The Philippines favorite fry brand POTATO CORNER recently announced the return of two of their most fun tater cuts, the Potato Corner Loopys and Harvest Chips. We all know them for having those hot, fresh off the fryer flavored French Fries, and this time, they want to give you options which you can mix with your usual lovely fare.
The Loopys are these potato wonders that are cut like twirls have more real estate to put your favorite flavors on, so aside from getting you more filled and satisfied, you have an intense flavor profile as the signature Potato Corner flavors cover it.
Potato Corner has this in SOLO sizes or even TERA MIX. To give you an idea, you have the option to mix this up with the Crunchy Chicken Pops, and have Loopys or Harvest Chips together with it. Check out the social channels of Potato Corner if you want to know more about it!