Showing posts with label drifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drifting. Show all posts

Sports Lateral Drift Championship EASTWOOD

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am really impressed on how Eastwood City has hosted the one and only pro-am drifting competition in the Philippines. There were only several entries because this is still such a young sport. The auto tradeshow banner stands were quite prominently placed throughout the venue and people from all over the country went in to watch their favorite local speedsters. I only watched these things on TV and Movies. My photography friend brought me to the stands one afternoon and since then I was so hooked!

I like the thought of seeing cars swerve literally by a hair strand missing posts, walls, tires, posters and on some instances people. You just watch at awe on how they were able to manage driving those small spaces in between turns. I was ecstatic because if you think about the panning shots you get while these monster vehicles drive by it was doubly hard doing it at night. They did not have ample amount of lighting but if you get that perfect shot it is just well worth it! I managed to even take the billboard home with me right after my favorite part of the race which is the tandem run. The two cars were side by side trying to outrun and out turn the other one. Imagine those same cars burning rubber with someone pressuring them from behind. It was just awesome to see this monstrosity in action! I knew it was the best thing to see that day when I saw it on the posters!


Drifting Finals at Greenhills with D60KREW

Sunday, August 30, 2009

There were awesome cars, awesome cars and awesome cars! It was a day for drifting, I had so much fun with the D60KREW... a few shopping stops here and there then we proceeded to the parking lot where they hold this event. Tom Alvarez lead the ceremonies and everyone's spirit was so high!

There were even some celebrities in the pitstop, some models too so everything was worth it to shoot. Let me show you one that I took with Ryan Agoncillo on the driver seat:

The actual drift run was nice but he kinda begged off on the semi finals. Some fans were disappointed, but hey I got these panning shots which is nice. That was all I was there for. I really enjoy the adrenaline rush you get when you almost get sideswiped by the cars. The small barriers were really not that much of help, but in looking at drifting in the Philippines I think it was still not at par with the Japanese guy who performed for the crowd. He was the only one who drifted really nice in the whole course. Filipinos had few stops in the course but his run was smooth and in unending lines. I really got goosebumps looking at it. I'll probably post some more shots when I finish post processing it. I'll also tell you about some more groups I met from photo shoots I went to this morning. It was awesome as this! I spent a long time with the guys till the wee hours of the morning over a tall Caramel Macchiato =) a great day indeed!


Drifting and Digital Photographer Philippines 3rd Anniversary

Monday, June 29, 2009

Credits go to Sir Aly Reyes and Sir Jerry Tieng for this HUGE Group HUG!

It was one of the best things that happened in my "photography" life. Hundreds of Digital Photographer Philippines forum members flocked to Fort Bonifacio for not just any event but the 3rd Anniversary of the site. The attendance was huge, not to mention the others who were not able to officially register on the event. I saw some other photographers just going in just for the hell of it. I enjoyed the seminars I attended and learned a lot. Lightroom which is one of the most powerful photo editing software money could buy was also introduced to hundreds of people at that event. I attended it and I was so glad I could get my hands on it. Now it's a cinch to edit my photos with the help of this tool.

Drifting @ Greenhills

Other than that, I was fortunate enough to still go to a late photoshoot at Greenhills for a "drifting" event. Lots of cars were there and I thought I wouldn't enjoy it. It was really an adrenaline rush for me, I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to go back next time. I had several shots that would be exciting to look at since it involves flying tires and colliding cars on it. This was one of the best shoots ever! Nice cars, nice women and nice event... what more could I ask for?!
