Showing posts with label developer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label developer. Show all posts

Next Level BRIA Homes: Launches xE Series

Monday, August 08, 2022

Things are looking bright for the real estate industry especially this year where prices are competitive. To become successful, you need to expand fast and innovate to spark growth here and in any other industry. BRIA Homes for example has made sure their projects are located in strategic sites, full of amenities that can be used by the community like good internet connection, utilization of electronic cash and people who care about managing the property.

Recently, they launched BRIA Homes Bettina Prime carrying the xE series which are mostly upgraded versions of BRIA’s Elena, Elyana and Bettina models. The differences lie in the fences, pavements and gates which was non existent in previous designs. Inside, it gets even better with bedroom partitions, well designed floor and wall tiles, water closets, hand showers and bidets (a must for Filipino homes these days). This would make any person looking for a home eager to own one or invest to lease off for families. There are also options to own two lots for more space like the Bettina xE with 72 square meters, there will be a lot more space for small gardens or play area.

Like in any other BRIA Homes property, lots of facilities like the multi purpose hall, covered basketball court, a playground can be used by home owners and enjoy with families, friends, the community and for special occasions.

Thinking of moving? Check out the property without having to go there physically via 360 degree tours on or you can check out their socials at where they post updates about their many projects. If you're seriously considering one, go reserve a home via because they can do that too online.

Now go make that choice a BRIA today!


Huawei Announced Milestones During Developer Day in the Philippines

Friday, September 10, 2021

hone and ICT giant Huawei just reaffirmed their commitment to improve the AI life in the country during the recent Huawei Develpment Day 2021. They showcased how they would be aggressively doing this by forging strategic partnership with existing educational institutions and companies with Huawei Philippines Consumer Business Group. Currently they've got 96 percent local apps in the Huawei AppGallery. During the session, key partners presented lik mobile wallet GCash, health platform KonsultaMD and popular radio station WishFM.

Huawei Country Manager George Li reiterates "We would like to partner with the country's top brands so we can expand more products locally. A seamless AI life is possible and we are part of that interconnected world."

During the event, they announced milestones with regards to HarmonyOS 2. For starters, they introduced DecoupledOS and hardware, second is improved sharing capabilities on devices, smooth and low latency operation of hardware that carries it and also, the DevEco Studio for Huawei app developers. They also gave information on Petal Search and the updates implemented on it. Now it's going to help local businesses connect better. You may stream the event through the official Facebook page of Huawei AppGallery for more information on HarmonyOS and business updates on local and regional areas, go check on updates on the site today!


How Hacking Help Apps Grow

Saturday, August 28, 2021

If you've been irritated by ads on apps you are using, then you're not alone. As apps showcase reasons to change your lives, you gotta ask yourself if it is true.

Building apps isn't easy and in the process of making new ones should have one element, growth hacking. If there exists a good efficient one out there, make it better.

Shane Shan the Director for APC Huawei Consumer Cloud Service says "There should be a strong sense of creativity at growth. Software developers must pay close attention to products and user experience. In order to grow quickly, you need a unified effort between marketing, engineering, developers and existing users".

This is also why they are continuing to discovering talent over at AppsUP 2021: The Huawei HMS App Innovative Contest. They're making app developers better with their craft so they can understand it more, to unleash one's full potential. Being meticulous at testing phase at the beginning of an app's development can take out costs which may affect the budget. Frequently doing it is highly suggested.

Listening to pro/premium users who pay for the service is also a good strategy because in some ways, they are also invested in it, so is building a community for it. This is why Huawei Mobile Services is introducing a lot of features to their products like AI, AR and analytics capabilities. You too can launch your app to millions of people around the world, visit for more details about it.