Showing posts with label diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetes. Show all posts

The Sweetest Thing with Diabetes

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Life has changed dramatically when I learned I had diabetes. My family has a long history of having it so I kinda knew it was just going to be a few more years before I would have it. I've seen my family members have tough battles with it. I do know most of them carry around shots of insulin so they could live like a normal joe. If you're in our shoes, it's hard to go out and have fun with family and friends because lack of it would pretty much make you experience fatigue, you would rather just lay around all day in bed than interact with your cute nieces and nephews. Aside from that, you can't travel much because you would often feel the need to urinate even if you don't need to and sometimes, get even more sick internally because you didn't manage your diabetes properly.

Yes, I'm so glad I'm managing mine quite well with the guidance of my endocrinologist who's also busy spreading her expertise here and around the globe. I make sure to watch what I eat (although that burger last night was not counted). I also think of it in a certain way – that if you take in a lot of sugar and it gets into your blood, it will eventually cause problems in different parts of your body. Obviously, it will pass through your heart, kidneys, eyes and your brain. When it damages parts of it, it could cause organ failure which would not be a good thing. I also take time to explain to my younger cousins, my nephews and nieces that this too could happen to them. These days, if I need to eat out or order food, I take time to look at the ingredients closely. I’m also so conscious about the nutrition labels on food when I go and get groceries to replenish our pantry. I also drank a lot of sodas in the past, but now if it’s not 4g or below per serving, I would think twice or just revert to my iced water if I get cravings. I also often drink carbonated water so I get the fizz of regular drinks I get but without the sugar and added ingredients that are bad for me.

The key is in moderation, to regularly see the doctor so they can tell you if your laboratory results are improving. Also, there have been tons of strides made in the development of insulin (second generation) which can have longer durations of action, and insulins that can address a variety of conditions and different types of patients. These products are also available for delivery, which is very convenient during the pandemic. Watsons (also Watsons Delivery that does insulin delivery). In the past, it would have been difficult to acquire it but we’ve seen the importance of insulin to be administered in a timely manner or else, it wouldn’t stabilize glucose levels in the bloodstream and cause hypoglycemia.

I realized how important it is for people to have access to medicine so we could live our lives as normal as possible. Even if we’re in this condition, we have the capability and become the best versions of ourselves out there. As you can see, it takes a whole town to manage what I have and I’m glad people are helping. From family members, to friends who refer you to the best doctors, to the company that produces the insulin and took the extra mile to get it to this patient who only wants to be as normal as possible. They’re in the best position to help, and they’re doing it. I’m just thankful to see they care about me, and my health. It is the sweetest, and for that, I’m grateful!  

For more information on second-generation insulin and diabetes management, you can watch the webisode series for lifestyle diseases, Health Speak, in this link


Diabetes Management During the Pandemic

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

There have been a lot of things that have been worsened during this pandemic and one of them is the onslaught of diabetes, heart ailment during lockdown and COVID (which makes matters worst).

In Italy, EpiCentro reported that diabetes has accounted for 30.5 percent of comorbidities (of which hypertension and cardio-cerebrovascular disease is included) among COVID-related deaths.The Philippines on the other hand has 77% of COVID-related deaths of the same according to the World Health Organization report.

According to Dr. Jeremy Robles the current President of the Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism "The presence of diabetes can defintely make one’s COVID infection worse. Controlling it will be up to the patient because it is on how they would adhere to doctors adivse as this is both chronic and a lifetime disease."

His advise? He calls this "Apat Dapat", which is 4 simple ways to manage diabetes:

Proper diet
Regular medication
Regular check-ups

All of which, actually makes total sense. Eating healthy makes your blood sugar normalize. So does working out because it makes your body have less insulin resistance. Medication is vital to make sure you don't get complications with uncontrolled blood sugar. Regular visits to your doctor can make those tests understandable so you know when you are making progress. They can also prescribe if you need changes in your medicine, so you won't be too hard for your kidneys. So make sure to take care of yourselves even during these times. 

/*This particular article has some components from the Kontrolado Ko, Diabetes Ko campaign by MSD in the country. They are pushing for patient adherence to medication and treatment especially with diabetes patients in the PH.


The Importance of Family in Managing Diabetes | #PanataNgPamilya

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

I got news that I have diabetes a couple months ago. It was around the holidays last year and I kinda knew something was wrong with me (those sudden headaches were a dead giveaway). My folks are no different, that comes with lineage that has a similar story. I didn't feel though that it was the end of the world. Living with people under this condition made me a little confident about managing it because I've personally seen it happen, it can be done. It is quite dangerous not to manage both diabetes and hypertension, I'd go say it is lethal. Thing is, it involves so much more than just taking a pill really. Taking care of yourself and your family would take a whole village to happen. The right diet, exercise and the help of medical professionals who studied and specialize in chronic conditions can help a lot, but access to it at this time proves very difficult, that's another story.

My Mom didn't really just sit around and do nothing when she noticed I had symptoms. Her caring nature spans generations of Filipino moms who always want to nurture, to take good care of family. With her, I've seen how it was of extreme importance to communicate effectively with family, friends, and health professionals. Now I'm more understanding in evaluating new treatments, making good decisions about my health, and knack for the appropriate use of medications (because I ask the right questions with my Doctor). These days, it's a bit difficult to actually do consultations, more so if my family doctor is hospital based and there are still COVID cases around that I'd be afraid to even step out of my home. It's not just for me, but the people at home that could be in danger if I'd go out and catch it.



Global healthcare leader Sanofi has always been a staunch advocate of disease awareness and spent years focusing and sharing information, educating people about diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease. Consequently, it's also World Diabetes Day on November 14. Just like our family, they affirm their commitment in promoting wellness, setting the role of Sanofi in our fight against diabetes and chronic disease. This is their "#PanataNgPamilya" showcasing the family's role in managing it, to set an example that it can be done by normalizing proper nutrition, promoting physical activity and living a healthy lifestyle. Sanofi continues to improve their programs such as Healthier PH Sessions, FamHealthy and Empower Patient Support Program, a 360 degree patient program, because they believe that healthcare should be as individual as you are. They believe in Your Type. With this, we all get a better understanding, to empower us patients and our families about how we all could better manage our well-being.


Knowing is the first step, but it is essential in making sure we’re on the right track in fighting this condition. If we live healthier lives, we get to be with our families longer, and that is priceless. We all could attain that full health potential and they have been helping us get access to better health services which accounts for a lot.

Like family, I believe we can achieve a #HealthierPhilippines. Family IS important and I'm glad to see how they've reached a lot of people with this in mind. #PanataNgPamilya #PanatangSanofi.