner

Monday, January 30, 2012

It was a grand night meeting bloggers from north to south. Since it was Chinese New Year fever a few weeks ago, a secret invite was sent out to bloggers indicating an event at Mango Tree Bistro. Though the menu was more on the Thai side we were definitely treated to a festive Chinese inspired theme party complete with the drama that goes in with it. Yeap! We were all in for a surprise!

The Dinner was served!

Tom Yum Soup, if it has shrimp I can't eat it... I'm allergic sorry!

Thai Green Curry, this was nice! I love Thai food specially this one if it was extra hot!

Sauteed Squid, this was okay. I took a bite but didn't get too much of it otherwise I'll have allergies :)

This is by far my favorite on their menu, breaded tofu! It was good!

I love Chicken Satays and this one was made more special because of the skewers made with lemon grass. It changes the flavor so much, I love it!

Light and refreshing this concoction of peach, lychee and bits of beets (I guess) was a hit!

After having dinner, the SY FAMILY came out and gave a few words.

They thanked everyone who came to this dinner that they hosted. It was kind of unclear to me why they did this but I went along with the drama. They introduced their sons next.

Da gei/Ge ge or older brother a scholar, an accomplished businessman and the Dad was very proud of him.

Didi or Younger Brother- an athlete that won several gold medals, always on top of class.

Then the youngest one barged in. Later on we found out that she was affected by the ROTA Virus which caused her to have diarrhea and other complications at an early age. This hampered her developmental skills and so she was a little rowdy as you might have guessed. Did you know that thousands of kids actually have this in the Philippines?! Mostly in their infancy and it does affect their skills later on in life.

The Dad didn't understand why his child was like this initially... but without the understanding of the parents and her siblings she wouldn't have a normal life. Underachiever, childish and pretty late in learning her cognitive skills were not as advanced as those people of her age. This is the after effects of the ROTA Virus. It's the second highest cause of death in the Philippines for kids ages 5 and below.

A Doctor and representative from GSK actually explained to us that there are several vaccines now available in the market that could prevent this from happening to children.

I still adore her though. We sat right next to each other while doing a couple of games with regards to guessing some viruses and diseases. We should have won, but you know there are cheaters hahaha. (joke!)

Good thing the Doctor said that the DOH is doing headway on making a national campaign against this virus. I'm sure pretty soon that there will be better health programs that would even make this particular vaccine available in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Thank you so much to GSK for keeping us informed, we really enjoyed this night. Sorry I was really noisy that evening, it really shows how much I enjoyed meeting everyone! =)

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