Showing posts with label drones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drones. Show all posts

PISMO Digital Opens New Store In Eastwood City

Friday, December 18, 2015

Yes! They're open now at the Eastwood Le Grande 3 Building's Ground Floor and offering the latest and best brands you can think of in phones, cameras and accessories. It's Christmas season so what opportune time to do it right? Here are some of the items I saw inside the new Pismo store.

They had us take photos using the Polaroid Cube and other cameras on their line. They also got us to test printing via the Polaroid Bluetooth Printer which you can use with your iPhone without the need of disconnecting from the wifi.

Linksys WRT1900AC sells around Php 14,990, you might think it's expensive but this is the BEST router there is in the market. I've worked with this so much literally but of course, you can only be as great as your existing connection. I wanna have one Linksys, yes? LOL I know you're reading this!

For smartphone lovers, Android users rejoice as the ASUS Zenfone 2 Laser and Zenfone Selfie is here too. It retails quite the same I think, but since they're a store you can probably lay away with credit card purchases which would be easier for you. 

For GoPro owners like me, lookie here! They've got several attatchments and GoPro Poles you can choose from. Some are cheap, some are really expensive but again since this is a store you have lots of options.

For those who love the outdoors, walk no more with these Segue and Smart Balance Wheel which is so popular with kids now. You should get one before stocks run out!

I also love the Parrot Drones. They've got indoor ones and outdoor models. Some last a few minutes to around 26 minutes for the professional ones. It's around 16K so if you're looking for one, you should experience it here first then decide which one to buy. Yes they do have test units you can use before you purchase them!

I also saw cellphone accessories, huge designer speakers which might interest you. I'll be looking around and wish this was my home lol. Congratulations PISMO on your new store in Eastwood City!

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