Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts

The Memories Comes Crashing Back To Me

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I was actually thinking of what particular big ticket item I should buy for myself this year. I reward myself every now and then but I don't have anything particular in mind right now so I asked my friends. They immediately told me to purchase a motorbike. It is quite popular in our neck of the woods but when I heard that particular mode of transport; I begged off. Why you ask?! I might need an Austin Injury Lawyer to defend me on this one since they are the experts, but let me tell you a little story about why I never wanted this 2 wheeled wonder.

I always liked cars, bikes and the likes. I used to sell them too a few years back. I always wanted those big ones in Mission Impossible and eventually I had the chance to own one. I had a good looking best friend (adored by many women then) who got me into the hobby taught me how to ride it. I also joined several groups and in a couple of months I was quite getting the hang of it.

My best friend went to work one day and forgot to bring his helmet. While on the road another bike turned around without signals and crashed with his bike. He flew into that other vehicle and got his face smashed on it. He had to be rushed to the hospital and got his face into surgery. To survive, he had to have a couple of titanium plates and screws implanted on his face just to survive. It was hard on their family because they had to dish out a few thousand dollars and the other party was barely giving funds. They needed help so badly. I did everything I could but I knew what they needed at that time were lawyers to get them what they need for damages; and justice he deserves. After that I never wanted to ride my bike again. I sold it too. It was a sad day but we had to move on with our lives. I'm also glad that he is still alive!


Think About It!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have been a witness to various hardships of special people. Since I was a kid I was brought up by my folks with an entirely different outlook in life. I have a cousin I always tag along with that had special needs. He had irreversible brain injury because of an accident and his parents had to resort letting him undergo rehabilitation and therapy. It was all they can do because at that time there was not much information about his condition. There are currently no organizations even today in the Philippines that could help explain things. Heck there was no Internet connection then when this all started. I wanted to help them too but I can only do much. Today I can only say that only the organization for CEREBRAL PALSY and AUTISM has gone main stream; the rest probably had no funding and capability to organize.

I feel terrible that this had to happen to one of my own family member and if you think about it, no one should suffer this way. I am glad and happy though that even in the midst of adversity there has never been any less love for him. I really felt that things are better now; and if it was easy to deal with this condition it was because everyone helped a lot. The acceptance was secondary to watching how his family worked to make things bearable. I am proud of what they have accomplished and this for me has been a learning experience in one way or another. Do you have family members who are in the same condition as my cousin is?! How do you deal with it?! Let me know what you think!
