Showing posts with label heart attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart attack. Show all posts

Understanding Cardiac Arrest by St. Jude Medical

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It pays to learn how to take care of your heart.
Photo by Mercola.

Some of you guys may not know but I am a little worried about my health. Doctors usually tell you that heredity plays a very important factor to what conditions you may encounter later on in life. I am not as lucky as you guys because my family has history of High Blood, Heart Conditions, and Diabetes. To make matters worse, I have them in both sides of my family.


It pays to educate yourself about what is happening when you are the one affected. We need to basically know how everything works and how to take care of ourselves. Living a healthy lifestyle, a good diet and grueling sessions in the gym would be a nice regimen to eliminate the possibilities of sudden cardiac arrest. That's one thing that I fear because it happened to most of my relatives without warning.

I got my Dad checked up yesterday and of course he still is under medication for his heart and diabetes. It’s like a lifetime of medication because this will somewhat become maintenance for him. My Mom on the other hand is trying to get rid of her diabetes. She is also under medication and trying other herbal supplements to battle this sickness we got from our bloodline. I just wish someday if I get what they have, I'd par better in treating the condition. With the information I also read off the Internet that there are several things that you can do to eliminate recurrence and prevent this condition. One particular procedure includes an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. New technological advancements for the treatment of the heart condition may soon progress and become the ultimate cure. St. Jude Medical Doctors explain in lay man's terms how it works and how to take care of it. I highly recommend you visit to find out more if you are at risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Knowledge is power.


ELY BUENDIA: Out of the hospital! ^_^

Sunday, September 07, 2008

My idol is now out of the hospital! Weeeee!

I am ecstatic! Yesterday when I watched a couple of local showbiz shows in you know where they reported that Ely is out and fine! ^_^ Weeeeeeeee!!!! Now the heavy process of not working and resting for 2 whole months is needed to recuperate from the angioplasty (that was a lil hard to pronounce!) surgery he got from Heart Center ^_^

Things are looking great from hereon... he just needs to get his medicine and checkups in tact so it won't happen again... of course the 2 month vacation is not that bad!

Now we wait until ERASERHEADS (his former band) would perform part II of the much awaited REUNION concert.... Ain't that a nice thing to know!? ^_^

Ely Buendia undergoes ANGIOPLASTY

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Surgery again was done to my hero Ely Buendia

The manager of Ely Buendia confirmed Monday that the former Eraserheads frontman underwent another angioplasty procedure Monday morning following the band's Saturday reunion concert that was cut short by his hospitalization.

Buendia suffered from hypokalemia, a medical condition in which the concentration of potassium in the blood is low. He was administered with a potassium intravenous fluid for the said condition, they added.

Buendia, 37, had a previous heart attack in January 2007. He previously underwent two angioplasty procedures (a surgical operation where narrowed or blocked arteries are widened) at the Philippine Heart Center after doctors found at least two blockages in his arteries.

The Eraserheads, formed in the late 1980s, was the most successful Filipino band of the 1990s, and is widely credited for reviving the Filipino band scene. I on the other hand know they are the reason bands and the music scene is alive in the Philippines!

They broke up in 2002, but the members are still active in different bands.

Guy's I ask you to pray for my idol, my hero Ely Buendia! Thank you for keeping him safe God!