Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Continuing A Legacy: TV5 and Cignal's "Bilang Pilipino 2022 Election Coverage"

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Election coverage has started and the folks at TV5 and Cignal are no stranger to that. Together with a formidable roster of broadcasters, they have launched Bilang Pilipino 2022 in their different mediums Radyo5, 92.3 News FM, highly popular Interaksyon, The Philippine Star and BusinessWorld among others.

For starters, is the Presidential series called "Kandidatalks" which they've done with Go Negosyo (an NGO) wherein they'll talk about Business, Work and Health. It will be moderated by Cheryl Cosim. The series will run from March 21 to 25. It will be replayed from March 26, April 2 and 9 on TV5 at 9PM. If you prefer wathching it earlier, it's going to be seen on One PH Channel 1 at 10:30AM and One Nwews Channel 8/250 for HD at 5:30PM. Go see your presidential candidates on these dates taking on current issues so you get to have an informed vote on May 9th.


They also have a 3 part documentary entitled The Promise Tracker which will be hosted by Cheche Lazaro. It will air on March 26 on One News at 7:30PM and TV5 at 8:30PM. Mon Isberto on the other hand will host Optics: Politics of Perception which will air on One News on March 27 at 6PM. It's going to make you understand how PR works in the elections.

You will also see Hitting the Campaign Trail on April 13th. which is a reality documentary series about how it feels to be on the campaign trail. This will be from reporters who are all with the candidates and will be shown on their channels. They will also have them uploaded on Facebook, YouTube just like their other programs in the channel.


Go Vote Movement Launch

Monday, April 01, 2019

Do you still vote? I do, I deem it one of my rights as a citizen of the Philippines to choose who I see fit as a leader. I exercise that right every time there is an election, because I feel we wouldn’t have rights to complain from government services because we didn’t do it. That is the principle I live by hence I never miss one. It’s sad though that there are tons of Filipinos who do not go out and vote, they have their excuses, but this shouldn’t be the case. The government sets this as a non working holiday, you have the whole day to do it, if you choose not to, that’s not a good thing.

This morning I was at the launch of the GO VOTE MOVEMENT. It’s a non partisan, non governmental organization made up of volunteers who would encourage registered Filipino voters to go out and vote on May 13, 2019. They also are doing it through free voters education all throughout the country. The low turnout of voters always has been a very evident problem and this is the solution they’ve come up with on talks done by MLQU President Jerry Acuzar, former DOJ Undersecretary Erickso Balmes and GVM President and Convenor Atty. Erickson Balmes.

Atty. Irene Chiu says “One of our basic human rights is to partake in elections, we do this by voting. This is our way to tell others who we want to represent us. This is a non partisan, non governmental organization, we are all volunteers here. We invite you to join us in this advocacy, we encourage you to vote, this is not about us, this is about your right, your responsibility for your future.”

Attu. Erickson Balmes says “An educated voter can make a good decision. They will be more participatory in elections, we are lecturing now all over the country to various stakeholders. We advocating transparent elections, hopefully to break records of voter turnout this 2019. We now have been around the country to encourage people to do their duty as citizens, go vote on 2019!”

They have already started these seminars in MLQU last March 14, and continue to do so til now. With their efforts, they wish to see greater participation this year. If you would like to be part of this movement, call 0945 3483784 or email them via


NEWS5 Does “Anti Troll” Campaign

Saturday, February 02, 2019

NEWS5 has always been different, and I think that is impressive. Remember the time they did “B.A.Y.A.W. for President” during the presidential elections? Jun Sabayton became a household name doing fictional stories, parodies directed to educate the Filipino voter and the community as well. B.A.Y.A.W. means “Bagong Alyansang Ayaw sa Walanghiya” was aimed to ridicule traditional politicians and how they’ve fooled pinoys for years, sort of mirror the current situation.

NEWS5 will do this again this 2019 as part od their electoral-advocacy campaign and Bilang Pilipino. NEWS5 will be concentrating on the social media power of Filipinos and what wonders likes, comments and shares does in the eve of proliferation of fake news, fooling much of the populace hook line and sinker. This also includes online trolls and how it has proliferated over the years that spread lies, malicious stories done to mar someones reputation. It’s time to call them out via their 2019 advocacy campaign called #TolWagTroll, Respeto Lang. This is to think twice about how to hone one’s behavior, digital or not.

Stay tuned as NEWS5 showcase #TolWagTroll Rap De-Battles hosted by Raffy Tulfo and PH’s rapper Loonie, Flict-G, J-King, Jonas, Lhip Kram, M Zhayt and Poison 13. Using words through their craft, rap battles will ensue as they dish out their views and opinions, exciting!

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