Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Minola and the Ketogenic Diet

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Last year, we had a good discussion with Dr. Fabian Dayrit about the good and the bad things about the Ketogenic diet. He says “Harvard Medical School published articles about it and asks if it is good for you to actually do it. There is a difference between Ketogenic, low carb, IF and Atkins diet. Traditionally it was used to treat childhood epilepsy, it was an effective treatment under a physician’s care. That was 1920, so this resurgence in the last 15 years is really nothing new. Fasting gets the accumulation of Ketones going. Atkins diet which was done more during the 80’s, it is mostly no sugar, high protein commercial diet and is done in phases. “

Also, he said “Ketogenic diets have high fat low carb, 20% protein. There is also mct keto and vco ketogenic diet and done in several styles. Fasting produces acetone and before, they used corn oil for treatment of epileptic children. In the 90’s diet induced hyperketonemia was done for sugar problems and lifestyle diabetes. If you don’t have glucose, your body goes to find other sources of energy and this is where ketosis starts.”

He adds “Ketones improves mitochondrial condition. It is the main source of energy for cells (including your major organs). If you are using statins, don’t do Ketogenic diets because it will just block it from happening. Right now there are clinical trials done against certain types of cancers. Lauric Acid during glucose starvation may reprogram energy metabolism and proliferation of cancer cells. (lauric acid is in coconut oil which Minola is) They also have studies about it versus Alzheimers disease where Dr. Mary Newport subjected her husband to. Her testimonial indicated that it also made good progress using Ketone Ester which mitigated her husband’s Alzheimer’s Disease. Ketosis is done through fasting, strenuous exercise, Atkins diet, coconut oil, MCT’s, ketone ester or a combination of these. Coconut oil has a unique fatty acid composition and no other oil is like it. VCO, Minola or straight eating coconut meat would make you get lauric acid. Published studies also say that Coconut Oil also has antimicrobial activity.”

Desa Apostol also shared her story:

Virna Veloso (not the one on video) who did Ketogenic Diet wanted to lose weight. She heard from friends and seen how it was effective but she couldn’t try the meal prep deliveries. She researched and did strict keto diet, in one year, from 110+ kg she was down to 66 and is now pregnant. She also had pcos (Polycystic ovary syndrome) which had a lot of her other keto friends swear by was managed by it. She also chose food, and is going to know the gender of her kid in a few weeks. Wow! :)

Ms. Kenner of Khendrie’s Kitchen also did a cooking demo and she also shared how her journey to cooking started. She was fond of sweets and baked a lot when she was pregnant. She lost her baby because she apparently had high sugar levels and did not take it lightly. She dedicated the name of her baby to this business and now produced cakes, pastries and food that are all keto friendly. She also now use coconut oil for all her cooking needs. She also lost a lot of weight with it. (Look for Khendrie’s Kitchen on Facebook).

When I left, I felt the sincere and eager participants want to change their lifestyle especially after the throng of women who changed their lives doing keto. With the aid of right know how and keto approved products such as Minola, it will be an easy journey for anyone who would want to live healthy lives. I am just so happy Minola Coconut Cooking Oil supports initiatives like these by KIFI members and their admins. Meanwhile, make sure you get the healthy coconut/ lauric oil by Minola because that helps a lot!


Let’s Talk About KETO

Monday, February 26, 2018

My weightloss journey isn’t much of a yoyo but more of, a roller coaster ride. The first time I’ve heard of Keto, I became just like most of you, a skeptic and my questions pretty much set me into a journey of asking MORE about my health. Being overweight while working was a chore, it wasn’t fun being bullied and made fun of because of your weight and in all fairness I have tried a ton of diet programs I could keep my hand on through google. You become more depressed, a lot cranky, and fail in the end. In a way I was forced to be in this place because doing keto did fit my lifestyle. It was more about the food I eat, the type when it’s keto friendly or not. There are reputable websites that identify them, backed by research and even more studies so reading more about it was required. I tried it for a few months and just on the second month I was getting complements left and right that I lost weight. 

I personally felt easier, lighter, lost bulging in my gut, even the dreaded double chin. I deemed I’m a big guy and felt that I have an ideal weight. I’m near that goal and I don’t think I’m depriving myself at all. It is hard especially when you are just starting and trying to reach the state of ketosis. It took me a while but when I felt that I got there, that’s where I think the results came. I lost a size off of my waistline, even a size off my shirt. I don’t have washboard abs and I don’t work out, but I’m completely fine now. I’m quite happy with my sugar and blood levels, and at this state completely at ease while I’m still adapting to the things I eat. It’s totally different from the normal things Filipinos eat, and the biggest sacrifice for some are spelled R I C E, one that I’ve completely taken out of my meals. I think I’m on the right track.

Aside from that, I’ve grown the affinity to like certain vegetables, no root crops, fat and protein. I have also learned to cook legibly, use my skills in the kitchen and do make ahead meals. If I can’t do much of that, I eat what’s available and just choose the things that are keto friendly. That includes the oil that YOU and I use, good thing Minola Premium Coconut Cooking Oil has a higher smoke point so you get less chances of it emit free radicals which cause cancer. I’m glad a lot of people are studying about it. Including chemists, doctors, regular joes like you and me. Some of which have really good results as it’s keto friendly.

Minola and Ketogenic PH hosted a forum and we got to talk to some experts in their field. Those who have practiced it too.

Mr. Mertz N. Bernardo the VP for Sales & Marketing for SPMC Minola says "When I arrived here I felt that we were witnessing our youth. The coconut farmers now have companions that believe in the benefits of coconut oil and help us promote this and other coconut products. Thank you to Keto Diet Philippines and for connecting with us while their 6K strong membership enjoy the Keto diet and Minola Premium Coconut Cooking Oil for sharing your success stories so more people get to know about it. Thank you for spending time with us, it's a good day for Keto practitioners, to your families, for the movement that make coconut farmers succeed with their products. Thank you for patronizing our premium coconut oil."

Dr. Fabian Dayrit, an Atenean Professor and VP for National Academy of Science and Technology and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee for Health, Asia and Pacific Coconut Community says "You have to always check your sources, you also have to take note of your dates when you're researching about the Ketogenic diet. It was once used for the treatment of epilepsy, also similar to the Atkins diet which is a commercial diet plan with phases which focused on low carb and doesn't distinguish the type of fat, that's the main difference. Ketone Bodies are result of fats (MCT's) that go through the liver and produce this. There are levels of ketosis, nutritional ketosis, therapeutic ketosis and Ketoacidosis (not a good state that happens with diabetics). Inducing ketosis can be done by FASTING, EXCERCISE, ATKINS DIET, KETONE ESTER, and INGESTION OF MCT's or COCONUT OIL or a combination of these.

In the end of their talk, I knew I still had to learn lot about how to make these all part of my lifestyle. I have seen success stories and I’ll tell you about it very soon. One of which includes Mae Paner aka Juana Change, one who completely turned her life around from being morbidly obese. As for me, I’m going to continue my Keto lifestyle. I suggest you talk to you doctor about it and ask for opinions from experts too. I don’t see this as a fad, but more of hope for those who may fit the glove. I just also joined Ketogenic Diet Philippines group on Facebook (just search for the same) so I can have a whole community to support me. It’s the little things, but it’s important we do. Stay tuned for part 2!

I am glad that we are at least talking about it. That in itself is already a difference!


Fresh Blogs Fast!

The Launch of Nutrition Hub

Monday, September 19, 2016

Where do I start? Hmmm...

I went to an evening expecting  a simple launch of a website but it turns out that it's a whole discussion between Dietitians, Nutritionists, Doctors, Health Workers, Food Suppliers and experts. Imagine the medical jargon being thrown from left to right, forward and backward, and my nose was bleeding in the middle of everything. Before it became the Red Sea, it was explained to us that is for health professionals and common folk that would want to address nutrition issues. The problem nowadays is that people tend to ask friends and family instead of true nutritionists and dietitians. There's a huge danger there because 1.) They might not know what they're doing and 2.) You might end up endangering yourself. I don't have to even tell you why because you probably know why. But let me also add something to your brain's library two terms, FOOD ALLERGY and FOOD INTOLERANCE.

Dr. Nigel Abraham
Dr. Virgith B. Buena
Dr. Rolando Balburias

These distinguished men and women told us about it. For those who already know their allergies, the usual suspects are those you love so dearly. Pollen from those lovely flowers, seafood from the Philippines, the lovely Milk from your friendly cow, Chicken from your favorite restaurant, and dust from EDSA. You all have at one way or another had to give up things because you're allergic to it. What I didn't know at first is that Allergy and Intolerance are two different things. Food intolerance means you have a specific set of food to actually avoid for you to have better health. Now it's a little arduous to actually do it and that would entail testing almost every single food item that you see in the grocery or market. Can you imagine how huge that is? Well, thank the lords of Cambridge, they've made it a little easy.

This kit called Food Detective is the most advanced scientific way to find out what food items you are intolerant with. These are just one of the tests they have at hospitals and clinics of Nutritionists, Dietitians and Doctors now. After numerous attempts to simplify it, they've managed to put it into these slots so you know what you're intolerant with. Do you sometimes feel bloated when you eat things? I was surprised because they told me it's a sign that the body was reacting to what we eat and that is some sort of in a state of being swollen. Sometimes you also gain a lot of weight because of it, everything becomes complicated because you don't know what you're intolerant with. This kit and the result was explained to me.

Then I found out that I'm intolerant to Wheat (which means bread yes :( ), Corn (of which I love so much for snacks), Yeast (of which means anything that is fermented, like Soy Sauce, Kimchi :( ), and get this, I am intolerant too to COW's Milk. It was shocking, as I've literally been eating this my whole life. Was I sad? A little, but now that I know, it's a good thing. I can slowly take it out of my diet and lifestyle. For me, that's better than not knowing at all. 

If you want help, if you want a personally designed diet, you should try it out at the Facebook page. They've been doing this for years and they have experts (real certified ones) answering questions there. Your body is NOT a joke, you should seriously only get help from those who have studied and spent years learning about it. Other than that, eating right is not enough and you have to have physical activity to reach your target health. Do it right by consulting with experts over at You may check out today!

Fresh Blogs Fast!