Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts

Unusual Areas that Liposuction can Fix

Monday, March 19, 2018

Liposuction is a highly popular types of plastic surgery that allows you to reshape certain areas of the body for a more fit and healthy appearance. Given the popularity of this plastic surgery, you may want to know about some of the more unusual areas that liposuction can treat, as the standard treatment areas of the hips, thighs, arms, and stomach aren't the only places on the body that this procedure can be used with. If you want to reshape a specific area of your body to improve your contours, liposuction could be the right treatment for you.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of procedure that's used to reshape portions of the body through the direct removal of any fat deposits that are unnecessary. The end goal for this treatment is to make the treatment area slimmer with better contours and proportions. It's a very simple and straightforward procedure, which means that it can be readily used in many areas across the body, allowing you to remove excess fat in practically any location. In most cases, you will only need to go through one treatment of liposuction in order to see results.

Given that this is one of the more popular plastic surgery procedures available, the results have become consistent and the procedure is known to be safe, which means that the risks of obtaining this treatment are minimal. You should also be aware of the fact that this procedure can't act as a method for you to lose a high amount of weight. To obtain the best results with this treatment, it's important that you exercise regularly and eat well.

What Does the Liposuction Procedure Involve?

Once you've scheduled your liposuction appointment, the first step to the procedure involves the administration of one of the three types of anesthesia, which can include general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or intravenous sedation. While the choice is entirely up to you, a general anesthesia affects the entire body and causes you to lose consciousness during the treatment, while the other two types of anesthesia will only numb the treatment area. It's widely recommended that you obtain general anesthesia if the treatment you're receiving is extensive.

Once you've received some form of anesthesia, small incisions will be made around the treatment area. The placement of these incisions largely depends on where on the body you want the liposuction procedure to take place. Given the fact that many areas across your body qualify for this treatment, it's impossible to identify the exact incision placement. When the incisions have been made, a tiny tube will be placed through the incision to loosen the fat, after which this fat will be suctioned throughout a unique type of vacuum. The incisions will finally be closed with sutures after the appropriate amount of fat has been removed. You will begin to notice the results of this treatment as the swelling lessens in the treatment area.

What Are Some Unusual Areas That Liposuction Can Treat?

The core areas of the body that liposuction is designed to treat include the thighs, hip, arms, and stomach, but this procedure can be used on many additional portions of the body. Although not as common as some of the other treatment areas, it's possible to obtain a liposuction for your back, especially if you notice the presence of back rolls. Despite how little this procedure is used on the back, this area of the body works well with liposuction due to how thick the skin is. For men, this procedure can be used on the chest when suffering from a mild case of gynecomastia. Other unusual areas of the body that this procedure can be used with include the upper abdomen and the legs.

What to Expect When Recovering From Liposuction

Once the liposuction procedure is completed, you may be required to wear small bandages or a compression garment in order to keep the swelling down. Your plastic surgeon will provide you with some specific guidelines to ensure that the recovery process is a smooth one. The time it takes for you to recover from this procedure can depend on how extensive the treatment was. If the area where the liposuction occurred is a small one, the swelling and small amounts of bleeding may dissipate in a matter of a few weeks. For larger treatment areas, be prepared for the swelling to be visible for a couple of months. If ever the swelling worsens or doesn't dissipate when you thought it would, call your plastic surgeon immediately.

Dr. Jason Altman is a plastic surgeon who has been double board certified with a focus on surgery around the body and breasts. The primary procedures that he provides include breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, and tummy tuck procedures. You can find out more about him here:


CONTOURS Body Design Studio's LASERFIT Works!

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Okay ladies and germs. This one is a bit personal.

I am FAT. I'm proud that I have worked on this body so hard that from a tiny winy skinny boy from way back to now a big guy that's clinically obese type 2 if that's on record. You think all those days of blogging about food and attending numerous events won't catch up, but it does. What's miserable is that it came to a point where I was already having a hard time tying my shoe because my cute little stomach area is already huge. Oh yes and the infamous double chin is showing already no matter how hard I try to hide it via all the photographer known poses known to man.

I never fat shamed myself or anyone for that matter, but once that it does get a little uncomfortable to breathe or move... I thought I had to do something before I'd consider diet and gym. Think of it as a jump start, something that would make myself at least capable of comfortably doing the things I used to do and start moving again and become a more "normal" me. It's not bad to be fat don't get me wrong, but my gut was just in the way when I tried working out and to tell you honestly I wasn't doing much progress aside from profuse sweating.

I'm afraid of going under the knife so one of the nicest things I've tried recently is called LASERFIT. This is one of Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute's non surgical treatments and I gave it a try last month. I wasn't in the best physical form to begin with and the process pretty much has three phases. If your goal is weight loss, you will be advised to get a low carb and calorie diet. Aside from that, you will have to work out right after the treatment. Aside from the actual 10 minute workout video, I also went to my gym and used my gym membership to good use. I've only been paying for it for a couple of months even when I wasn't going to the gym. It really takes discipline to get something out of this.

The whole LASERFIT process depends on this contraption. It's a machine that introduces a "cold laser" designed to melt fat. Now I am a skeptic and I don't really believe in things like these especially when they use "light" to do it. I have undergone about 8 sessions which I religiously had done in a span of 4 weeks. I had to go back to the clinic twice a week (which is the recommended way to do this) and tried to do the workout they have designed after the treatment.

Now I don't want you to get grossed out so I'm not going to post anything nude with me on the frame. Let's just say that my waistline is so huge that I often only get sizes in Surplus and foreign shops because  I don't have that Asian body type. I'm a little Hispanic, hence the larger built. I needed to do this for myself because I want to jump start my workout and lose a few inches before I do it. The treatment only takes around 40 minutes each side (front and back) so it would take you around 1 hour and 20 minutes to finish the session. After that, you have to do the workout indicated on the video below which would take you 10 minutes. Sounds easy? NO. It's hard as hell. For a person who's a little on the heavy side like me, it was so difficult to do it on the first few days. I was dreading the part of the burpees, and when I posted it on Facebook for my friends to see, I saw a LOT of them having a hard time with it too. That made me realize that it was normal and I had to do it again at home so I wouldn't be having a hard time when I do it after the sessions.

Here's the workout video:

After this workout, you MUST remember to hydrate. Drink a glass of water or two, or bring your own bottle for convenience. I needed to breathe after this 10 minute intense exercise and I'm sure you will have to do that too. Rest and freshen up before you go out of Contours. They have shower and comfort room facilities so you can change if you plan to go somewhere else. My gym was actually just a floor down so I would always just go out and run, lift weights some more. 

The Verdict

Again, I'm a skeptic and I don't believe light could actually melt fat. But oh boy, I was wrong. In the second week, I already saw a huge difference in my tummy area. I concentrated the machine more on that because I wanted to lose my beer belly (even though I don't drink that much). That pouch has been troubling me tying my shoes, or just moving fast when I need to but now I don't even have to exert that much effort which is totally tops. My clothes fit quite well and just a few weeks ago I already bought my first pair of pants after the procedure. Let's just say I bought a FULL SIZE lower than what I usually buy at department stores. I went back a week after my sessions and had them measure me again. I lost about 3.5 inches in my whole body which is a remarkable amount already. I've also been gaining muscle because I've been lifting weights in the gym again. The great thing is, my friends and family do notice that my stomach area is a lot smaller than it used to. My shirts fit better, my pants is a size smaller, how can I not be happy right?

I'd like to thank the people over at Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute. Over the span of 4 weeks, they have been steadfastly following me up so I don't miss any appointments. They have also helped me during the hard days of working out in their private gym, made sure that if I needed help they're always there to attend to me. 

I lost a huge part of my beer belly, I don't even miss it one bit. I think this NON SURGICAL PROCEDURE would be VERY GOOD for men who would want to lose a couple of inches before they get married, or perhaps just about anyone who would want to fit in those clothes you've been keeping in the closet for along time, YES, those clothes that you wished you would fit again if you lost the weight (which probably didn't happen). Getting it done in Contours is a choice but what I can assure you is that LASERFIT in their center works. Honestly I wouldn't even have believed cold laser actually works, but it did. You may go ahead and call them at (02) 6354984. Contours Body Design Studio is located at the 5th Floor Building B of SM Megamall. You can also email them at for inquiries of treatments and their corresponding prices.


For more information about their treatments:
Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute
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Meeting FatOut and Vita-E

Saturday, March 05, 2016

 We've seen food supplements come and go, some of them promising one thing and not all of them are quite good to tell you honestly. I don't take them because I might be the earliest guest to go out of an event since I do frequent them quite a lot being a lifestyle blogger. What's refreshing to see is that companies seem to have already made headway in making good food supplements these days that not only can keep your FatOut but also keep you healthy and regularly go do your "thing" when you need to. Now I don't mean regular as in everytime, but regular as in the normal way that you do it. ATC has come out with FatOut, a food supplement that hastens to make you go to that regular trip in the comfort room. This isn't just for fat people per se and that's one of the reasons they got Kim Chiu as an ambassador for the brand because it's for everybody who needs it, not because you have to in your shape or form. In my books, that's a good thing because they don't really force it out of you but only makes you "do it" when you want to, in your own regular time. 

As with any supplement, things like these should be taken as directed by your doctor. The active ingredient is Psyllium Husk Powder, something that softens things when you're in a stump (if you know what I mean). Aside from that, it's got Green Tea Extract which I've seen can also keep your stomach healthy just like when you're having it like tea. The Japanese have already been using this for years and I know their lifespan is long, so why not put it there right? I also have read it is rich in anti oxidants which can help you keep healthy blood vessels and heart. The Oat Fiber also helps in cleaning your business down there, so in a nutshell you'll get your digestion in check... who doesn't want that right? Oh and please make sure you are 18 years old and above before you do decide to take it, it was explained to us by ATC's reps (so you can decide for yourself of course and consider yourself an adult).

 This isn't just for ladies. Vitamin E actually helps in better blood circulation, and that's what's in Vita-E. When that happens, you naturally get really good skin. There are some instances that people get breakouts, so in all cases please consult your doctor for it. Vitamin E is seen in vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, but if you don't have much time or you can't meet the daily allowances then a supplement is recommended. Right after exercise of physical activity, this would be a good place to start and recover with. I don't have this on my regimen but if it'll make my skin smoother, firmer or maintain age marks on my face, why shouldn't I do it right?

Do you need help in digestion? Or do you lack Vitamin E on your diet? Then ATC might have already answered your questions. If this makes you think, believe me, you need it! Oh and before I forget, FatOut has got a promo for those who actually would buy their products. Want to get a chance to see their endorser Kim Chiu? Well all you need to do is get them and join their promo here. For more details on their FatOut Fans Day, please check their channels below. Thanks ATC for explaining things for us, that was a lot of information in one day but I enjoyed it! I'm glad I met FatOut and Vit-E!


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