Showing posts with label earth day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earth day. Show all posts

Clean Up and Save the Earth!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I still have my old CRT Monitor, old CPU and broken UPS under my table. Apparently no one is disposing it. I don't know if this should be sold by the company or just stay here since my boss paid for it already. It is really hard to get rid of junk from the office. Imagine all the stuff that gets phased out every year. Some of them end up in landfills together with the trash from the metro but there should be a proper way of disposing this. There are corporations which makes recycling electronic devices their bread and butter. I think that is the best alternative that we could do to prevent the chance of improper disposal. How can we help save the Earth when incineration on open air would be the answer of the local government? The huge amount of toxic chemicals would surely be hazardous for you, me and the people you love!

I have been campaigning about this in the past and I think it would be nice for me to rekindle my passion for environmental matters again. Maybe I could start by recommending institutions that can properly dispose of these things and get something in return for corporate spending. That will be a good thing to suggest. I remember a friend once said that you can't help save the Earth without starting in your own backyard. It's simple but if you think about it; it does make sense!

Would you like to be the next hero?! I know I would!


Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I just arrived from a 2 day vacation in PUERTO GALERA which is one of the nicest tourist attractions south of Manila. This is my second time to go there and I really love the place. However, this time of the year was a little different because this made me go there on a peak season where everybody else goes because of Holy Week. They flock to that island because it is the nearest white beach 5 hours away from Manila. I love the place for the shoreline because I love the feeling of the sand on my feet and watch the waves hit me every second. Though there is a huge problem now, a lot of them are putting their trash on the sand after their drinking sprees. They did not think it would affect the way PUERTO GALERA looked, but I suddenly had the urge to clean up after I saw the place the morning after. There were bottles, plastic cups, food, metal utensils all over but only a few residents chose to clean it.


I was worried that in a few years, GALERA might not look the same way because some people did not care enough. I'm not a green thumb or an environmentalist but that is just not right. As an ordinary person, I know we need to at least make an effort to do our part. Even in the city, we should recognize the high volume of trash we have each day. There were a few times we had a garbage problem here because we did not have any place to put it anymore. The dump trucks only had huge lines around residents who chose to close down dump sites because it already had a huge impact on their ecosystem. We should recycle everything and ask our friends and families to enter Earth Day contest that could literally lessen the amount of waste coming from our own homes. I often throw away cell phones and chargers that do not work anymore. I did not know that there were some establishments who could properly dispose of them because iBuyPhones recycles used cell phones.It is just an ingenious way of taking care of mother nature so I will support this cause. I think you should also do the same, so make it a point to grab those old phones and give them to people who can make this world a better place. At least your children can see the same beach, water source and place you now enjoy. They will thank you for that.

