Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts

Progress in the Historic City of San Juan

Thursday, May 09, 2019

I saw a funny, candid and very accommodating Mayor Guia Gomez this morning at the San Juan City Hall. It is one of the most progressive cities in the Philippines and it has lots of rich history, 200+ years worth of it. It is the birthplace of the Philippine Revolution in 1896. This is why they put so much value in the importance of the past and how it has made the City of San Juan a first class city that it is today. I felt her warmth receiving us in her grand space at the city hall.

Mayor Guia signing the coffee table book of San Juan

From slums, to cleaning it up and the new park in front of the Pinaglabanan Shrine

Hand made, hand woven outfits of these dolls, made by San Juan locals

Like a mother, she showed us around her office and took small talk; and made us learn a few things about where the San Juan City Hall stands now. The place was previously inhabited by illegal settlers and served as a dump/incinerator facility. But during JV Ejercito’s time, they got them relocated and made them owners of their own land and built them homes. They spruced up the place, took time to rebuild the grounds and now it stands as a gorgeous backdrop for the Pinaglabanan Shrine, inevitably showcasing the history and rich culture of the city. She also has published a coffee table book which contains historical facts and figures without room for personalities from the local government.

The new San Juan City Hall

Murals at the city hall's center hall depicting its rich history and the beginnings of KKK

Council hall where all local government laws are passed
CEDOC monitors the city center and major thoroughfares around San Juan

At the city hall, we visited the Central Emergency Disaster Operations Center (CEDOC) which monitors all major landmarks, thoroughfares in the city. It makes them fast, responsive, to any crime or emergency situation and can dispatch people within minutes if the need arises. This is important so they could address the safety of people. The previous municipal hall though was vacated and renovated. It is now part of the San Juan Medical Hospital so they could accommodate more patients under their care.

New park with the Pinaglabanan Shrine

Museo El Deposito de Aguas where all water for Manila once was sourced

Fire Hydrant during Spanish period with a lion head spout
They are currently excavating and repairing the water systems, pipelines so they can tell the story of how San Juan was founded. It is also the place where the revolution of 1898 started.
The Katipunan Museum where you can learn about the life of Andres Bonifacio and the KKK organization.
You will get to know the roles of Emilio Jacinto, Andres Bonifacio and various heroes in the Filipino - Spanish uprising.

In 1907, San Juan was just a poblacion, life was simple, buildings mostly comprise of housing for aged priests/friars, convents, churches like Sanctuario De San Jose and San Juan Bautista. We walked at the city grounds and looked at the Pinaglabanan Shrine. Parts of it are still being constructed and neighboring landmarks are building carparks so they were a little busy. We walked a bit further to the Museo de Katipunan and Museo El Deposito (former water deposit during Spanish colonial rule), the need for potable clean water was important and this was where it all started. It was seized by early revolutionists who took control in 1898. The reservoir was cleaned and made into a museum, El Deposito de Aguas. This is why there are fountains in Manila (particularly the one in front of Sta Cruz Church in Manila). They also have a VR facility detailing the Battle of San Juan del Monte where you and your kids could learn more from. It is also FREE to the public so go and visit it when you’re in the area.

We proceeded to the Museo ng Katipunan (right beside it) which is under the National Historical Commission of the Philippines. Pinaglabanan was the first place where Katipunan fought Spaniards in 1896, they lost as they were generally laborers, farmers and fisherfolk - but when they came back 1898, it ignited the Philippine revolution. KKK means Kataastaasan Kagalanggalang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, inside the museum they showed us the history of the organization and the persona of Andres Bonifacio, his family and how he lead the revolution. They also have artifacts, old weapons, paintings and memorabilia. We left and got ourselves a tour of San Juan National High School, Science High School, College centers and other educational institutions, all built during the time of former Joseph Estrada and continued during JV Ejercito. They also have a new Justice Hall beside the city police and fire station, plus the FilOil Flying V Center wherein all major UAAP, Volleyball and Basketball matches happen.

Santuario del Sto. Cristo Church

Interior of the Santuario del Sto. Cristo Church

We also visited the Santuario del Sto. Cristo Church which was put up by Dominican priests. It was where I learned St John the Baptist (who is still their patron saint) was originally housed here. Manila Cathedral had to put a relic of Sto. Cristo here in the past and so they put the St. John the Baptist at the separate Pinaglabanan Church which is a few kilometers away. People have passed on stories of miracles, so for the faithful, I suggest you make this a part of your San Juan experience.

Saw Edu Manzano who is running for Congress in San Juan, he obliged for photos. I think he had a presscon in the same restaurant we were in. There's tons of food in Green hills!

Last, we got ourselves immersed at the shopping mecca of Metro Manila, the Greenhills Shopping Center which is owned and operated by Ortigas and Co. Merchants and shoppers from across the country consider this the best place to get deals and regard it as a technological center for mobile phones and gadgets. There is a saying that “if people can’t fix it, bring it to Greenhills and they would”. Sure enough, I’ve spent quite a fortune buying clothes, shoes, bags and mobile phones here myself. I live nearby and this has been a center for commerce in the city, every tourist should visit the place and see why even locals would want to shop here!

It was so nice to see the city of San Juan in a different light. The Ejercitos (Sen JV and Mayor Guia) have done remarkable improvement and tons of infrastructure to service the people of San Juan and nearby cities. It was just a chance to see how they have cared for their constituents over the years... and still does until today. If I’m going to choose someone, I’d do it for their merits and I’ve seen they’ve done a lot of that in their city.

Honestly, it makes me wanna live there. 


The 2019 Champions for Health Governance Awards

Thursday, November 08, 2018

The 2019 Champions for Health Governance Awards on headway

It’s a little early for any press conference but this is something I am very passionate about. At the Max’s QC branch in Scout Tuason, three stalwarts of health particularly the Kaya Natin Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership and the Jesse M. Robredo Foundation and pharmaceutical company MSD is doing another installment of the Champions for Health Governance Awards. It started 2013 and this is their fourth one giving awards to top LGU’s that promote programs for health and prioritize the well being of their constituents as they show excellence in the executiin of their projects in accordance with UN’s sustainable development goals and the DOH’s goal of getting Universal Health Coverage for Filipinos nationwide.

Aica Robredo for the Jesse Robredo Foundation was present at the occassion

Acting Mayor Sara Garcia says “I am here as an acting Mayor but everything has a reason. I was a practicing Opthalmologist before I went into politics. By undertaking ethical strategies and seeking good leaders to build a just society. Kaya Natin is not partisan, champions for health governance is grounded on the UN Sustainable life goal and the implementation of the healthcare act especially in the city and municipality levels. Not only is there a cash grant but there will be a chance to become one of the organization’s champions as they efficiently implement their health programs. They will be screened with transparency, site validation, talk to Barangay and the people who receive the help from their health programs. Funding 100,000 for their health programs will go a long way and it has been able to help a lot in training professionals, provide facilities and materials for their future goals. I enjoin everyone to support out cause, from 10 we will choose 5 local government units that will get these grants so they can help their communities.”

Past winner of CHG Mayor Velasco of San Gabriel of La Union was there and he attested “You are the leads of a very noble cause that will affect the community. We are a 4th class municipality, our score cards always show our best effort because we are short on resources and in San Gabriel it has been a challenge. It is a time to review programs and analyze data for the local units. I presented in CHG how we do it for the baby and the elderly. I saw how it didn’t really need huge funds, the empowerment of people becomes a part of the solution. The local government should feel the needs of the communityand start dialogue to make sure health, education and livelihood are given to indigents and once they learned how to do it for themselves and the community, they get ownership on planning and solutions. The best ones come from the people themselves, in an enabling environment the health outcomes become better in promoting our initiative until now. I tell people about it in our town and they know they are part of that award, they know they can do so much more for the people. Thank you for making this appreciated, Mabuhay po kayo!”

Plaridel Bulacan Mayor Jocell Casaje adds “Thank you to all our champions for having us here, you are professionals, our small municipality is first class but we know how we all need resources. If the blanket is small we have to adapt, I am glad that in our town everyone is getting involved especially our mothers. We go to our outskirts and do our UHA program. We take care of babies, teenage mothers, funding through coinbanks so they can get checked by doctors through pre natal checkups and free birth facilities. We also do home visits for first time mothers and coached by our mother leaders while teaching them the right way to do breastfeeding and how to be environmentally apt. They also teach them how to plant moringa so they can lactate better with care packages so they take care of their children in their homes. This gives us a boost of morale, a multiplier effect as we invested it to our barangay leadership units so we could build a nutrition council, health facilities and midwives in enrolling them in maternal and obstetric care training. We are also rebuilding rural health units so we can better serve our people. Also with Senior Citizens, we will always cherish you giving us the name as Champions. We will do more.”

Dr. Beaver Tamesis the President and Managing Director of MSD says “I sincerely thank everyone for coming today. We have been doing this since 2013 to see who is commited to health and the UN goals you saw earlier. This is also in line with the thrust of government for Universal Health Care and we are impressed with the entries by highly urbanized cities to 6th class municipalities. We hope these programs by champions get copied by other cities and municipalities so they too can provide healthcare services. We believe in putting patients first and putting leadership programs in place. Our goal is “Inventing for life”. You are all partners in health and we hope this program continues. We are one with the countries aspirations in better health.”

Aica Robredo says “Thank you for being here to all our champions and our next ones. This is my first time attending this in leiu of my Mom and my Sister who knows the medical field. When my Dad was in DILG, he did it with good housekeeping. Local leaders are now thinking of solutions especially with little to no budgets and these people address their problems and the best solutions come from the people themselves. I am very excited to hear about your programs, JMR congratulates you in advanced. I know it is a tough job, but we are very honored to be part of this.”

Lead convenor of Kaya Natin! Movement Harvey Keh says “Thank you everyone and to our partners. This shows how important that different sectors work together if we want to promote quality healthcare. This is our fourth time and I am thankful that we are doing this again, that if you have innovative LGU’s , you have resulted in more productive citizens, that is our challenge to promote quality healthcare so we live the quality life we deserve. I am thankful that MSD trusts the foundation and programs for healthcare for mothers and different sectors of society. You flew here because you know how important healthcare is for your constituents. These winners have minimal resources but they do a splendid job with their health programs, we have to discover more by finding them. I am excited to see more LGU’s and their health workers, not just the mayor who does a pivotal role in it. The mothers and fathers, they do have a big role to play in making sure the community to make this another success. We hope we all take the challenge to do this in all our communities.”

Vice President Robredo sent a video congratulating the nominees and previous winners. She says his husband worked to nurture trust between the government and the people. She also says we should all continue to work on making sure goals for health programs are met with key people that participate in their own communities, with the same people who will benefit from it so they too can take ownership on the improvements they plan to make in their towns and cities.

This is a noble cause, you should help when and if your can.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

The Medical City Launches "TMC Partner Link"

Friday, June 21, 2013

It's been a while since I've been to Medical City in Ortigas and the last thing I've heard about them was where some of my celebrity friends mentioned some lapses in customer service (re: Rocco Nacino's encounter with a Doctor) but it's a good thing they are constantly trying to make improvements and making it less of a hassle for patients. Last June 19, they launched a program called "TMC Partner Link" where they provides patients and partners easy and secure access to their medical records. This is actually done via the Internet, and what's great is that this is all free - NO CHARGES at all.

(Image from and not mine)

This new facility actually would contain the patients laboratory and radiology diagnostic results. This also will show summaries of the patient's activity after their discharge. Wherever they are, whenever they are, they can also see personal health trackers that enable them to monitor vital signs through a graphic interface. They would be able to see blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and weight which is fully synced on the hospital's electronic medical records, a feat that other hospitals in the country has never done yet. This system also allow doctors to monitor their patients without frequent hospital visits making the meager communication way efficient equivalent to a real deal consultation. 

Dr. Mike Muin, Health IT Head of The Medical City says that the portal also employs a strict identification verification and authentication procedure to protect sensitive medical records and personal information from unauthorized access. All data is securely stored on a repository inside the confines of The Medical City. Users who have been admitted from June 24, 2013 onwards will be offered the service as part of their standard admission procedures. They just need to visit the hospital's website For those who have been confined earlier can easily call or email TMC’s Customer Service Department to sign up for a Partner Link account and have the same privileges as these patients.

Congratulations on making innovations like these. If you would like to visit The Medical City, they are located along Ortigas Avenue in Pasig City. You can call them at +632 988-1000 or +632 988-7000. You can also email them at, or visit I sincerely hope you continue making your patients lives easier, better, healthier and safer. Your innovations speak highly of you, 40 years of service to the Filipino people is an extraordinary feat.

For more information

Please visit their website at
