Showing posts with label jennifer lopez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jennifer lopez. Show all posts

JENNIFER LOPEZ and OWEN WILSON Surprisingly Good in Romcom MARRY ME

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Just got out of the cinema after watching MARRY ME, the much awaited movie starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Lopez. In it, they commit to a marriage through a live audience. This advanced screening is a treat from Universal Pictures and of course Araneta City's Gateway Cineplex. 

The premise is a wedding wherein there's 20 million people in attendance, a marriage on stage of a pop star and a latin hunk, dubbed as the biggest wedding in the world... but what happens if she finds out that he’s cheating? 


Owen Wilsom plays a mormal Dad (Charlie Gilbert), a divorcee who takes good care of his daughter. He’s also a math professor, who didn’t hear about Kat (Jennifer Lopez) and Bastian (oh he's such a dbag - played by Latin star Maluma) prior to this. He had to go to the concert because he got complimentary tickets, brought along his daughter too so that he wouldn’t pass the opportunity to become a cool dad for once. When she (Kat) found out that she was getting cheated on by Bastian, she thought of choosing a random guy in the audience, and Owen was seen holding a "Marry Me" placard, and she then said yes. He went on stage after being egged by everyone, and that started their story. 

I like the part where Kat (the character of JLo) said “If you want to do something different, you have to do something different.” Also loved the different outfits JLo wore, plus the song numbers are also concert worthy, you get a movie and a concert all in one! I loved it, kinda liken it to her 2002 Maid in Manhattan work but a whole lot better story wise. She made me cry a few times during the Mathlon, but you've got to find out why (no spoilers here!).


Oh by the way, Gateway Mall has pretty nice cinemas. They're currently employing one seat apart and no food rule inside theaters. You can carry drinks though, understandable because they are following IATF rules. Novotel also is offering wedding and Valentines day packages (if you haven't thought about arranging a lavish date for your boyfriend or girlfriend this might be an opportune time to do it). They're under Accor who also manages 5 star hotels in the Philippines. Pizza Hut also is doing food promos which you can avail in restaurants nationwide, you may opt to eat before or after the movie. 

Marry Me will be shown in theaters starting February 9th in cinemas nationwide, but if’s a good thing to watch in Araneta City Gateway Cineplex if you are near the area. If you are a fan of JLo, you definitely should not miss this. Valentines date? yeah!


Second Act Mirrors Workforce Issues

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Who says life is fair? It really isn’t.

Now how far would you go to really fix your life!? Would you be okay living simply or would you rather go ahead of the pack and live a life of lies?

These are the questions that will be asked in the movie Second Act which stars Jennifer Lopez and Vanessa Hudgens. Yes, this movie felt it was much like the second coming of Maid in Manhattan but it was more of women empowerment, less the drama and stress because everyone was so accepting. The film also discusses the reality of teen pregnancy, adoption, being homeless and how opportunities only usually go to booksmarts and not street smarts. Jennifer Lopez is always endearing, you will always root for her and the reason I mentioned it is not stressful is because it falls into place and it makes her life susceptible to misfortunes, but she gets to still fix it with second chances. Vanessa Hudgens on the other hand was brought up well, aggressive but not to the point of hating, not to the point of being a b!tch, she really isn’t.

If you do love Maid in Manhattan on some level, this will surely be something you would love too. This is also distributed by Viva Entertainment in the Philippines. Go watch it on January 30!

American Idol XIII on Star World!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Last season, I would have loved to see Jessica Sanchez win American Idol. Even though it didn't happen, she still is tops. I was able to see her a couple of times during her stint with Bench and some other Philippine endorsements. She's rightfully famous... and I'd like to see this happen again. Filipinos are GREAT singers and I've seen Filipino Americans shine in this competition.

Today, they're going all out as the new judge Harry Conick Jr. joins the gorgeous Jennifer Lopez and hunky Aussie Keith Urban completes this season's lineup. They will choose together with the American people who's going to be the new American Idol. Auditions are now done in even more cities and states such as Salt Lake City, Utah; Detroit, Michigan; Atlanta, Georgia, Boston, Massachusetts; Austin, Texas; and Omaha, Nebraska. Hundreds and thousands of hopefuls will line up the streets and fill up stadiums, concert halls and try to get this title. Plus, my favorite portion of the show... the crazy ones will still be there and try their luck too. Who knows? They might get to perform and seen by the whole world too! :)

Don't fret if you don't know where to watch the show because American Idol XIII will be shown on January 16 (6PM via Satellite, then 8PM and 11PM) , that's this Thursday on Star World! It's going to be a regular thing like last year so sit back, relax and let's all join the bandwagon to see who's going to win the 13th season of American Idol!


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