Showing posts with label digital printing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital printing. Show all posts

Giving Gifts? Make it a MemoirMag!

Monday, March 31, 2014

When you've got really good friends from high places and you can't think about what to give them when it's their birthday/just have a special occasion, you might want to consider this cool thing from my friends over at Memoirmag. I was surprised to receive this a couple of days ago in the mail and they've got a pretty great idea of putting memories into this form. Something that you can see everyday, something that is very PERSONAL. Things like these are indeed priceless. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

I remember meeting Roanne for the first time in a bloggers trip to Guimaras a few years back. Since then, I felt so comfortable with her and her brother. Her demeanor in life is so amazing and even if she's a successful professional in Macau, she stays grounded and humble. She's one of the most beautiful faces I've seen too so it's just right that we become first class friends. She then gave me these awesome trinkets from Memoirmag.

MEMOIRMAG is basically a product and a service. They turn your "precious moments" into magnets. If you are like me who spends countless hours of their day appreciating their good looking selfies online, this is perfect for you. Or if you have those special moments on Instagram that you want immortalized on magnet form then this is the way to do it. In their case, they chose the awesome photos from my @kumagcow Instagram account and got that printed like this!

They prolly use really good photo paper because it's shiny. Plus I think they have taste just by looking at the photos they chose in this bit. It's been years since I've found that photographer photo on the bottom right when I was in the documentary for street photography in Atom Araullo's show KALYE. That show isn't even here anymore, but now I can see the memories EVERYDAY.

Grumpy? No. I love this particular shot done my Ron Torres during the wedding of my friends Louie and April Niduaza which I think happened 2 years ago. I don't usually have portraits but this was perfect LOL. See what I mean about memories?

This one was part of the series I did for Converse. I love my jacket from Marks and Spencer with the bags and shoes from Converse! Woot! You can pick your Outfit of the day and put it into magnets like these. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Now my photos would take the spotlight in our home refrigerator so that every time someone opens the door, they will see me first haha! Aside from that, I can probably put this on my home office table and put the memos on it. It's pretty darn useful and it's gonna look so good if you put it anywhere in your home... now why don't you get one for your friends/family?! How? That's easy!

1) You can go to their Facebook page and check out their channels

2) Or Email them and ask about their services.

3) Check out their Instagram account or their website for more information about their product and services. That's in and

Plus the price of these things are really affordable. Giving gifts isn't really about the amount you pay for it, sometimes it's just the thought that comes with it. Make sure you check them out and they'll have it delivered right to your doorstep. It's really awesome! You should have one for yourself and the ones you love! Now do yourself a favor and get those digital photos printed now by Memoirmag! 

Check out their channels below!


For more information about their product:
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website

Art, Love and Passion

Friday, March 18, 2011

I've learned to appreciate art at a very young age not because I have relatives in the industry but because I was fascinated with all things concerned with it. I always wanted our excursions to include visits to reputable museums here and around the metro. Living in a third world country would definitely be one of the few things that could inspire you or force yourself and your mind off things. Making something beautiful out of the impoverished situation is the ideal way of fixing it. I don't have that much money even up to this day to afford such pieces and only get the next best thing if I wanted one for our home. Take a look at this image for example; don't you just feel the passion and emotion on the artwork? That is one of the few things that give me a natural high. It inspires me to say the least. I want to make one myself too but maybe in a different medium like photography. Giclee Fine Art Prints would be one of the few things I'd like to find so I can get them displayed on my home. That's going to be a great thing to have soon!

The love I have for works of art and the times when I need inspiration dictates what particular piece I get interested in. I almost ransacked the museums here in the metro and if that wasn't too bad; to do in a single whim when nobody's looking or maybe get what I need for my own home. I get frustrated each day looking at them but I know pretty soon I'll have these in my hands. What about you? Have you considered getting artworks for your own home?! What particular pieces do you adore? Do you have artists in mind?


Artwork That I'd Adore

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I've seen a lot of things this weekend that I couldn't get because I'm saving up for artwork that I plan to put up on our living room. Mom says we need one and who can argue with that. I wouldn't want to stare at a blank wall as a conversation piece and I kind of agree that we need some sort of a focal point. My photography would be out of place there because I mainly do fashion and the room's feel is more of classic and contemporary. If there would be something else I could try John Powell Prints looks good.

The strong reds and purple shade on the garden seem to be the perfect accompaniment to the hardwood furniture we already have in state. The darker shade would definitely give this difficult blend of pieces a more cohesive look since it will have a smoother transition on the walls even if we don't change colors. It's relatively a lot cheaper too if I go this path than purchasing the original one so if the time comes when I need to choose I'll tell them to consider it. After all it'll be numbered and hand signed as an authentic digital print. I'm ecstatic and feel a lot of people would say WOW at the sight of it. Imagine how they would react if something this beautiful lands on one of our walls. Mom's going to brag about it for a long time I'm sure!

Have you considered getting digital artwork? Do you have some at home? Care to tell me about it?
