Showing posts with label diets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diets. Show all posts

RealFlex, CrossFit® and the "Reebok Experience Zone"

Friday, April 13, 2012


Reebok one of the world's biggest sports and shoes authority is going to have a "Reebok Experience Zone" at the Eastwood City Walk 2, April 13, 2012 that's Friday next week. Together with the actual "experience" are two things. RealFlex, Reebok's NEW footwear technology that promotes natural movement and flexibility plus CrossFit®, the revolutionary strength and conditioning program known the world over!

Jump 2

You would be able to do a couple of CrossFit exercises like the Box Jump, Jump Rope and Air Squat. Reebok has been sternly supporting CrossFit programs since 2010 and why not because both companies have been endorsing an empowered health lifestyle that it just comes naturally. Filipinos will now witness the same famous straight forward program in Eastwood City so make sure you come over on that day.

Reebok CrossFit Boxes have been setup all around the world hence its inclusion in CrossFit's affiliated gyms. Together they have been making headway of various programs starting with the new generation exposing them to how it is to live healthy at an early age. It's time for Manila to have some of that! I own a pair of Reebok's now and use them profusely when I work out. It'll be a better experience now with the new shoes out... if you think you need a pair, it wouldn't hurt to try them out first this Friday!

Check out what they have been doing with the rest of the world and it'll be our turn now!

See you there!


For more information, visit Reebok at Or, discover Reebok at the following locations:;;; and


Cleanse, Detoxify, Rejuvenate, and Balance with My Spa Diet!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

For most of us BIG people there are several things that we don't attempt to do. One, because we would probably feel humiliated and two, we already know why. On this day however I was surprised to be asked to do it, but I gave it a go so I can do something about it. It's one of those nightmares that you try and fight for. You know what it is?!

Tadaaaa! :) I got my weight measured! Haha!

Just like me thousands of Filipinos are actually overweight and living a healthy life is really not one of their priorities because they are either too busy because of work or too lazy to work out and have a proper diet. We are not alone, even Ms. Cheshire Que - a spa diet expert, RND, RD, RN went through the same dilemma. On this day, she reveals a program that helped her overcome this and calls it My Spa Diet.

Lose weight, Rejuvenate with

She started by telling us an anecdote about her folks, their current state and how she got heredity, history play in getting that condition. Just like them, everybody's got a weight gain story. Weight management is such a hard thing to achieve if you don't know what you are doing. She however also had hormone problems because of her thyroid condition. She made a point that a high fat high sodium low fiber diet exists all around us. Technology has also made us all lazy and gain weight because of the lack of physical activity. In this sense, "Lifestyle modification" is essential and there are three things to do in order to accomplish this. Fixing our Diet, exercise and behavior. That is where comes in.

We got out BMI measured and she took the time explaining to us what the numbers mean. I was particularly surprised about how big my numbers were since it'll be a basis for what will cause heart problems and diabetes in the future.

If you go to the site it highlights the essential tools of the myspadiet program she designed. Week one is cleanse, two is detoxify, three is rejuvenate and four balance. The phases need you to do the following: High fiber and water, no red meat and processed food, featured fruits and vegetable everyday, all foods allowed but in moderation.

It caters to men and women; they ask you for your daily physical activity and give you an image of your food allowance. They have it represented in numbers and you shouldn't eat beyond six hours so you wont starve. It is all about meal timing. If you prefer a different diet then you can always substitute just as long as it satisfies your numbers. The menu plans in the site has varieties and you can see practical comparisons with real life things so you can measure whatever you eat with something usual. It is very important to eat something ALWAYS in moderation. You need to also move a lot, exercise and do something active. There are studies in Japan that if you do exercise and do something all in 30 mins, that would account to more in a week and would be beneficial for your health. It also depends on the intensity so make sure you do work out with that in mind. We need to make sure we replenish with water right after so we don't dry up and age because of lack of hydration. The fourth week would get your food intake to a disciplined mode but you must make sure you get everything in tolerable portions and do not eat mindlessly. That's where most people fail and perform a yoyo diet.

Behavior change is essential and you need guidance from experts which is also available on the site. Lifestyle is a modification is a process and need something that would also motivate the mind. If you are not disciplined and motivated to do these things, that causes it to fail.

So the next time you go out and buy something in the grocery, include something that is from the fresh produce department. The site also suggests and recommends a list that you can take along when you buy something. It's a good thing... make sure you visit the site


Easy Pha-Max

Grace of Easy Pha-Max gave a small info about wheat grass and its benefits. People in the US specially those in LA have been eating this since time and memorial and with its availability in Malaysia; it now comes to the Philippines. This is essential to cleansing and alkalinity which is one f the goals of for the first and second week. This should be taken cold and we were also advised to shake it well since it has to have the nutrients also mixed in. They only use the grass but not the roots. Although the anti aging and cancer preventing minerals are in the roots it has the essentials already in the drink. It is also recommended to be taken daily for detoxifying and if we have a lot of unhealthy food eaten this is a must. It helps in cleaning the colon and prevents chronic constipation. Did you know that we have to go to the comfort room twice a day to actually keep it healthy? I'm sure most if you only do it once so don't lie haha :)

It's for thorough cleansing. You and I know that we need it! You know what to do! :)

For more information please check out their website!

Or like them on Facebook!


Questions on Weight Loss

Thursday, July 28, 2011

One fact that we established in the office is that we are getting bigger by the day. The lack of exercise, improper diet and habitual takeout orders became a norm for us that it made weight loss quite a struggle. We decided to make a contest out of it and the official weigh in started a month ago. I needed to lose quite a lot and I dare not mention my weight here. It basically falls on the obese range and it isn't funny when every physical exam that we do yearly; the prognosis is still the same. I tried a local diet pill here in our side of the world but it wasn't the best thing to take while on a work day. You kind of go into a cycle of taking it on some days and stopping for a few. The irregular visits to the comfort room were really inconvenient too. I hated it in fact because it's the last thing you need while a meeting is going on and it strikes. The food intake didn't also change because I starve myself and binge after a few days. It spelled YOYO diet all over! I'm going to try some reputable carb blockers instead and maybe that would help.

I haven't officially taken the courage to check and see if I did lose weight. I feel the weighing scales at home were hiding from me when I tried to do that. I probably would just go to our office clinic and try the official weigh in there after 3 months. The winner will get to win a few thousand bucks plus a treat to a local pizza parlor to take those shed weights back LOL! We do want to live a healthy lifestyle don't get me wrong. I will continue to go to gym even after all of these are through. I need to change my diet and my way of life. I'll be a little lighter than usual and get to finish things much faster. Our bodies need to be at par with what are brains can do. This is my personal goal for this year. My office mates did insane workouts and they lost a lot of weight during the first few weeks. I hope I can do the same with the gym time and diet pills I plan to take from here on. I hate to lose!

How about you guys?! Have you done weight loss efforts this year? What was effective for you? What didn't work? Let me know what you think so I can apply them to myself too okay?! Thanks!
