Showing posts with label iblog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iblog. Show all posts

The iBLOG7 Experience: While on a Writer's Block

Saturday, April 02, 2011

I attended the recently concluded IBLOG7 at UP Diliman Malcolm Theater this Saturday and boy it was good! I got to rub shoulders with blogging superstars and people from the industry that I barely know... I mean I'm just a speck in the Internet cloud and they have thousands of readers so who am I to complain right? LOL

Anyway... I was actually laughing about this topic that they had about having a writer's block. I mean how in the world could anyone have that if they are blogging in the first place? (a couple of times I even said that's a stupid topic!) Then I got into my laptop that evening and started to write. That cursor started blinking after clicking the New Post link. Then BOOM! I was just there... staring at my laptop screen not knowing what to do. I didn't know what to write about. Ironic I know. I was laughing about it but sheesh.. I didn't see that coming. Oh yeah I had my own official Writer's block after that day... then came Sunday.. Monday... well 2 whole unproductive days later I'm writing about it now. So that I think is a good thing I learned after IBLOG7, cool huh!?

When I arrived in UP that day I wasn't expecting much since it was just my first official IBLOG event. I said I'll just stay in the sidelines and pretend like I'm a wallflower like most things I go to but you tend to still have that hope that you'll get something out of it even if I was a noob for things like these. That ain't no April Fools thing, I'm used to pretending that I don't exist and let everyone fly by. It's a trait I developed when I don't like the crowd. But you know, I gave it a shot... I was impressed how hassle free and organized the event was. I breezed through the door and came in the theater... surprised everyone was actually looking at me when I came in. I thought I disturbed something but I think it was because they already have introduced themselves and a couple of us didn't. I was late so I sat comfortably at the back and decided to just observe. I did introduce myself as a porn site ha-ha! Wanted to be witty but I was nervous so that didn't work. Got a couple of laughs... and that's about it!

I listened to the speaker... it was about Advocacy Blogging. I'm not matapobre. I'm not. I just have low tolerance for people who don't understand. That subject was a little elementary for me. I think I know what that means. It's not for everybody. I think its a calling. If you find love in doing good deeds and don't ask a single cent for it then by all means its for you! If you have second thoughts or think you still need to earn from it I think it is unethical. That maybe untrue for some of you. But that's how I know you do it. Else, find some other niche!

GMTristan of levelupgames made short work of explaining how social networks such as Facebook could help market your online property. Well let me say I kinda liked what he did about his page so I did mine this morning... does this look more appealing now? LOL!!!

I think its better than just the cow's cuteness there. From the photoshoot I did last week, he gave me a brilliant idea to put em here. So there... I learned from you even if I play RAN and CABAL ha-ha! =) Don't you just wanna click it?! Ha-ha!

Next up was about Building a Discussion Community. I think there are several things on my mind that kept me interested about that subject. I have 7 forums under my belt that need the information he shared. I guess I have been doing that for the past few months. Maybe the part where trolls were discussed was special to me. I don't really permit them in my forum sites because 1. The company I host them for doesn't allow it and 2. I have low tolerance on people who's not in the right mind giving their opinions. I'm very impressed by his credentials... I should probably take a look at his site later this week. I need to be informed with Gundam and Macross. I think it was the early 90's where I got interested with them... then got off the geek bandwagon when someone stole my magazines. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two there. You should too!

I remember the Mommy Psychologist con Cute Doggie who said her stuff about what social- behavioral changes has happened after Facebook... she's got a lot of good points. Extroverts became a lot noisy... and Emo types had a channel to put their stuff too! I can relate because I just got my Emo hair in the hangers now. I like what happened to her diet though... impressive before and after photos to the delight of bloggers like me who forgot to go back to the gym after getting sick a few months ago LOL!

I didn't go to the first day of IBLOG7 but there was a lot of stuff that went on with the planned blog organizations for professionals. There was also some plans of a national thing with it. I heard what they said from the sidelines. For me it's still a resounding HELL NO. I ain't into letting a "government" or "organization" shutting me and my loud mouth when I want to do things on my site. Much of lifestyle and things that are here are with my views. I keep it real. I'm already done with that. About the whole etiquette thing I'd rather have it as an unwritten rule. I won't comment on that anymore because a lot has been already said. As for me and my writer's block I think I got over that a few paragraphs ago. LOL... Thank you to the organizers of IBLOG7! You deserve more credit for the job that you do! I'll be there next time!

P.S. As you can see I didn't have that much photos from the event because my camera lost juice. I've got a video I'm posting soon. So watch out for that in the next few days!
