Showing posts with label india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label india. Show all posts

Flavors of the World: Incredible India

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

When you hear about India, what do you think makes it special? Is it the monuments made of love? Is it the wildlife? Is it the people? I'm sure most of you would agree it's the food! India is one of the most unique destinations to go to because their understanding of how to use spice is just unbelievable. This is why Sofitel Manila is featuring Flavors of the World: Incredible India. Now your love for spices will go to a whole new level as they feature different dishes at the best buffet spot in the Philippines (which is their restaurant) called SPIRAL. 

Starting from September 11 - 17 Chef Halim Ali Khan will prepare a full blown Indian feast at the Indian atelier featuring the best of Northern Indian cuisine. 

A representarive from the Indian Embassy spoke in front and said "India would like to congatulate Sofitel for being part of the 70th year of independence of India. I wish you all the very best!"

Chef Halim adds "Indian food is popular amomg Filipinos and tourists as well, I hope you will like the Indian food we prepared at Sofitel's atelier's. You will get to know more about our country, all our 27 provinces and how dishes differ in every region. We hope you come back this week as we celebrate our independence."

After that we had a showcase of Indian fashion courtesy of the Indian Embassy:

Now aside from the gorgeous outfits, they also have turned Spiral into an Indian inspired dining area. You'll feel, smell and eat like Kings and Queens in Manila's best buffet, so call 8326988or email them at if you want to reserve.

Thank you Sofitel Manila! 

Calling India Better

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

have my cousin Quincy in India. She got married last year to a man we haven't met before. I think she met him in the same corporation she works for that caters to international clients. I literally had no idea when she transferred residency from New Jersey to Mumbai. I know it was kind of abrupt and thinking about it, it was like a whirlwind romance; ones that you only get to read off romance novels. It just started with long distance calls and a couple of email exchanges. She told me it was nothing serious when we talked because I know it would be impossible with the distance. After a few months she just contacted me and told me the circumstances... she called using calling cards that made everything look like the guy was next door.

Reliance India call also provides this service and they are better. Other ordinary VOIP services have everything metered and literally costs too much. Much to my surprise, they don't have any hidden costs for hang up/disconnected calls. They do not even charge anything for maintenance or long usage. That to me is a number one requirement when doing business. I applaud my cousin for getting this far with her relationship and business because we know how important hearing a person's voice is. It makes you feel the other person on the line and empathize in real time. I know things would have been never possible if not for this technology. I love how it works and from the looks of it, I'll recommend this to my colleagues in the BPO industry so they can call India better.


Mumbai, India Terror Attacks

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Firefighters try to douse a fire at the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, India.

Photo by Associated Press

I watched CNN this morning and saw the attacks in Mumbai, India. I saw a lot of people dead... last count was 120 I think... and they are still holding some hostages. I know a couple of people in that city because of my work... and some of them are also my blogging friends. I together with other people are extremely worried. This is a true act of terror.

Muslim Militants thought to be tied to extremists outside of this country stormed railway systems, business establishments and now this hotel this Wednesday and Thursday in a so called coordinated attack against this country, their prime minister said.This is creepy, he's one of the terrorists who stormed the Taj Mahal Hotel. Look at his face OMG! O_O

World leaders are appalled by the said act and urged the government of India to take quick actions to stop this acts of terror throughout their country. I just hope this does not happen to yours or my neighborhood! I pray that everyone would be safe... and these terrorists be put to justice after these attacks. As of this writing they are still holding hostages inside the building and in different locations around India. Let us pray for them that they get through this.
