Showing posts with label greetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greetings. Show all posts

Happy Easter! =)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

After the long vacation I feel like wanting to go back there again. But of course reality has to step in. I've got to pay the bills, report for work and slave away with people of whom some I don't wanna be with. (Dito sinabi eh no LOL pwede naman kasi April Fools)

It's so hard to get my mojo back. I guess in some way or another we all go through that phase. But I'm sure it'll come back in one way or another. I owe it to a lot of people why I blog. I also owe it to my self. I don't have to be pressured because this hobby has opened a lot of doors for me. Plus I get to meet people whom I think wouldn't be even possible in my lifetime. Actually I miss them already. Even though they are celebrities, they are real people... and I consider them my friends. How I wish it was easy for them to go out too. But we all know show business, it's another dimension. It's the same with the corporate world too. I would really love to go back and lounge around doing nothing. I miss Boracay. I miss my self too. =(

Happy Easter everyone! Hope your holy week went well!

Let's all go back to work now....


Merry Christmas Dear Readers!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hi there! This is KUMAGCOW greeting each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Maybe you have been wondering what this post is all about and what I have been doing the past few weeks. I got to shoot with the NOCTURNALS again this weekend and boy the AVANT GARDE wedding shoot was a blast!

We got the beautiful Ms. Jinri Park again for this shoot because of her spectacular performance last time in the urbanista shoot. This particular shoot was non conventional. I'll try and show you pictures once I have finished post processing them. I just kinda not have time to do that because I have tons of work left in the office and I needed to double check a couple of numbers off of our report. Imagine an excel file with around 30 tabs and full of numbers on it, that is what I was trying to decipher first before I begin the post processing for this shoot.

Wish me luck because as I understand this will be all exhibited soon!

Again, before I take some Z's and medicine because I am under the weather, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
