Showing posts with label essays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label essays. Show all posts

How To Write Good Essays Fast

Friday, October 27, 2017

Despite our best efforts, we’ve all been in a situation where we need to write an essay in a truly ridiculous amount of time. It can either be because we genuinely forgot about it, or because we're in a class which gave huge amounts of homework. This means our schedules need to change and move quickly. While a lot of students prefer to simply buy an essay from writing services such as, there are ways in which to tackle the need to write quickly which can be learned easily by anybody who wants to do so. Writing an essay quickly is difficult, but ultimately doable.


When you need to write something fast, the most important thing is to get started. Getting started can mean simply beginning to write, of course, but it can also be as simple as simply jotting down ideas for research and structure, just so that you have something to work from.

Getting ideas onto paper is one of the easiest ways to start the process of writing, as it means that you have something to work from, and that the process of writing has started.


When writing essays, it is always a good thing to try and stand out in some way, to get your essay noticed. When you are on a deadline is not the time to try something like that; it is the time to keep things simple. A simple structure is more easily remembered, so when you are writing in a hurry it is much easier to remember what goes where, and how to structure a thesis statement, and so on.

Keeping to the basic structure also allows you to build an essay more quickly, as the basics are usually the same, no matter the essay.


When you are on a deadline, paying attention to the little details becomes all the more important, because that will detract attention from the half-baked ideas which you might end up with. Spelling and grammar is also an opportunity to make up for any points lost in other areas of the essay.

When it comes to how to write a good college essay, both good spelling and good ideas are needed, but if one has to be sacrificed to the deadline? Good communication skills as shown by an entirely grammatically correct and well-formatted paper cover bad ideas far more easily than good ideas will cover for a badly-written and formatted paper.

Check your spelling and grammar as much as possible. Time constraints might not allow it, but having a second pair of eyes to look over your work is helpful too. Make sure to check that the formatting you are using for your paper is correct, and pay special attention to quotes and references, as they are the most visible part of the formatting.

Don’t Panic

It can be easy to start feeling paralyzed by looming deadlines, but don’t let that get in your way! If you let yourself be stopped by fear, then the work you need to do will never be done, so push through the fear, and keep writing. The work will get done one way or another and the quicker you start, the quicker it will be done.

Minimize Distractions

Ask anyone who has had to contend with deadlines how to write an essay fast and they will most likely share some wisdom about minimizing potential distractions while working. Unfortunately, distractions only seem to be worsening as time goes on, with streaming TV and movies, social media, and video games all jockeying for space with the more usual ways we have of spending our leisure time.

Be strong, and ignore the distractions around you! There are now programs and apps which can be used to temporarily block social media sites (among other things) for a certain duration – you could consider getting one of them if necessary.

Eat and Drink

Remember to eat and stay hydrated! It is easy to forget these things when on a deadline, but it is important that you not. Eating and drinking properly helps you to stay alert and awake, and also makes it easier to concentrate, so keeping up with these things can help with the writing process.

Eating and drinking can also serve as a way of relaxing, or rewarding yourself for reaching certain milestones in your paper. When on a deadline, rewarding yourself for keeping to the timetable and not getting distracted can be a good way of keeping yourself on schedule.

In Conclusion

Writing an essay on a strict time limit is not fun, but there are ways in which it can be done, and done well. This article looked at some of the more popular tips which can come with short deadlines, such as keeping distractions down, and making sure you eat, among others. These tips could apply to any writing situation, not simply short deadlines, but they are particularly appropriate here.


How To Prepare Effectively For Exams

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Some treat summer as a time for holidays and the sun. As we all know, this is also the time for graduation. Exams also come and it's when everything else becomes a little more stressful. In every student's life, it's such a crucial moment when any writing essay service could not help. It becomes a time where you must learn to handle tons of tickets on your own.

An exam is always accompanied by considerable excitement. You just have to learn how not to be disturbed. Every student wants a good final score and bad ones need to cope with the teachers criticism and at least achieve a satisfactory assessment. Knowledge is not always enough for you to get the right kind of essay writing.

Here are some tips we would like to share with you, we hope this helps!
  • Be optimistic. Exams are neither an enemy nor an instrument of torture, but a means of self-improvement and an opportunity to demonstrate their mental abilities. For such a complex and important work, proper conditions need to be created. Get rid of everything that you don't need. Get in touch with people home and ask nicely, so that you wouldn't be disturbed.

  • View your materials and categorize them in terms of complexity. Choose topics that are most difficult for you and focus on them first. Preparation is effective only when you have enough energy. If you notice that you have read the sentences twice and have not understood anything, it's time to take a break. Relax for about 15-20 minutes.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Set up a work place.
2. Hold near something bright and pleasant (images, souvenirs, etc.) that will raise your mood.
3. Thoroughly plan the preparation. Organize your work so that it coincides with your activity periods - in the morning or in the evening.
4. First, take the hardest material and work on it until it's mastered.
5. Do not forget to rest - take a ten-minute break every forty minutes of work.
6. Practice as often as possible using a variety of sample tasks and if you need find any writing tips, for  example at  for your work.
7. In order not to lose your inspiration, encourage yourself to think that you are capable of getting an excellent score on the exams if you prepare accordingly.
8. Do not allow laziness, anxiety or secondary interests to divert you from training.
9. Explore different memorization methods and use the ones that suit you best.
10. Be sure to repeat reading the material you have made. We wouldn't want to forget it  when the exams happen. Prepare in advanced, without delay before the test or any writing exam. 
11. Do not work on the last night before the exam. You might get tired and come to the exams not in the best form. Devote your evening to your favorite affairs and do not stay up late.

It's clear that preparing for the exam is not that fun. This is a serious test, which may make or break your future. Sometimes, it is inevitably frightening. You don't want to be distracted by anything. Do not get tempted going out with friends and know your priorities. The task ahead needs to be completed and the longer you drag on, the less time will remain for your quality work. You should arrange training reasonably, in order to accomplish it all while less exhausted.

Follow the schedule and do not stop until you learned about the amount of material you have for a specific day. Prepare yourself well and test if you are apt for group studies. There are times that studying with friends help but most often than not, more time is usually spent on conversations than on studying. Choose your battles and make sure you are equipped well before you head on to war. Hope this helps!


I Write Sins and Tragedies

Monday, August 23, 2010

I have joined several essay competitions in school and I have quite a number of achievements. I have championed most of them and I think I have this niche in the bag because of my background in English literature and creative writing. My story telling skills are at par with some of the best this metro has produced but there are some instances that I even doubt myself. I make sure I don't tremble in fear or end in the state of shock when it starts. The combination of stage fright and contest jitters is toxic for anyone. Let alone the pressure from peers who have given me some tips on choosing the subject wisely. I even have gained some friends from competitions but no matter how friendly I need to be, I have to remember how to put my game face on. If I needed essay help there are only a couple of avenues I can check for quality work. It's something like comparing notes, I know you all have done that in the past right?!

Thinking about what to discuss is essential. The need to learn how to first relate this to your own life experience is vital. If the writing style has been attached then you can have an ongoing piece to discuss. For example, you can describe the lesson you want to get on the whole essay as starter. The body would contain a story which is based on a movie, a storyline from another source, or your own imagination but the main character would be the writer. In each segment that would happen, the decision that would be made would be dependent on your reaction to a certain situation. If the writer decides to go left or right, forward or back, diagonally or in circles... and get that particular thing to cause a result on the subject too. In life people can turn out to be good or evil, fat or thin, funny or creepy, live or die but you will have the climax describe the thing that would be able to get the main plot of the story to where it is in the end. The turning point where all the details would change and where the excitement starts. How we all make that interesting is the key because since the body of the story is long and the structure can get boring at times. If you write something interesting that would capture the reader and get them into the edge of their seats early on; and have that consistently make them stay there, then you are a genius!

Ending an essay would be like a summary of your discussions and a little explanation on how it relates to the lesson you tried to inculcate to your reader. Upon reading various custom essays online there are some instances that we forget how to make the readers think and it would be wise to hold some information back. This is done to make the reader wonder why you said your piece in the body and how it would affect the whole story in the end. Successful masterpieces on sins and tragedies need not to be about the fancy things life has; a simple learned lesson like those which I read in a dissertation service uk would do. Have you ever done something like that and had a hard time?! Where? You should check out online institutions like URGENTESSAYS.CO.UK and get professional help! Would you do it again and want to be successful?! Let me know!
