Showing posts with label hillary clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hillary clinton. Show all posts

Hillary Clinton Coming to the Philippines

Monday, November 09, 2009

It looks like the 3rd highest official in the United States is coming over to the Philippines. People are talking about this being another VFA matter in the works but both Malacanang and the US Ambassador Kristy Kenney denied these reports because she is looking forward to visit flood stricken areas and see if the relief efforts have been done. This is a noble act and I hope it stays that way. More of the rightists groups would probably be in the vicinity when she comes and probably preparing for a huge protest. I think that is one thing uncalled for.

I'm still tired by the way because I just went to the Nuffnang event yesterday and covered another event in ASCEND last Saturday. I only had an hour for sleep so I am still trying to recover. I hope I do not get sick doing these things. =)

Glad to meet another blogger and she told me about another small gathering of Philippine bloggers. I will go to that event and probably shoot about it too. I'll post pictures later! I am still in the process of editing them. Visit her site please by clicking here! Thanks Queenie! =)

Hillary, welcome to the Philippines! Thanks for visiting this third world country! LOL

By the way, she plans to visit Marikina soon... stay tuned for that!


Hillary Clinton is the next Secretary of State! ^_^

Sunday, November 30, 2008

How bout a round of applause! Standing Ovation! Oohwoohhooooh yeah! It ain't Rihanna but it's Hillary for the Secretary of State on Monday!

State Secretary Condoleeza Rice is not the only female that is going to be running the White house. Sources from the transition team of Barack Obama is not only going to be supported in the campaign by Hillary Clinton, she is also going to be the next Secretary of state!

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, they are getting Hillary to perform this daunting task as state secretary. She will be the one tasked to go to other countries to represent the US. This is the highest she can go and I really know she can do international affairs. Who are we to undermine her performance as first lady right?

Now, it would be just funny that Bill would have more time alone...hahaha!
