Showing posts with label invisible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label invisible. Show all posts

Dove Men + Care Invisible Dry Tested on 100 Colors of Cotton Fabric

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hi people! I'm John, and just like many of you, I'm fond of wearing black shirts. It could be any shirt, any color, but I'm fond of it because it makes me look thin. I'm sure some of you probably know that. 

The problem with wearing clothes of this nature is, when you use deodorants and it ain't that dry, it gets caught in it. I painstakingly make sure I don't do that but kinda forget when I'm in a hurry. You see, if you're not careful, it will really damage your clothes no matter what material that is. I'm sure you've experienced that, seeing your thousand pesos worth of cotton shirts ruined in one use. That's not a good thing. Dove Men Care has something up their sleeve though, it makes you "not think at all" about your clothing when you use it everyday. Have you heard of invisible dry?

Now if you're worried about white deodorant stains on your clothes, this antiperspirant from Dove Men Care won't do that at all. It's alcohol free, works 48 hours and has moisturizer so you won't get irritated. That's quite reassuring to know especially when it's hot outside and you know it will cause US Filipino men to sweat profusely. I mean, would you hang out with men when you see this on their clothes? That's just nasty, and if you think about it, if countless men have been having this problem and they stand beside you in buses or MRT trains, wouldn't that be a yucky moment? Exactly, that's why they probably made something to get that fixed.

Dove Men Care wants you to enjoy your day and never have to deal with any of these unhygienic things on your head. Aside from that, they've made it convenient for you to use if you prefer it in spray form or roll-on's which are still popular in the country. 

In this hot weather, men shouldn't be the one ending up smelly. Men should take care of themselves much like their family. Make sure you stock up on needed underarm care and get the best there is in the market without worrying about that shirt getting ruined. Women should get their men educated too, a little reminder won't hurt. This is technology in a bottle, which should be welcomed with open arms without that nasty thing under it. This has been done in 100 colors of fabric, have you heard the other brands do that? No.


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Sorry I Said That, Smile!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

I admit I made fun of some of my classmates when I was in high school because they wore full metal braces. Back then I did not realize that it was actually a good thing that they were doing it. Years after that, I saw their photos and the treatments obviously made their smiles improve. I felt sorry for doing that but it was actually the thing everyone was doing back then. I know I apologized a lot when I offended people and that was not an exception. I'm glad I was forgiven and now even my nephews and nieces are doing the same thing. Good thing there are advancements in technology that would spare this thing I did to people in the past. I looked at Invisalign Braces Austin and saw a whole new way of aligning teeth. It's quite convenient and affordable plus I won't see them in the same predicament as this one doesn't have those metal parts anymore. I saw people wearing it and it's like they are not wearing anything at all. What a wonderful thing they have invented huh?!

I hope someday there wouldn't be any prejudice against people braces because of this technology. I'm sure you know someone who still wears those metal ones, so please go ahead and inform them about this. You'll spare them a period of humiliation from mean people like me. Again, I'm so sorry I did those things in the past! I'll spread the news and tell my friends about it now.
