Showing posts with label gringo honasan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gringo honasan. Show all posts

Love for Country and Selflesness: Gregorio Honasan

Monday, March 14, 2016

 We had the chance to talk to the honorable Senator Gregorio Honasan again last week and it was fun. Fun in a way that by this time, he's already gone around the Philippines and have seen how much help people need around the country. It's fascinating to see how eager he is to help, to know that he's not doing this daunting task of being the UNA Vice Presidential candidate because of the position; but because our countrymen need it. I've been thinking about his platform about security, land use, food security and what his current party's Presidential candidate wants him to do when he gets elected, to be the crime Czar of the country. Honestly, I haven't really picked who I'm voting for VP yet but he's presenting himself well. He's not out of worldly, he's very humble, he's done a lot in the Senate (we asked him about it earlier) and the looks of it, he genuinely wants to help. I get a little disheartened though when he goes the mile of fighting for his country, what he believes in or die defending it. That's over and beyond patriotism, but he's done it in the past and seeing him still have that fire in his eyes - it was just amazing.

This is the same fire that feeds him to run for Vice President. The Senator had history playing with him. He's been part of what exponentially were several supposed uprisings, rebellion but felt it was the system that wasn't working for him initially. He quips people might have voted for him so he could have a hand on change and work with the system, propose laws that would make his frustrations then become solutions. I feel he's a good man, as he's always been, and he's not even convincing people to vote for him at all. He just sincerely wants to do it for the country, and see winning as a privilege and bonus. That's different.

I even told him point blank the last time that I didn't have a Vice President to vote yet, and he didn't find it offensive at all. The man is humble, I didn't even see this before I even had the chance to talk to him (oh yes I was a little scared to tell him about it). He genuinely wants to help and I find that selfless. He also wants to do more in domestic and international security, so that every Filipino would live the life that they deserve, free from fear of living everyday in or out of their homes. His party's presidential candidate said he'll be appointed as the crime czar and believes he's apt for it. I think so too.  Here's some videos from the small gathering and I hope you could pick up a thing or two about the man who wants to be Vice President soon.

Part 1

Part 2

I hope it would be a good thing to have much of the public to get to know the Vice Presidential candidates. They're not just spare tires and are expected to work much like the head of the Executive branch. I'm glad to have been able to talk to him in a casual setup and ask questions like normal people would want to do. He might have little or no love for himself at times, but he's got more for other people. Thank you for the opportunity to interview you Senator Gregorio Honasan and I hope to meet you again soon.


For more information about Gringo Honasan:
Gringo Honasan
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The Soldier, the Rebel, the Revolutionary Gringo Honasan

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sitting across the table of this man might actually get someone starstrucked, feared, proud, or curious. I've had the privilege of interviewing him a couple of years ago when he ran for Senator and we got to know him a little more personal that time. Today, we heard he was running for the second highest position in the land and I really wanted to know of all people, he was running with Binay, a question that resonated in the room but most people were afraid to ask. And so we did.

He knew since day 1 that  he would probably end up just answering that same question and defend the current vice president each time he's in the pedestal. In the beginning he wasn't really keen on being the nominee but in the hierarchy inside the UNO party just had him next in line. During the search, he was asked and felt a little hesitant. The Vice President position wasn't really a joke for him, it was a big undertaking and during the previous interviews, we felt that he wanted to spend more of his years less in the public eye and office, but in the arms of the most important people in his life... his family, his kids and grand children.

When asked why Binay, he said "I've gone against 3 Presidents, I was a soldier and didn't know what to do... but this coming elections, after 42 years, I know exactly what to do. I believe in the platform and program of the Vice President. I want him to be judged through due process and by applying the rule of law, in the proper courts. I know the standards are high with public officials, before public opinion renders judgement, I've gone out of the system in the past to solve problems because laws were not being followed. That's mob rule, that's not freedom, if that's the case, why don't we all just abolish the judiciary and close law schools... and remove the profession and practice of law, that's a huge saving in the budget. Let's all just go to MOA, Luneta or Araneta Coliseum and just raise hands if we want to choose who's guilty or not. Let's decide by consensus, referendum if necessary, but if we do not want things like that, let's all go back to the rule of law. It takes time, it takes effort, but let's not make that an excuse for trial by publicity. 

I've been a victim of that, like the PDAF issue. The amounts are ridiculous that I already know it's already partisan politics in the beginning. Corruption is serious, the issue of corruption must be met from the head, it's as old as mankind.What's happening now is a breakdown in control mechanisms, this is why there are tons of people who abuse it. I am not the one who will risk 42 years of public service, risking my life, my family, my honor, my future for 1.7 Million pesos. I could have easily just borrowed that money from my compadres, that's just money to buy a high end Innova. Would I gamble everything for that? Well, I guess it just comes with the territory. I've already said, until proven otherwise, I have full confidence in our justice system , again until proven otherwise."

" I don't want to be melodramatic, I was praying hard to communicate to you what this is all about. I'm a senior citizen, this is not about you or me, but the future of the country. I was a very reluctant candidate, because after all from the little you know about me, I was a soldier for 17 years. The starch in my body, my mind, my heart is to show for it. I think you know that I was a military rebel also, depending on what information you got, I can account for 1986, next month is the historic EDSA People Power revolution, and this is my 18th year being a Senator of the republic. Modesty aside, when I first ran in 1995 and won, we became the first truly independent candidate to win in the national Senatorial elections but I guess there are valid reasons for that. I think the public has a hand in that, instead of trying unsuccessfully trying to overthrow the government, they put me in the Senate and see how I can help make laws reforming society and government from the inside instead of outside the system. That's one perspective. "

"I've been called a coup plotter, a power grabber, self righteous messiah, but one thing that can't be taken away from me and my group is the consistency of our struggle. In 1986, we didn't break away from the military against Marcos, we broke away as a movement for the government. In other words, the one we're doing is systemic changes and not just changes in personality. So that's the other reason I have decided to run for the second highest position in the land. Because this would be the last time I would stand in the national platform and say to those who were born and not born during that time that when the Filipino people get together with their soldiers, under moral leadership, change is possible. Systemic changes and re-engineering of the society and government can actually happen and take advantage to tell our people how change takes place. 

Second, I decided to run because I am the Vice President of UNA. The party I am leading and helping organize after running in 4 recent national elections as an independent. I was looking forward at retiring in 2019, when VP Binay was high in surveys, there were tons of VP's that wanted to be his running mate and I think that's how the law of nature works. The nature of politics is that when he was high as 40% there were tons of them who wanted to run with him including a whole senatorial lineup. One year after the senate investigations, he was in a bump and everyone was gone. One Sunday morning as the executive committee was meeting, they just said "Senator Honasan, what you you think?" I laughed and I said "What do I think of what?" they said "Maybe you can run for Vice President" and I replied "I told my family that in 2019, my 4th term ends..." and I told them that I would be with my family that whole time, 17 years as soldier, 7 years as a rebel and 18 years as a Senator, that's 42 years of public service already I was thinking the country wouldn't ask more from me."

"I had to confront that issue with my family and explain to them, even my youngest daughter. She cried and said that when she was born I wasn't there, when she was christened I wasn't there, when she graduated from High School I wasn't there, on her debut I wasn't there. She's only had these past few years to make me her friend, so I had all that against me. I told her I'm a good soldier, I don't expect her to embrace this decision but asked her to try and understand. She told me they wouldn't be very supportive, we don't agree, but once you run and whatever result it may be, just come back to us alive. They told me to come home and never come back to it. They wanted me to make more time to enjoy my 5 grand children. That was the first situation, second I told my party that I don't have star complex, I have no ego to contend with if I'm the last choice or just a prop, we cannot afford ego with our leaders. I want to feel that I'm not just a wallflower, give me the moral, the logistical support, the prayers, that will allow me to wage a national campaign, and put anybody in front of me and I'll beat them.

Both of these were met, and I'm a good soldier, I wouldn't just leave anyone in the air like the others. I know the feeling, I'm always independent. In 1995 I was almost declared as a nuisance candidate, everyone had a negative feeling, but I had 9,000 volunteers, an army. I landed number 9, I did it again in 2001 to fill up the vacancy of former Senator Fernan. I was jailed and accused by the administration then of inspiring the Oakwood Mutiny. That I did a lot to encourage then Colonel Trillanes. I was only given a few weeks to campaign, and I won, landed number 10. The last election I was number 13, in a convincing margin. This is about your future and the problems of our country are serious, and it needs serious answers.

"I suppose I know that all of you are younger, a generation apart, you are the future. But you are your own future, we can only show you by example so you could be dependable. I do that for your generation and my own children, the changes must happen between elections, it will be given to you by UNA, not just the Vice President Binay or any personality. I want to help a party that will organize and present a platform for the future characterized by party discipline. Actually I don't think we even have a party right now, you name me a party supporting this or that. If our candidates do not make these changes between elections, people will have national impatience, and go into national self help. If you don't want to do these changes, the people will do it and call it People Power. There are a lot who say people are already tired of doing it, maybe, and now I ask for your help and your precious time to take it out there."

He adds "I'm not a techie, winning is secondary, I want to promote unity after May, develop a common national agenda that will be characterized by a system of priorities. I am looking forward to meet other candidates from other parties while it's still fluid so we can talk about what to do after the elections. We don't know yet who will win, so it's better to talk about it now. The other difficult way to to force your candidate to win by cheating, this country would become ungovernable, this country is such a beautiful one, any thinking sector that I've talked with said we know how blessed our country is because we just wake up and see we're growing 6-8% GDP... can you just imagine how bigger that could be if we all get our act together? The potential if we can hammer out a long term economic policy, a long term foreign policy, a long term security policy, how pivotal, how strategic, how we can develop issues like poverty, hunger, ignorance, health, security, that's what we're facing right now. That's why in May, if the elections do not warrant clean results, then I'm afraid things will become worst before they become better. That's why I'm asking for your help not for my candidacy but to find that Vice Presidential candidate that's for the country, for people to make an rational, intelligent, informed decisions based on facts and not on perception."    

I told him point blank that I didn't have any Vice Presidential candidate yet in mind and he didn't force me to vote for him. He's got a stellar number of laws passed which he authored, co-sponsored and supported during his term. He's also a good man, I can see it in his eyes when he talks to me and I can feel how sincere he was to give public service a priority when he had to. I'm not in any way shape or form endorsing him, but he's already proven to be a good choice. Choice, we need tons of that. He also emphasized the need for rational informed decisions instead of bloating out his accomplishments during our interview. That to me tells a lot. Make sure you read up and learn about the one you're voting because there's a lot on the line. It's our country and our future, he's right.

For more information about him:
Gringo Honasan for Vice President
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An Evening with Honorable Senator Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm no expert in Philippine politics nor military knowledgeable or inclined; but I realized I had so many things to thank for when I got the chance to talk to one heck of a great leader... the Honorable Senator Gregorio Ballesteros "Gringo" Honasan.

First time to see him. I was really nervous because I sat right next to him! :)

I never get to talk to people I voted for in the last elections and this was officially a treat for me. I kept asking myself the same question, whilst heading over to the venue. What should I ask him? Would he find my questions intrusive or complicated? How would I ask him about certain issues without holding back? I was put to ease by everyone who made this possible, his whole staff made it easy for us and didn't tell us a single thing not to ask about... it was no holds barred. I felt so good when they told me that.

He didn't hold back explaining everything. Even hard issues in the past!

In hindsight I actually only asked a couple of questions, he already had the mind to explain to us about the controversies or issues with the government we didn't dare ask. That's how open he was right from the get go. The Coup de etat, the jail time, his relation with the officers, the rebellion, the Oakwood mutiny all seemed to be a nono to ask but he went ahead and did answer them. It was idealism and his profound wishes for a better regime and country for everyone + more that made him do some of the things he did in the past. He was an officer and a gentleman, now that he is a Senator and more he said he's already made milestones and accomplishments that he didn't get to do before. He got to help a lot of people in a "general" scale, from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao; he realized the laws he get to pass in the plenary affect countless lives... plus generations to come. Isn't that admirable? IKR?!

Actually, he understood why he's still being tagged by irresponsible media and government officials every time there is something rebellious in nature that happens in the Philippines... though we laughed it off; it was really preposterous! How in the world can one man do 9++ coup attempts and all the other officer disgruntlement's all by himself... some government officials who pointed an accusing finger at him really need to get checked in on mental institutions IMHO.

The Honorable Senator Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan

Unlike Other Lawmakers

This interview was getting all serious and we got to know how much he cared for the less our less fortunate kababayans. Did you know squatting is decriminalized now? Did you know he extended the rent control law? Did you know he did a lot of things for Agrarian reform, Land use and its proponents? It might be so simple to you guys but believe me a LOT of people benefited from it. He did all those things and more; but you probably didn't think of it that much when you voted the last time right? I did my research and got my vote for him counted because as a citizen of this country I always thought that in order to legitimize each concern that I have I need to do my part. I'm glad to see my vote wasn't wasted. Ask yourself this question next time when you put someone's name on the ballot, will he be worth it?! Mine did.

On His Personal Life

I didn't want to just stay with the serious issues really and since this was a once in a lifetime opportunity I wanted to know about him in a more intimate way. I knew some things courtesy of my Dad and Uncle about the Senator and his musical affiliations in the past. You probably didn't even know that right?! LOL Senator Gringo also almost didn't remember either but I guess some of the names I mentioned suddenly hit a chord and named names like Spanky Rigor, Pepe Smith, VST and other ones I didn't quite know coz you and I probably weren't born yet. It was so refreshing to shy away from politics. He now remembers a couple of things from that era... and I agree those were really the good ole days.

He's not choosy per se with the food he eat but he needs to trim down a little he said so he's sticking to healthy choices these days. He values communication and knows the power of social media. He is a twitter user and at the age of 63 and he's a cool Grandpa to begin with. Today he wants to have all our resources to be equally distributed. He wants solid government programs that turn into good things that people will feel. This light talk about the music industry, bits and pieces of graduating from the PMA, militarism was turning quite good. He also said something about that controversy about answering back to Jim Paredes on Twitter. I think the Senator was right though. He said these life threatening situations like being a soldier isn't a joke. He was apologetic about bursting out like that later on. He contemplated after that incident that social networking has brought the best and worst in us. True, true!

Land use and it's sustainable development is his priority bill. He wanted to do something like "equating" land use. He admits that the country has been exploited too much by the US and China too and I totally agree with him on that. What's ironic is that even if they did these things we still tried to help em. China already made structures on the shoal/Recto bank but we didn't do crap. 9/11 would have not happened if US only listened to our intelligence information, they didn't know that! Those are facts but he's quite optimistic and hopeful about our country and he'll continue to do his best to make efforts reforming the country's defenses, the PNP and AFP through laws.

The Senator candidly tells stories about him at home

I felt that he's got nothing to prove now that it's his 12th yr as a Senator of the Republic of the Philippines. With an accomplished and a reputable resume to boot; we asked about a regular day in the Honasan household. His grandchildren occupies his morning (that alone already counts as a workout he jokingly said *whilst chases around the kids*). Getting married was his happiest memory together with the ousting of Marcos in 1986; he's family oriented, very romantic to his wife and wants to do a lot of things until now. He believes that the right to life is prime, whosoever gets killed in Mindanao is as important as the one in Manila; honor is next.

These days he enjoys reading and exercises as much as he can to manage his weight. He watches movies (Transformers etc.). He also designs furniture, paint and carve wood. He takes care of bonsai trees and believes he's got a green thumb. He sometimes love to pretend he's listening to other politicians nonsense. He's got advise about women too: Love them unconditionally, don't try understanding women because it would be pointless. Senator Enrile btw is like a father to him. He loves listening to new songs too from Amy Winehouse, Mic Jagger, The Beatles and appreciate more of his life through music. Isn't that nice to know?! :)

He loves practicing Kendo these days and makes sure this is a part of his regimen. He's a national champion for combat shooting and a very good skydiver. He lead professionals in ASEAN years ago too. He wants people to know that the greatest unexplored part of the Philippines is his hometown Sorsogon. A swim in Donsol Sorsogon is bliss! he says. He loves seeing and touching those gentle giant whale sharks. He agrees that we have so many things to be explored in our own country and people should really take a look at them soon!

In a nutshell, I was really inspired to ask questions because talking and listening to him was indeed a pleasure. He's a soldier, a rebel, an artist, a lover, a good looking guy like me (no pun intended hehe) among others; but best of all he's a great law maker and public servant. I'd like to take this bit and thank Senator Gregorio Honasan and his staff for being so nice to me that evening. He inspired me to make smart choices and tell the people I love about how to choose someone to have the heart serving my countrymen. I hope this wouldn't be the last time that I'd get to talk to such an honorable gentleman. I hope my readers get to do the same thing and make sure they research (if possible talk to them) first before they support someone in the next elections. I just did. =)
