Showing posts with label golfreisen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golfreisen. Show all posts

A Golfer's Dream!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I play golf every once in a while and it is a good stress reliever. I do not play professionally but veterans always tell me I should consider doing so. I think my swing was one convincing factor because I could have had a hurricane hitting the pimpled ball. I wonder how much would that cost since I am spending quite a bit in equipment already.

With the popularity of the game and Tiger Woods carrying all the fame and fortune that the sport has brought, you just have to consider playing in the big league. I only go to Veterans Golf and Country Club to hit a few balls in the weekend. Sometimes, I also play in tournaments that are being handled by charitable institutions on the same course. A local Golfshop had a couple of announcements on their boards about events that included prizes; but would require me to dish out several thousands of pesos before I could play. I know that is how it goes but it is getting a little bit expensive for me. Some of them are branded too so I am not that quite surprised if they go over the budget. If you do not know how and where to buy equipment it would even cost you more.

Golfreisen is next on my list because when I saw the picturesque beauty of the golf courses in Germany my jaws just dropped. I was at awe because even at the background you will never miss the mountains or some other postcard perfect locations. There are about 50 club memberships available in the different regions that can suit your taste. Do you remember those Marlboro commercials in TV? The sights were almost exactly like that or more. Maybe they did take a couple of their shots there. It is just pretty and I would love to go and visit their golf courses soon.

Platzreife is also available for those who would want to apply. You need that so you can play in Germany; it is a special permit for golf players. I hope I can get one soon, I barely have extra money for Philippine tourneys so I better plan ahead if I do think about going on tournaments in Germany at this time. I need to get my plans made because this will be one heck of a vacation. I need to make my dreams a reality and if that means I have to spend a whole month there, I will never think twice!


The Dream German Golf Holiday

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I was watching Amazing Race Asia this morning and one of the destinations they went to was Hamburg, Germany. I fell in love with the picturesque sights that was shown in that 30 minute part of the show because it was a combination of artistic and nice tourist attractions. It is a dream wedding destination and I could not help but smile a little every time they pass by large architectural buildings that spelled photography for me. It would really be nice if I could come there one day and take a lot of pictures since that is one great frustration for me.

Aside from that, if I retire one of these days from this busy work I have been doing for the past 5 years I would probably think of this city to play one of my favorite sports which is golf. Golf in the Philippines is a little expensive and would usually need exclusive memberships that cost around 3 Million Pesos. I do not have many luxurious vices and I was offered this a few years ago, but with that amount it is just not that practical anymore. Golf and similar establishments in Germany has been given much importance by the parliament. Without their support it would not be too easy to weather the world financial crisis because most businesses suffered a lot in the past few months. Not to mention some of the world renowned beer gardens shutting down operation so they could at least pay off their employees.

Golfreisen has been one way to make good business in this industry as more and more tourists flock to this first world country. With the packages they offer for professional or non professional golfers from outside Germany, one can never resist playing in their world class courses. I remember when Colin Montgomery played in the early 90's where no one could beat him for 2 straight years. He really enjoyed the German Open course because it is at par with the world's best. The designs were made from professional golfers and architects and you can see it evidently as he played through each hole. I envy him a lot and would give anything to experience that.

I hope someday, somehow I could get myself a Platzreife (a German golf license) so when the time comes that I get the chance to have a long golf ridden vacation... Germany would be my next destination. I just hope the next few strokes I play would not be just in local ones by then. I hope I get the chance to play in larger tournaments and not just charity ones which I often end up with. Not that I am complaining but it would be nice to do this professionally. That is another dream! Ha-ha!


The Perfect Swing

Monday, February 23, 2009

I like many of you only get the chance to watch golf in local television every once in a while. I seldom go out with my Uncle who plays this particular game religiously because I don't have equipment of my own and the sport does not like me that much to put it in nice words. The rule of the game is simple and you have got to only get the golf ball into the holes with few strokes as possible. The time I went to a local golf course people was just warming up because the tournament only would start a couple of hours from the time I arrived. The driving range was almost full but we were able to hit a few balls before the actual game. Since it was not a game I played that much, I needed more time to learn it obviously.

I hit the golf balls and sometimes I miss it. Quite understandable said my Uncle but he knew if I set my mind into it, I would probably play better than him. Not to brag but even if I was a novice at that time, he did not think twice in letting me join their tournament since that is for charity. I told him that I'll try my best of course and he was proud of me because some veteran golfers there were already looking at me hitting the golf balls farther. Some of them even asked if I played professionally which I gladly brushed off since I did spill a couple of shots while at play. When it started I was really nervous because the irons and woods were new to me and my Uncle played caddy because I didn't know what to use at that time. He even was telling me what to use while playing because I almost used a putter for a long drive. That part was really hilarious because there were some of the wives and young daughters watching me too. This Golfurlaub is getting me a little bit publicized I know and it’s good that I’m getting to know more people as I play along. I shook the hand of numerous politicians from my town and the national government so I was surprised by this gesture. I played fine all in all but I could have fared better without my Uncle’s friends heckling every time I missed a shot. Golf Reisen is a good way to spend time with your family. It might have been the first time I joined a tournament that big but I’m glad that I was able to play with some of the best Philippine players for that charity event. There would be medical missions after that golf tournament because that is the sole beneficiary. Golfreisen is a website you can go to for the latest German made golf equipments and accessories. Make sure you visit them if you need help making that perfect swing a reality.
