Showing posts with label forms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forms. Show all posts

Forms, Surveys and Polls

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Photo by Me!

I am a professional forum administrator and I do it for highly technical ones too as a matter of fact. Aside from that, I administer and moderate a couple more groups for photography, gaming, cartoons, social networks and some that are hosted by organizations inside our company. For me it really is worth my time because I have felt first hand how important forums are. This is as important as building a community.

I have a lot of friends now thanks to this addictive form of media. I enjoy what I am doing now because it makes my life complete in some way. Now that I do not have much time for my love life, I always put my time on photography which has been one of my passions since I was a kid. I do not know about the technology and technical know how of a DSLR. The place where I started looking for information is forums. Now that I already have common friends, mentors and peers that are in the same hobby, I will be getting better at what I do because of communities like these. Every web site needs Online Forms, Surveys, and Poll Builders so you would know how you fare in CYBERSPACE. This is how you get feedback from people around the world. It helps you improve your services and nudge you in the shoulder if you are doing a good job. It would really be nice to use these forms too, to improve what you have to offer your viewing public. Information like this is critical to the success of your site, and getting them to be customizable would be doubly better. There is a FREE Online Form Builder that you can use so interaction between you and the rest of your readers can get you somewhere. I am doing polls now for my audience, found information that I should write more for men and have the point of view cut across women. It was pretty time consuming in the beginning but once you get the hang of it, it is easy!
