Showing posts with label database. Show all posts
Showing posts with label database. Show all posts

IBM's Smarter Storage Solutions

Friday, September 14, 2012

When you notice your hard drive is about to become 100 percent capacity you always run around in circles and feel you're about to lose it. Now just imagine that same time when you tried to partition  your drives the first time you bought your laptop or desktop computer and looked helpless seeing it wasn't enough space you allocated for your files and you can't do anything about it and had no where else to back up files. Your pathetic attempt to put everything on USB drives and DVD was laughed upon by your peers because they know it would take you hours upon hours to do that and make it one of the most unproductive days at work. Your network administrator suddenly took out the whole network down so he can backup your office files and you go way past your deadlines, truly not a fun situation to be in.

All along, it should have been an enterprise level system that should have handled all of these for you. IBM as part of their smart computing initiatives, announced a new approach in planning, designing and managing big data infrastructures that utilizes their energy efficient, smart and intelligent software and hardware storage solutions that minimizes legwork in strategical ergonomic processes. Seen in the photo above, Jeff Barber, the Vice President for Mid Range Storage, Systems and Technology Group for IBM explains that the data we are gathering from an enterprise and corporate standpoint are increasing exponentially. The Asean region alone utilizes a huge chunk of these storage requirements and the only way you can cope up with this is by smart systems that has the intelligence and efficiency of handling this big data. We were shocked to see the numbers but it looks like they've got that covered. With things that can understand and automatically manage your data for you even in several brands that would normally not work together, the IBM Smarter Storage can run with your evolving infrastructures which even in some way future proof your systems. Now isn't that smart? 

If you know about Watson and the wonderful things he did for championing Jeopardy, that's exactly what they are going to be implementing in these storage systems. The proper management of data via virtualization, de-duplication, automated (even multilevel) tiering and cataloging can't be done by other known systems but IBM has that on their sleeve. You should check out these services that can complement your existing storage systems and have that enhanced via Intelligent Storage Service Catalog (ISSC) and utilize Cloud Systems (which in my books is inevitable) via IBM SmartCloud Services for Storage that can improve your data backup, manage massive quantities of data even in real time. 

Check out what they can offer over at or follow them on Twitter @IBMStorage for more information.

IBM Philippines
