Showing posts with label image. Show all posts
Showing posts with label image. Show all posts

Toshiba’s “True Image” Technology: Because Seeing is Believing!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Toshiba has been leading innovation on electronic products since time in memorial. I have been witness to that since it's our TV for the past year. More products seem to be released and I got hold of this information a few days ago.

The sets you see behind Director Paul Soriano and top Tech Blogger Abe Olandres is the new CEVO 4K. It got the second generation 4K video processing engine which is made and designed by Toshiba. They have spent years of research and development in bringing you the best “True image” you can possibly have at home. “True image” means the closest image possible that you can have compared to real life. Making it life like is truly an experience that their company promises for every Filipino home... and now, they delivered.

This is now "The Best in its Class" and you can evidently see it on Blu-ray, HD TV and 4K video output on these TV's. Mr. Yuuji Motomura who spearheads product planning for Toshiba’s TV division says “Televisions are being made to create a wow feeling, the bigger the screen, the more excitement. It is not enough that the TV screen is big; it also has to be equipped with the technology that maintains the high picture quality to enhance the viewing experience.”

The company promises that in every TV set of this standard and engine, they will have 90% of the original content, which provides a great sense of reality while watching. I would definitely want this for my own living room. Ours lasted for years too so I'm gearing to have something worthy to replace it. Another Toshiba with this technology would definitely work.

For more information about Toshiba and their new release

Please visit their website


Be Inspired!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009



I have been appreciating art in its many forms since I have taken photography as a hobby. Actually I have taken it seriously in the past few months since I had my cam. It is quite different now than when I first thought of it. It gives you the bolder and wider perspective when you see beauty and its many forms. I also see the work behind every little detail they put into it. It is hard but I guess you would really appreciate it more for what it's worth.

There is an artist named CAO YONG who is the official artist of the 2008 Olympics. I have taken deep appreciation of his work because of its outstanding attention to detail. He also takes pride in what we understand in the forms of art from China. Sometimes you do get into trouble with the communist government but I think he has weathered that a lot. In the illustrations he showed, he was treating each of these experiences a challenge. I saw some of his work here and I was definitely inspired to work more for my craft. I would not be as famous as he is but to think about it, I can do that too. The site also has some options to purchase images of his work so it would go to charitable institutions in the United States. I was inspired with Cao Yong, you should too!



Dita Von Teese Sues for Illegal Image

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I like her I reaaaally like her so much! ^_^

The first time I heard about Dita Von Teese was when the first Belo Ball was held in Manila. I was really wondering who she is and what she may have done to draw a crowd with all Manila's limelight included in it. Hmm... then I saw her pictures on the net and just went crazy over her. Okay, I admit I do have a little crush on her. I never saw "beauty" fashioned this way.

Got me googling for a couple of hours and found a video that probably skyrocketed her career because of a UK/Europe based burlesque performance. I was at an awe! I never knew that she is everything I hoped for a lady... watch this clip so you know what I mean...

I just read articles off the Internet and saw that she is suing a company for illegally showing her photos without her permission and probably put it also on a book. I know how hard she probably have worked to get this fame but for this company to even not pay for it? I think they should... they owe her BIGTIME right? I mean what if that happened to you, wouldn't you feel offended? I just hope someone acts on this. (-_-)"
