Showing posts with label dawn jimenez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dawn jimenez. Show all posts

UNO Magazine: Covergirls Bangs Garcia and Dawn Jimenez

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Sometimes, you need to grab a copy of UNO Magazine to realize that they know you. Men just like when we were all cave dwellers always had something in mind... And that's women. Sexy, luscious and hot in their form, you just can't stop fantasizing about them even in your sleep. Explosive or sweet, take your pick at UNO MAGAZINE's latest offerings as they unveil their covergirls for January and February... This is two of UNO's most hottest vixens. Didn't I tell you they were hot?

On the cover for the month of January is Bombshell Bangs Garcia. She's got spreads implying how explosive she is on and off screen. She also discusses bits and pieces about herself that you might have not seen yet in other interviews plus a couple or more photos holding up her guns and a tell all of what she's been doing these past few months (as she's been on a slight hiatus fromTV). She adds that she's also going to be in Dyesebel as an antagonist to gorgeous Anne Curtis. You'll love her, or hate her MORE soon but still, she's has everything you want in a girl. Watch out for that!

February's sweetest treat is OTJ's Dawn Jimenez. She's the controversial lady who gave it all to Gerald Anderson's character in the film. You never knew how sizzling hot it was going to be in the beginning and got surprised how feisty that scene is. If you haven't watched it, it was one of the film's highlights. When I met her on this mag signing event, she was a little quiet, reserved and had that mysterious thing going on for her. She's really pretty even if she's not that heavily made up. I like that.

On the mag though, she played a lot with candies and chocolate that could tittilate you even without mentioning that it's an aphrodisiac. She's hot in all the right places, especially her eyes. I love that on her.

Bangs Garcia felt like talking that evening. She told several stories about herself and what's happening soon. She felt the urge to probably update people since the last time we saw her was quite a long time ago. That same quality makes her attractive. I felt if she were your girlfriend you won't run out of stories. If you don't want anything boring, she could probably do that since she's very spontaneous. It's a trait I didn't know that would come from her. So that's probably why a lot of men adore her. 

Two women out on the conquest of making you regret not firing that pistol, having that grenade explode, swim around in rich thick chocolate or bite off that sweet concoction. They've got that on several sexy outfits, large photos and more inside the January and February issue of UNO MAGAZINE. Definitely a collectors item! It's available in all leading bookstores, magazine stands and selected counters nationwide! Boys, you know you gotta have this! :)


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